Proud Boys

Can I get a quick rundown on these edgelords? What do they even do?

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Fuck around and find out.


They beat people up for having opposing views because they're too illiterate to debate.

Communists don't want debates

They are pussies

Much bigger men than some faggots who hide on the internet

Goyim army.

They are the rake

line up to the corporate brainwash trough

Something about punching breakfast cereal.

Ah, so they’re far left, got it

Gentleman’s drinking club.

We aren't the ones showing up to opposition rallies to start shit. We gladly debate others. They just end up throwing bottles of piss like enraged monkeys.

Either that or they yell FASCIST SCUM GET OUT because they don't comprehend political discourse or know what fascism is.

They wear buttplugs and pretend to be right-wing

an activist group run by unironic homosexuals

Everyone else on pol hates ol gavin cus his wife is a nigger or something. I don't give a shit, I think he's hilarious and I love watching proud boys kick antifas ass.

>Be hipster Chad's
>Give Gavin a hobby
>Fall on sword for nothing

In fairness, it started as something that could have been positive for young men. There's a major vacuum of role models and rite of passage in America. Now they're the most obnoxious of tradcon cucks. And Gavin stopped having a sense of humor a long time ago. SAD.

appears to be a ole' timey male chauvinist club.

A gang of ruffians, think Gangs of New York.

Lol. Hipster leading the white and proud group.
Russian/Jewish subversion must be at an all time

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No they hate him because he put a butt plug up his butt and also made out with Milo. Who the fucks cares. We have enough sense as individuals not to sheepishly recreate or do what our founder did. Collectivists can't understand this so they automatically assume we all do it.

They are PCD's

Pretty Cool Dewds

Gay Sex Club

They’re a false flag to get the right to look violent

Gatekeepers who aren't prowhite and won't name the Jew. They just espouse Western values so they can mislead lost youth.

Lol you're a fucking cuck.