She was horrified. Apologize, pol

She was horrified. Apologize, pol

Attached: horrified.png (1060x898, 873K)

It's all too much

Attached: 1519704547132-pol.png (726x748, 418K)

She's going to tear them down again.

Attached: tearthemdown.png (1178x1237, 881K)

>I chose not to
>I chose

Yeah, that RECEDING HAIRLINE must bring all the boys over.
Bitch looks like pic related.

ok you win, its not okay to be white :(

She didnt tear it down. She took a picture and uploaded it to the net. So it exists on that tree eternally now. Thank her for spreading the meme.

More like Snozznow, amirite?

I'm moving to that area in a month, am I fucked leaf bro? Is it a den of lefty scum and villainy?

Is it not okay to be white?
Because that's all it says. Not "it's great to be white" or "it's best to be white".
I'm starting to think these people genuinely wants you dead.

Vanessa Schnozwow