>I started the first episode, and it felt okay. Blurry motions are a pain, but that's something I can live with. I was ready to get cozy in bed and watch the full season this weekend. Sabrina's group of friends is .. diverse, but I felt it wasn't pushed. Boy was I wrong ! After the 20 minutes mark, here comes talks about White Supremacy, patriarchy, feminism and all of that. You have a white transgender being bullied by obvious bullies, but suddenly it turns out it's because of the White Patriarchy. You have one talking about "daughters of Black Panthers", as if the Black Panthers were a nice band of black boy scouts or something. I mean.. Come on ! Can we, for once, stop with all of this ? Politics are important, and should be discussed. Just not in TV shows, this has to stop. It doesn't feel as forced as in Charmed, but it's definitely there. I want my normal shows without an agenda being pushed down my throat every single second
I loved the show by the way great story line..
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Other urls found in this thread:
The comic is 100x better and has a wincest scene between Sabrina and her father.
This the girl who got molested by the Mad Men kikes?
so cute and pure desu
care to post it?
I could definitely see this show having a wincest scene.
>Mad Men
what? did they really do that. She is only 18.. that is messed up..
only between her nigger cousin
W-Will he use black magic to seduce her?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer in teen version.
Buffy was the teen version of Buffy. At least for the first few seasons.
MORE IMPORTANTLY: is Salem in the new series, and is he a puppet or goddawful CGI?
We knew they were going to poz the reboot, it's what they do. Did they fuck up the cat, though? Salem was the best thing about the original series. Even better then Sabrina's tight jeans and fluffy jumpers.
I think Salem will talk the next season. which I am excited about ..
anyone got her feet pics
Why would anyone remake a classic 90s TGIF series in order to spew leftist political commentary though?
Oh that's why.
also checked
based feetcat poster
it is sad really..
Show is awful. SJW bullshit and 100% faggotry. Made 8 mintues into episode 1 and shut it off.
It wasn't as bad as all that. The children are presented as having a child's understanding if politics.
it is not THAT bad, but at the start of the show, it was almost unbearable.
>Teenie bopper version
ftfy. Buffy was the teenage version of a bunch of mangas that probably exist.
It's that bad.
You’re overreacting. It was actually a decent watch
here my man, some of the best feet
Salem is great: youtube.com
Thing is, Sabrina always had a love triangle thing going on with a white chad and a nigger chad, and she chose the white chad. It's a typical teenaged girl powertrip fantasy, good looking boys competing over them. The aunts were heavily hinted at as lesbians. The council of wizards was camp as tinsel, even with Penn and Teller on it.
I have a theory that new shows can't get money unless they poz themselves for the SJW Office at Netflixx. I've seen several S1E1s that poz themsleves to the max in the first ten minutes, and then never, ever mention it again. It's almost as if the SJW Police only watch the first episode, and then only up to the first ad break slot. If they were ideologues, the poz would be constant all the way through.
I liked Sitcom Sabrina
give it a chance. my overall point is that the show would been so much better if they only focus on the story line instead of this FORCED pc bullshit.
Later in the season none of that came up, except, that one girl who wants to be a boy, kek.
>I have a theory that new shows can't get money unless they poz themselves for the SJW Office
I would be fucking mad if this is the case.
Oh, Nick Bakay.
kek, checkem.
Considering they are doing real satanic shit with baphomet all over the place and you are surprised they are promoting the left's agendas? Friendly reminder Soros invested a shit-ton in Netflix and ALL their original shows are utter evil garbage.
Hell they emailed out a "flier" that invited netflix users to "join them for Sabrina's 'Dark Baptism' where she pledges herself on her 16th birthday to the dark lord"...Burn netflix to the ground and the world would be a better place.
Quit watching TV. It's what's making you a faggot.
>head vampire has a black baby
>black witch calls sabrina a mutt
>sabrina has a black cousin (who is gay)
Fuck off.
George Soros is a large shareholder of Netflix. Not the least bit surprising that Netflix is pushing racemixing, transgender, and Jewish pedophile shit.