What the fuck, the faggot rat kike jannies deleted a perfectly good nigger hate thread?
Other urls found in this thread:
nice try ADL.
confirmed mods are niggers
lurk moar new faggot
Rat jerky store in Zimbabwe
Privileged white supremacist attacked in broad daylight.
It's good to see a commie admitting to hating jews
Privileged White Supremacist Larvae face-off with poor locals
Nigs got rekt
this looks like something that happened in south africa
Fucking animals
I miss shitteds.
Those really need to make a comeback - too many racemixing threads shitting up the place lately. Fucking kike jannies...
I wonder how long until some greasy faggot in an IDF issued adult diaper comes and takes the thread down.
>What the fuck, the faggot rat kike jannies deleted a perfectly good nigger hate thread?
because these threads belong on /b/ not Jow Forums.
gas yourself new faggot
>niggerhate doesn't belong on Jow Forums
newfaggt... nigger hate is the REASON for Jow Forums
Look at this strong black woman being tricked into beating her child by white supremacy.
God I'm glad I didn't grow up in an American school I can't imagine how hell it is for the white kids growing up here, I've known a few niggers and they were a lot worse than the arabs.
American niggers in the southeast are basically Africans. Elsewhere, where they are less dense they are more on par with Arabs. Still not worth interacting with if you can avoid it though.
Why can't Jow Forums users follow the rules of their own board? It's stated in the sticky that /b/ tier are not allowed, and this is a /b/ tier thread.
I don't wonder, a girl I know went to a high school in Tennessee, it was meant for 1 year but she came back after 3 months and said she hated everything there, she told us things like what niggers would beat up lonely whites in the cafeteria or in the hall for not a single reason, I remember she said also they were very loud and didn't listen to what the teacher said, the worse was the fat black girls who would annoy everyone. I don't know if she was bullied here but she became pretty redpilled after that experience. So yeah I can have an idea on what happens here.
You're a /b/ tier faggot, go fuck yourself you nigger cock sucking boot licker.
Whites will be extinct in 100 years max. It's just mathematics, nothing personal
Screw your optics, whites are waking up.
We will do with niggers as we have done with all the other lower primates. In 100 years the remaining niggers will be in zoos.
i called 911 and assisted the responding officers about two niggers in the past 7 days. pressing charges on one.
What do you even know about /b/? What do you even know about Jow Forums? I can understand arguing for new and fresher material for nigger hate threads. But, saying nigger hate is against the rules means you dont even know why nigger hate threads exists on here.
Good man.
Don't bother, kikes don't listen to reason or negotiate. They can only pilpul.
Normally I would call you a kike and tell you to GTFO, but today we all hate niggers together. So thank you, Shlomo.
Can anyone else actually see a difference in the physical characteristics of girls who get shitted or is that just me? Like just looking at her, she looks like the kind of girl who would do interracial.
Can't quite explain it, there's something with the eyes and shape of the face that is off; personally I don't even find them attractive but eye of the beholder and such.
Wake up all you want, unless you have more kids whites are finished
Facts from the FBIand DepartmentofJustice on blacks in America:
●Blacks commit 56% of all robbery, despite only 12% of the population. Source: FBI Crime in America 2013 Database
●Blacks commit 53% of all murder, despite being only 12% of the population. Source: FBI Crime in America 2013 Report
●Despite making up less than 7% of the US population, black males commit 1 in every 3 rapes. Source: FBI Crime in America 2013 Report
●Young black men kill 14X more than young white men. Source: Time Magazine
●Blacks make up more than 50% of all homicide victims. Source: US Department of Justice
●42% of all cop killers are black. Source: 2013 FBI Statistics on Law Enforcement Officers Killed
●Blacks victims of homicide are 93% of the time killed by other blacks. Source: US Department of Justice
●In 2006, blacks made up nearly 40% of the total prison population, despite being only 12% of the general population. Source: Bureau of Justice
●Black males have “mean testosterone levels 19% higher than in whites, and free testosterone levels were 21% higher”. Higher levels of testosterone are linked to aggression. Source: US National Library of Medicine
fucking niggers
I almost feel sorry for the lil niglet
Whites are rapidly becoming a plurality in the US and they'll become one in Europe as well, your alt-right pipe dream is to make an ethnostate inside of the US, effectively becoming nothing more than a caged animal in an increasingly black and brown world.
you will not be missed.
We'll see about that, nigger.
Where was this at?
we just need to stop niggers from having their offspring, make nigger baby's sterile and save the future
Blacks have the lowest birth rates and are rapidly dying out here in the US