Thinking there's going to be any kind of race war

>thinking there's going to be any kind of race war
I think you people are greatly underestimating the passiveness of whites.

Attached: South Africa.png (1024x683, 6K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's called being civilized, put keep pushing them and;

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Whites don't like to kill other people, because we're too good at it. You get a guilty conscious when you're the best at wiping out other races. That's why we rather be civil.

I can't even fathom how many people that is.


Also this^

But in all seriousness, if those kaffirs in parliament think that they can take our land and the means of defending ourselves from the uneducated nigger hoards, they've got a whole nother thing coming.

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Don't piss off the white kids too much. We all know what happens... If you corner a dog, dont be surprised if it rips you head off.

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If pol had a meetup, itd look very similar to that, dont you even think about it again.

>if those kaffirs in parliament think that they can take our land and the means of defending ourselves from the uneducated nigger hoards, they've got a whole nother thing coming
Yes, if by 'whole nother thing' you mean more gibs and bending over. It's time to face the music, man.

If even one of those beasts steps on my property Ill show them just how fucking ready I am for the rest of them.

The only thing I'll be worrying about is which gun I'll be using to end it's pitiful existence on Christ's green Earth.

Attached: Deserved.jpg (2318x1693, 2.07M)

What if a whole hoard of them show up? You can't kill them all can you?

Not enough unfortunately

No I wont, but alot more of them are going to die then me.

Look, they've taken up arms and won't hesitate to genocide you to steal everything you and your ancestors built. Political correctness won't let anyone outside help for at least a couple more years. You either have to use their subpar intelligence against them to get them to do what they do best (aka tribal infighting) or come home and go back when they inevitably destroy themselves.

War is inevitable.

If I can get out of ZA and claim Asylum I will...

But if I cant....its one hell of a positive K/D for me then.

sadly true, decades of marxist brain surgery and oestrogen/flouride being pumped into whites has basically left them defenceless, there will always be a few true warrior types, but not enough, especially when cofronted by millions of men who desire violent confrontaion and have been programmed to kill

Speak for your own sodomized shithole. Bongs are dead.

Dont forget everything the Boers have survived. Not even imperial Britain could really defeat them. They had to resort to throwing women and children into concentration camps just to get the boers to surrender.

The africans have numbers but the whites have technology and tactical know-how. They aslo have a very sophisticated communications network and when the shit hits the fan, high powered weapons will pop out of nowhere, I guarantee it.

I'm South African, you are correct the bongs are so done, as are the white south africans, different reasons but results will be the same.

Dont underestimate these bastards, all im saying.

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>Mutt giving us shit
Fuck off you fat cuck, unlike you Afrikaners have an actual history and culture

Never forget.

Attached: 28162227_1583518188351451_6706117534581979873_o.jpg (2048x1393, 593K)

trips checked
circumstance dictates uppitiness/passivity

>Bongs are dead.
So funny how you mutts manage to delude yourselves through memes that you're less fucked than >90% white Europeans.

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A bunch of Brits who thought white South Africans where passive and nonthreatening.

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Blacks have a chimpout every six months. It's relatively minor, they destroy some public property and it only affects small areas.

Whites have a chimpout every 50-80 years. It's on a massive scale, it destroys entire countries and it affects entire continents.

mfw the last white chimpout was 73 years ago

Imperial British soldiers were the minority and fought hard despite being outnumbered in Afrikaner's own territory, who did most of their damage through hiding in terrain and performing guerilla raids on unprepared troops. And yet, the Brits still won at the end of the day and South Africa became part of the British empire. Afrikaners back then were also much tougher and more white and more religiously fanatic, and lived harsher lives than most modern Africans.

That's different compared to being outnumbered 20 to 1 by endless hordes of nogs and most Afrikaners being white trash druggie mutts or soft wealthy Boomers and Zoomers, same as the rest of the West. Going to the gym in your SUV with an whey protein iced latte and LARPing as mercenaries doesn't mean you'll win a full on bush war against millions of savages with nothing to lose and everything to gain from fighting you. The only thing that would protect the modern state of SA is technology, like drone and helicopter strikes on rebel camps, not a bunch of LARPing Afrikaner rednecks with rifles shooting at nogs with machetes to protect their cows. This isn't the 1860s anymore.


Whites have blue balls for committing genocide

Pic related

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Belgium is in dire need of a white chimpout brother

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What you going to do about it you fucking pussy Dutchman. You cunts were so soft you didn't even fight for your country like us Rhodesians. You cunts also sold us out so you deserve everything you get you yellow bellied soft pieces of shit.

They still beat your soft pussy asses Dutchman. Now the kaffer is going to fuck your wife and children once again.. Because you are nothing but a pussy Dutchman

I wasnt alive back then and believe me, when they snap the very thin line between us being peaceful and whatever the fuck this scary shit is Youll have North Rhodesia back aswell. We couldn't help you because if we had the entire international committee on our asses.

