America's Final Warning

We have all been very distracted as of late. This is understandable, considering there has been an endless flow of happenings leading up to the mid-terms. Every once in a while, we need to take a step back and examine things on a macro level. We need to see the forest through the trees. Take a deep breathe, examine the state of the world political structure, and never lose sight of the endgame.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Quick rundown
>America/Russia relations at all time low
>American government totally taken over by foreign agents
>Mainly Chinese and Israeli
>media in on the whole game
>current justice system crippled by Mueller probe
>rhinos and neo-cons have convinced POTUS to move aggressively on Russia
>supposed to be to show detractors he wasn't in Putin's lap/illegitimate President
>move backfired horribly
>Russians feel betrayed and Putin personally insulted after assisting in ISIS takedown
>See Ukrainian arms deal as act of war
>Feel provoke by defense missile build up
>have gone to maximum security threat level since withdraw of arms treaty
>Calling Israeli BS left and right
>Economy under massive pressure
>Doesn't want Syria divided
>Doesn't want Iranian regime change
>Refusing to take blame for America's social collapse
>Putin sending clear and direct threats to American/Israeli war machine
>Putin giving the American public clear and direct warnings nuclear war is inevitable
>John Bolton is a massive war mongering faggot

Attached: putin.jpg (1880x1160, 226K)

I predict the GOP will take the Senate, but the House will be slim majority DEM

Death of all jews and niggers?

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We are on the cusp of something unthinkable since the Cuban Missile crisis. Our alphabet agencies, in co-operation with their agents in the MSM and tech companies, are preparing to run the biggest psy-op on the American public since 9/11.
Lavrov has confirmed Trump and Putin are to meet at the G20 on Nov 11th. In the meantime, it looks like we will have some major happenings on our hands. The media is already signaling a cyber attack will happen, it will be blamed on Russia, and there will be a response. Most likely because the leftist ideology is in it's death throws, and the only way they could justify losing on Tuesday would be to claim election hacking all over again.

You can read for yourself what Putin has to say about the mater. I just know this is not a man to be tested. I hope you've all made basic preparations. Everyone should be ready in this clown timeline

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>The Pentagon Is Reportedly Planning A Cyber Attack On Russia If They Interfere With Mid-Term Elections
>Expert Warns This Common Cyber-Attack Could Hit The Midterms Next Week
>Vladmir Putin Warns Americans They Are In Impending And Grave Danger
>In a fiery warning to rivals, Putin says any country that nukes Russia will 'drop dead'

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Direct quote, calling the media out for what dishonest scumbags they really are:
>I am not even going to hope that you are going to relay everything EXACTLY how i say it your publications, and neither will you attempt to influence your media outlets (to tell the truth)
>i just want to tell you this on a personal level
>Major global conflicts have been avoided in the past few decades, due to the geo-strategic balance of power, which used to exist.
>“The two super-nuclear powers essentially agreed to stop producing both offensive weaponry, as well as defensive weaponry.
>“It’s not in my nature to scold someone - but when the United States unilaterally withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty 1972 they delivered a colossal blow to the entire system of international security.
>“That was the first blow when it comes to assessing the strategic balance of power in the world.
>in 2002 I said we will not be developing such systems also (nuclear defense weapons) because A) it is very expensive, and B) we aren’t sure yet how they will work for the Americans.”
>“No matter what we said to our American partners to curb the production of weaponry they refused to cooperate with us, they rejected out offers, and continue to do their own thing.
>“Some things I cannot tell you right now publicly that would be rude of me and whether or not you believe me, we offered real solutions to stop this. They rejected everything we had to offer.”

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oh shit

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forgot one. Putin speaking at an international policy forum in Sochi
>'Only when we become convinced that there is an incoming attack on the territory of Russia, and that happens within seconds, only after that we would launch a retaliatory strike,' he said during a panel discussion at the forum.
>'It would naturally mean a global catastrophe, but I want to emphasize that we can't be those who initiate it because we don't foresee a preventive strike,' Putin said.
>'The aggressor should know that retaliation is inevitable, and he will be destroyed.'
>'We would be victims of an aggression and would get to heaven as martyrs,' while those who initiated the aggression would 'just die and not even have time to repent,' he added.
>The Russian leader also warned that new hypersonic missiles his country developed give it a military edge.
>'We have run ahead of the competition. No one has precision hypersonic weapons,' he said.
>'Others are planning to start testing them within the next 1 to 2 years, and we already have them on duty.'

