Part one

Part two

Censored ‘Israel Lobby’ Doc Leaks - YouTube

Pastebin link for copy pasta

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Other urls found in this thread:

Jow Forums is an Israeli board and we don't appreciate your muruna, kitman, and taqqiya, you sand nigger arab.

Here are the direct download links:
>The Lobby - USA, episode 1

>The Lobby - USA, episode 2

Thank you fren!

You're our first worried AmeriJew, we expect to see more of you ITT

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Shill against these truths bitches

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Learn how to format a post holy shit

Because that's the most important thing, right.
You need to be 18 years old to post here, go out and play

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let's see where this goes
>Arnon Milchan, Executive producer of Fight Club

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Thanks user, will watch today.

Nice digits!

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There’s nothing wrong with the OP
Canadian scum win the fag paper scissors contest every time

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Many thanks, cousin.

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How can we spread this to normies?

Also the content is good but we need a condensed version.

Worth waiting for and saved!

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It would be killed on YT in seconds. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Link saved to be deployed in future posts, thanks!


>Were it not for the lobby's ability to work effectively within the American political system, the relationship between Israel and the United States would be far less intimate than it is today.
>[The Lobby] does not want an open debate on issues involving Israel, because an open debate might cause Americans to question the level of support that they currently provide.
>Yet there is still a ray of hope. Although the lobby remains a powerful force, the adverse effects of its influence are increasingly difficult to hide.

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>al jazeera
I thought these were western shills for years now. it could just be my paranoia but something doesnt smell right here.

>adverse effects of [Israeli] influence are increasingly difficult to hide.

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I'll create a bitchute and upload tonight, it will take a while I have crap bong internet.

Watch the video then decide.

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Al Jazeera is a shitty meme tier journalist site

It's a psyop. Probably a fight between lower level bloodlines and some of them getting thrown under by the command of Rothschild

This thread
OP has added YT links to the videos.

The literal propaganda arm of the saudis is talking about how bad Israel is....
I am sure this will be unbiased.

Israeli (((NGOs)))

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Show your flag, JIDF

You clearly haven't watched the videos

>saudis talking about how bad israel is

If a child is educating you, on formatting, you do not have the mental capacity to be here

Not really relevant to the topic but thanks for the bump, sweetie.

god you are insufferable, OP

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watching now. first thing i noticed is the 'hidden camera' of the Shai guy, yet they have all other camera angles covered as well - i don't believe you wouldn't notice someone filming you. especially with a telephoto lens. like i said, this shit smells.

>shilling this hard
Other cameras planted on people who are dining

Even this won't be enough to wake murricans/world up, sorry goys.

You missed the 2nd part.
The Lobby US/Israel P2 – Al Jazeera Investigations - YouTube

Also I don't eat bread but the cock looks yummy.

i give it 40 hours

its also on there, i didn't need to post them both to make the point, child.

I'll go with that, won't be restricted it will go right to b&

Thanks for the bump, new fren.

Yes and I am saying this because it's nothing. Everyone knew about Israel and US orgy. Israel have used US for 50 years now. You think nobody knew?
90% decision making people are Israel loving Jews . What will US do? Replace them?
US is a big proxy country run by 13 bloodlines and their pawns from remote places like Luxembourg, Switzerland and Israel.

Sand niggers doing work? Must be Persian blood.


You tell em, rabbi

Yes they can be replaced.

Al Jazeera English is a BBC clone. Only difference is on Israel v Palestine. The purpose of Al Jazeera English is to get liberal westerners to watch a little and think "Wow, they're so normal. Qatar is a normal country, I like them"

what am i shilling for exactly?
i'm just saying something is off. for instance, just watch the train station scene. most of the footage is high quality. you cant get that kind of quality with a hidden camera.

Levey, is that you?

Soon it will be illegal to discuss this on college campuses (and that's a good thing!)

>il call him new, that will somehow mask my enthusiasm of making one of my first threads and getting human interaction
yes, anyone who can see your lack of foresight, research, and unsubstantiated claims is new.