It's going to happen as soon as the economy crashes. I estimate in 5-10 years.

I see you still have hope, I myself am not so sure especially seeing the passiveness/general disinterest towards politics of the typical Belgian

Then again I'm Walloon so I can't speak for Flemish people

Got a DNA test you’re willing to show us?

Why is the answer always no when I ask? Do the tests not look good?

West-Flemish, so it's probably even worse, but the word neger is still used by 95% of the people. Even when niggers are present.

Usually lot's of respect for eastern euros (willing to work hard, just not very dependable), while there is an outright hatred for niggers and shitskins.

Waiting for a Saffer to show a DNA test.

Whites have always been a tolerant peaceful people. It took centuries of Muslim attacks before the first crusade. However, white people still exist today because those that wanted to destroy them in the past tried and failed. They will fail again.

Also "white" in the US census includes around ~20 million Jews, Arabs, Turks, Iranians, Armenians, Copts, Assyrians, Central Asians, Chechens and 1/4 non-white mixed people who identify as white. When you take into account the 30-40 million illegal Hispanics (99% of whom are non-white) the US is at best 50% white and dropping fast because of dying boomers, low birthrates and coalburning women.

>Got a DNA test you’re willing to show us?
>Why is the answer always no when I ask?

Because giving large coorporation your DNA is a terrible idea that only a mutt like you would agree with.

>the US is at best 50% white

USA is below 50% white. Go ahead and look at any image of Americans out there.

American youth is below 30% white.

>Because giving large coorporation your DNA is a terrible idea that only a mutt like you would agree with.

Learn your family tree the analogue method. You will learn more about your genetic behavioural propensities. You will learn why most European sir names are derivative of occupations. Cooper - makes barrels. Cook, Hunter, Smith, etc.

Says the pussy who left his country.

We're pretty good at it, though


Or in certain cases (like my own) they are descriptors of the clans that we came from. The Romans did that shit when they were romping around Europe

American whites are Euro-mutts. They rarely have non-white ancestry.

South Africa whites are mutts with sub-Saharan African, Malay and Asiatic Indian ancestry. They don’t post their DNA results on Jow Forums because they’re humiliated to admit their DNA is dogshit.

Use the Zulus to do your fighting. Since Zulus are an invading tribe who caused Mfecane, the great scattering, they are the enemy to the Khoisan and NGoni and can be used as a proxy army. Standard war tactic.

>But in all seriousness, if those kaffirs in parliament think that they can take our land and the means of defending ourselves from the uneducated nigger hoards, they've got a whole nother thing coming.
Don't be foolish. There is nothing preventing the ANC from hiring mercenaries to do the complex warfighting. They could hire the Chinese to operate drones and artillery and other heavy weapons which would obliterate you easily...
Those that stay and fight, die. Those that run, live.

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I read like 200 000 people fit in there


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btw this video originally had over 100 000 views like most National-Socialist videos. White people are awakening

>despite being outnumbered
How ignorant do you have to be to even think this

Well something is happening and some people are up in arms. The rest will probably be collateral damage for the black zombie hordes.

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untill 20 000 000 zulu's turn on us like Dingaan did... no thanks

I'm cautiously optimistic the rhetoric will die down, but if land expropriation continues like it did in Zimbabwe, I will be the first one on a plane with an FAL to do my part.
>t. grew up in zim

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Nürnberg is now a giant hub of satanism. At least that's what I heard. Satanist scum are everywhere, hiding as punks, on markets etc.

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Also - take a look at the agricultural output of Zimbabwean farms following land reform - South Africa's ag sector is five to seven times the size of ours - can you imagine just how many people are going to starve if the farms start to fail?

Attached: Zimbabwe Food Production After Land Expropriation.jpg (1200x710, 87K)

South Africa is very reminiscent of Attack on Titan

>posting numbers for an entire war
you are like a little baby. watch this

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>US / Russia will allow this.

>US / Russia will allow this.
they have and will. happened to us in 79

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They already turned on you and want you out. The point is to deflect their anger towards the enemy, which either puts water on the fire for a while, or if they do infight, their military numbers reduce.


In Attack on Titan they eventually started doing shit and pushing back.

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Why staying in a country where you will always be a hated minority when you can leave peacefully somewhere else?

>if only you knew how bad things really are

Literally what they told zimbos in 1980, and 1987, and 1995, and 2000, and 2002
And now it's unlivable there

Attached: Harare Zimbabwe trash.jpg (566x387, 78K)

If pol had a meetup, only the kinds of people that go to pol meetups would show up.

west flanders is the most based part of flanders and belgium

They still think that there are no Whites outside of the farmlands


It needs to be everywhere when our (((leaders))) start WW3, refuse to be drafted, start fighting the traitors in the government.

If this is the strategy it puts them in an intractable position. Same goes for our brothers in Russia who are tired of corruption. Stop dying for oligarchs, don't let new oligarchs replace old ones.
