>keep screaming for brexit >actually get it >leaves when it's time to actually do it >spends his day talking shit from the sidelines instead of actually helping, or sitting in the eu parliment bantering and getting a paycheck for doing nothing
Why isn't this guy crucified yet? Why is he regarded as based within eu skeptics? Seems like a guy who just rode the wave of the current popular dissent opinion, then left at the height
he started the whole thing mate, and while i think he should have stayed he's returning now and we need a political party that's up to the job because UKIP is messy at the moment
Jonathan Kelly
>muh ruskis fuck off kraut he was a remainer who was forced to
Julian Perry
What makes you think he will actually do something this time around? Seriously, I'm not a big fan of the eu, and I could understand the reasoning behind brexit, but if you still think this guy won't take you for a fool the second time you are deluded
Nathan Sullivan
The Brit cucks were too busy memeing his cheeky laugh rather than actually holding him accountable for anything.
Juan Brown
>forcing the prime minister so let's game this through quickly: cameron says "fuck you, there will be no referendum". what would happen next?
Brandon Miller
maybe he wont there are other options like gerard batten and tommy robinson
Nolan King
ministers were threatening to fire him, he thought the vote was an easy win and fucked up