Attached: Screenshot_2018-11-03 Putin says Russians will 'go to Heaven as martyrs' after a nuclear w (636x290, 36K)


another bump. welcome to nupol

guess i should have put a trap as OP pic, would get 50 replies at once

>Russians feel betrayed and Putin personally insulted after assisting in ISIS takedown
the balls on this annon "assisting"???

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Nice LARP. 10/10

Bumping your own thread? GTFO shill.


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>direct quotes, links, atricles
the absolute state of this board
Again, just summarizing Putin's own words

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-24 ISIS take 700 hostages in Syria and will execute 10 a day, says Putin.png (909x604, 278K)

When you see a braindead boomer, just tell them to begone.

I'd honestly rather be nuked than continue living in a kiked society.

no wonder the good posters and oldfags left this absolute shithole


fuck that. i have 2 kids and one on the way. i want off this ride


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>>America/Russia relations at all time low
no shit
>American government totally taken over by foreign agents
>Mainly Chinese and Israeli
no shit
>media in on the whole game
no shit
>current justice system crippled by Mueller probe
argue this point. how is the justice system "crippled" by the Mueller probe and not the systemic problem of constitution-shredding political judges across the spectrum?
>rhinos and neo-cons have convinced POTUS to move aggressively on Russia
trump is being forced to posture, but the posture is the status quo, it's literally meaningless
>move backfired horribly
>Russians feel betrayed and Putin personally insulted after assisting in ISIS takedown
if that's true then Russians are a lot stupider than i thought they were. i assumed the ultimate long-term political gamesmen this side of the jews would understand something like a lack of flexibility before the elections, to quote the magic nigger.
>See Ukrainian arms deal as act of war
>Feel provoke by defense missile build up
>have gone to maximum security threat level since withdraw of arms treaty
>Calling Israeli BS left and right
>Economy under massive pressure
>Doesn't want Syria divided
>Doesn't want Iranian regime change
>Refusing to take blame for America's social collapse
>Putin sending clear and direct threats to American/Israeli war machine
>Putin giving the American public clear and direct warnings nuclear war is inevitable
compared to your earlier points, this is convoluted nonsense and ten different issues rolled into one but pretending to have only one cause. nuclear war is inevitable, period, no matter what happens, anywhere.
>John Bolton is a massive war mongering faggot
no shit
overall 8/10 good post compared to the kike slide this week.

You'd rather have enslaved children? Why don't you just put a chain around their necks and gift them to some Saudi prince and save the trouble you fucking cowardly piece of shit?

I want to drink kike blood

>I'd honestly rather be nuked
>fuck that. i have 2 kids
>you fucking cowardly piece of shit?
Take your crazy pills user.

>argue this point. how is the justice system "crippled" by the Mueller probe and not the systemic problem of constitution-shredding political judges across the spectrum?

too many people in the Federal government are afraid to take any meaningful action against the illegitimacy of the Mueller probe because they fear the political consequences and fallout. Ample evidence exists to prove this beyond doubt, but no one does shit and the public believes the lie.
>trump is being forced to posture, but the posture is the status quo, it's literally meaningless

not meaningless. Look at the Russians response. They are giving clear and direct signals. Read what Putin is saying. They are ready for war, they have been placed in a corner with a lose-lose outcome

>if that's true then Russians are a lot stupider than i thought they were. i assumed the ultimate long-term political gamesmen this side of the jews would understand something like a lack of flexibility before the elections, to quote the magic nigger.

no they see there is no end to the corruption and political chaos brought to the world by the CFR, Israeli lobby, American war machine etc.

>compared to your earlier points, this is convoluted nonsense and ten different issues rolled into one but pretending to have only one cause. nuclear war is inevitable, period, no matter what happens, anywhere.

no, it is a QR of the source material I provided

this. wtf was they point of this morons statement? Too much nihilism in America. Faggots like him are the reason people have given up and rolled over. My family has been here since the Mayflower. I won't turn my life over or my childrens without a fight to the death

It's actually a step beyond nihilism. They get aggressive at people who dare to give a shit and want a better future.

I don't think you can blame anyone for hating what this country has become. Evangelicals Americans blindly follow Israel and will do whatever it takes to meet their needs. You have a major portion of the political landscape that is dominated by these people who will stoop to any lows to secure the existence of the people that spit in their face and destroy their country through their ways. Why should I not hate this country when it will do nothing but support Satan? Trump now seems like he is rearing up to bomb bomb Iran and help destroy Russia by supplying the airforce and Israel with the bodies of those russian mercenaries his isis pals killed.