This year China already launched more rockets in space than USA and Russia. But on top of that, China has the growing private space industry that can overtake SpaceX and other American new space companies in a few years.
China will dominate in space
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Soon the Americans will have another "sputnik moment" when they realise that they no longer have the leadership position in space domain
you know what are these?
Whatcha doin there, rabbi?
Just pointing the obvious and i'm not a rabbi
fucking idiots, falling for the space meme
Do we have a flat earther here? I support the Flat Earth movement in USA, because Americans have to be dumb and docile. Also, don't forget that NASA lies to you, be sure to tell everyone around you that Americans never landed on the Moon, because your race uncapable of achieving anything. You need to call everyone and start a movement to close NASA, because NASA is a hoax. Do that!
While China conquers space, Americans will all become flat earthers like this guy
>hasn't watched his own country's "space footage"
amerifats btfo
Forget that everyone in the world despises chinks?
you know who you faggots sound like? Loud, dipshit 'muricans with more nationalist pride than sense
whatever dude, China has control over the internet so people like you would get in jail for trying to spread misinformation about Chinese space program, but you are welcome to say that ISS is fake, that Hubble is not real, that American astronauts never fly in space and hide in the bunker. I don't care if USA will sometime descend into Middle ages and teach that the world is flat in American schools, i'm not against it, i think its the right thing. Your people should always look down, like pigs in the shed, you have no right to look at the stars, because stars don't belong to you. Stars and the sky belong to China and other superior Asian races. Americans deserve only to live in the dirt, not knowing even the shape of this world. Your kin should be kept in the darkness and ignorance, and i thank Flat Earthers who do their part.
china is israeli puppet same as usa .both nasa and chinses space agency will be integrated into israeli space agency
Jfc I can't tell if shill or underage but you certainly can't think for yourself
Whatever dude, do you have some flat earth material to bump my thread? Do your part in making America a dumb shithole, come on.
I don't know, ameriburgers have some scary shit in their military.
dude, we are on one side - you and i want Americans to believe in Flat Earth. So what is your problem? Why do you care if some other country will no believe in FE and will have rockets? You don't believe in rockets and ICBMs, so its harmless to you.
quit trying to be edgy, even if I do bump it doesn't "contribute to national ignorance." reread your posts and imagine anyone else saying it, you'd be laughing. it's good to support your people, it's dumb to take pride in shit you have no fucking influence over. unless you personally are building the rockets (and we both know you're not), you have no reason for all this bragging. chill
missiles don't fly in space. I thought asians were smart. guess the smart ones come here
>missiles don't fly in space.
I have nothing against this statement on the English speaking board. You can continue, you have my permission.
As someone who has lived a total of 18 months in China in recent years, I'll just remind you that China has become one of the most consumerist and soulless countries in the history of mankind.
Banning offensive nigger "music" and prohibiting people from showing tattoos on air isn't going to make any real change to that.
Thanks foreign fren
>He dosen't know that all of this is just a fucking public show that's hiding the secret space program of the globalist break-away civilization which is 100 years ahead technologically due to influence of ancient occult traditions and modern research on crashed "UFOs"
Hey Pajeet watcha doin?
CZ-5 that failed on both flights and your engines are trash and your structures are worse than 50 year old Russian designs. CZ7/9 are more paper than a freaking new armstrong