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Oh yeah? Google founders are gonna give up and go back to Russia?
Fuck gonna give his contract with lobby for spying ?
Horde of steins gonna sell their media to US government?

New as in recently acquired friend. You're so angry, user. Are you OK, do you want to talk about it?

check this out while we discuss who is new
now read this
spend longer than a week here

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Thanks for yet another bump

Could do with another bump if you can spare the time.

This board is truly a joke. This is one of the most significant reveals of the entire operation of an organization that is responsible for entangling us in the Middle East and pushing forth anti-white social policies across the board, and barely anyone even notices. Even R*ddit is having a more interesting discussion on this topic than the low IQ mongoloids that populate this place now.

I'm glad you like our work, there is much more to come.
I myself am a plant within the Jews and Israel lobby. My blood tested very Jewish and been operating and learning and filming their kikery for a few years now.
Currently posting from Canada being paid to attend a seminar on ways to protect and progress the globalist and pro immigration narrative.
They honestly think I'm one of them, my grandmother was Jew on mums side but they renounced Judaism long before the war because of Jewish lies and degeneracy and the worship of Lucifer.

Your shilling is no match for the truth

heres one

Attached: Who.png (600x1067, 257K)

The board has massive support to create slide threads.

Are whites really
Do women
These are easy go to topics that will gain lots of attention because anons get triggered by these topics.



It's undercover footage of kikes being kikes

Well, since it's simply recording what the Jews themselves say and think, yes, it is absolutely unbiased and a clear look into what they do, and how they do it.


Bump for the truth

Many thanks!

It's insane how coordinated their shilling and sliding methods are

Does anyone know when the next parts are being released

Indeed, viewing on catalog mode shows the extent of the slide threads with trigger topics.

Yeah I'm trying to bump any threads related to the documentary we need our own counter shilling efforts to keep this visible

we are here lad calm down

That's because the kikes are in maximum SHUT IT DOWN mode

Good to have you!

Its divestment not diversification, fucking retard.

Is the documentary actually good with redpills or just an amateur attempt at unmasking the jews?

Kek that sudden realization of the level of retardness/shilling on this board

Ids doo lade goyemss :DDDD

Hidden cams of Jews doing Jew stuff. Watch it.

People should also be aware this is only the first two parts of the documentary, which was a four part series. Israel managed to get Al Jazeera to completely memory hole it, and only these first two parts have now been leaked. There's so much interesting material in here, they even start going over how much they're investing into shifting social media into their favor, and their methods for doing so, including investing into AI programs so they can get a better handle on how to manipulate data & opinions across social media platforms.

I left this board in the first exodus. I only come back here when I feel a topic is important enough to spread awareness of to as many people as possible. I know high level discussion is not generally for this place anymore, but it is still disgusting to see just how far its fallen over the years.

Glad you watched it! I'm looking forward to parts 3 & 4

Now that i think about it, its actually the low iq people here the problem.
This thread isn't being noticed because the vids are too long and user won't even bother open them.

We need the somebody that edits both parts and cuts the crucial parts so it spreads faster.

Yeah the first episode is a little slow but shows their efforts to control the narrative on anything related Israel the second one is more juicy. Can't wait to see what the next 2 episodes bring


They are losing their shit over this!

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>he doesn’t know it’s just how iPhone posts images
Actual faggot right here boys

Yep, its just an IOS thing


Well, part of the problem with this place is that because of the low image upload limit, it handicaps the ability to put together good gifs or webms that highlight the key parts of the video. I'm currently optimizing a few of them but I doubt I'll be able to get them under the 4 MB limit this place has put into effect, which means the low attention span most posters here have won't be captured and they won't watch the documentary.

That's an optimistic point of view, we're lucky we even got these two parts. I'm not holding my breath that we'll be so fortunate and be able to see the full release. Israel obviously had this censored for a reason, and whoever got this out there probably took significant risks to even manage this much.

who actually sits out and makes 9 threads and uploads images to them. That's way too much effort for any non-robot poster.

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