Why do they do this?

why do they do this?

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because niggers kill at random and only manchildren who live in mommies basement 24/7 dont understand this

Just in case

Survival instinct.

Clearly doesn't live in any shit-stained city


Is America really this much of a shithole?

Simple: Around blacks, never relax.

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I’m giving him space from my white supremacy

Because niggers sucker punch.

I lived in philly for a long time. Black people make the same observations about white people, except with the opposite intent. They see a white dude and assume that they have money or something valuable. The only times I have been offered drugs or threatened, was by a black dude.

It's called "survival".

Only the liberal zoos like Detroit and CA are.

>Is America really this much of a shithole?
Only the parts with niggers in it. So, the blue parts, yes.

Statistical analysis and pattern recognition

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I dunno, because statistics are racist?


Safety, niggers will kill you.

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Can confirm. There was a roving gang of niggers sucker-punching the elderly along Delmar Boulevard in Saint Louis. One such faggot even called himself "the king of the knock-out game." There was virtually no coverage, because who would ever report about (clearly non-existent!) violent black teenagers?


They punched one Oriental man so hard he died. Do they care? NO! HIBBA BIBBA BIX NOOD!

Black people smell bad.

But statistics show you're not likely to have an unprovoked violent crime committed against you by anyone.

i do it just to piss nigs off

But you are upwards of 7 times more likely to be assaulted by a black person than anyone else.

Are you denying this fact?

Around blacks, never ever relax.

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this is why you conceal carry, if some nigger tried to fucking punch me i would just indiscriminately open fore on the entire group

yah and you are more likely to die by a coconut falling on your head then a shark, yet people still fear and slaughter them

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of course the leaf defending niggers

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Walking in a diagonal line is a shorter distance compared with walking in an L

I've actually seen with my own eyes a guy and girl pull this fucking move on skateboards while there were people going home from a late night study session.

Proactive defense. You can't get stabbed if you're on the other side of the street

checked and kekd

Read Bruce Lee self defense book 1
It clearly shows you probably vide space between you and pit bulls.

But 7 times 0 is still zero.

Just defending basic math.

zero............. classic leaf

Dangerous nigger alert!

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*not by humans
By niggers, however...


White people work for their money rather than have it handed to them by the government, so the prospect of some nigger stickup kid taking it from them is something they'd prefer to avoid.

you dont take chances with your life. at the end of the day, we all know deep down that negroids can be pretty uppity

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Man, fuck Jotaro

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around blacks never relax

Attached: niggers treat women.webm (392x296, 768K)

>13% of the population causes 50% of all violent crime
For the same reason you wouldn't do this if an Asian was walking your way.

It's actually true.. I wish it wasn't, but it really is.

Rarely planned, very violent and very random.

For example, a rich white woman hired a middle class black woman as her assistant. The black female stole money from her and after a while she noticed and chose to confront the black woman.

Her response was to take the white womans cane and repeatedly beat her in the head with it until she died from the injuries.

She trusted her, she gave her a job, she confronted her before even talking to the police and what did she get for it? Murdered in cold blood.

That's why "Around blacks, never relax"

Because blacks are the number one terror threat in america.

because most people here are fucking retards. They willing play the part of hatred not realizing their hatred is completely astroturfed for them and then they willing play into the divide and conquer scheme which keeps the one percent at the top of the food chain.

whats really sad is they will do this to their kids keeping the cycle going and keeping them and their kin slaves.

Ya man, pass the weed. Peace and love'n shit

YOu are the dumbest nigger on this board.

when you dont smoke, dont drink, dont use drugs of any kind, clarity comes and makes you see things as they are.

try it sometime.

Because that sidewalk is narrow as fuck you can't comfortably travel in opposite directions on it.

being risk aware is not the same as being afraid, avoiding situations that could potentially and is demonstrably likely to, relatively speaking, result in something unpleasant is smart.

I assume this creature spent 5-10 in prison

What a gentleman, she had a mosquito on her face he just wanted to kill it but the other gentleman saw the pest flew on her leg, there was no time to lose


Better not go commie this therrad I’m monitoring.

Never relax

Gee, I wonder if it’s learned behavior. Repeated stimuli altering the behavior of the subject. I wonder if there is any data to support this “weird” behavior.

Self preservation

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I never do any drugs and rarely drink any alcohol.... and what you're saying is totally delusional bullshit.
You can't control what people think. There's no turn of events where you convince everyone to be your ally. You have to fight for yourself or you will be swallowed.

The history of life on this planet is markedly NOT one of peace. There's no peaceful solution to the problems that living organisms face.
It's an arms race to deny resources to your competition.

Wow I was right....9 years and charged as an adult.

So we don't get sucker punched shanked and robbed.

I do it because of the smell. I also hold my breath when walking past brown people on the subway or such.

Don't know where the fuck this statistic comes from, of the 5 friends I have that live in cities, 3 of them have been attacked by nigger packs and all of them have been physically harassed by niggers. None of them reported this shit to police because what the fuck are they gonna do after the random assault happens?

also pattern recognition

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wow. jewgle image search returns "black lives matter"

Around Blacks Never Relax but he shouldn't cross the street just had stay in his lane and beware when passing this creature

I'm 6'3" 260lbs bear mode I don't cross the street for anyone

Common sense.

i swear black people are generally more conscious of their surroundings and can pick up social cues better than white people. sad we think having high iq makes us superior like autistic jews and chinks

this. Never show fear, but keep your head on a swivel.

:never relax: rule

Yep blacks are so smart

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This shit still happens constantly. Even in rural/suburban areas.

I don't want to catch a whiff of their shitstained underwear bleeding out of their sagging pants

What happened to the white kid.

apes and chimpazees are also way more conscious of their surroundings than black people
what is your point exactly you fucking mop

>what are you going to do, stab me?
man who was stabbed, 2018

and risk assessment

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Radical centrism bro, we're all red on the inside, race is only skin deep

Now lemmie lay on some dope nihilism I learned from psyc 101 before I dropped out of college!

Don't wanna catch the Google

damn J walkers!

Centrism is unironically the key. The fact that you called it radical means you are either a shill or have been shilled.

When they see you cross the street , they know you are scared. If they know this then they know you are an easy target.

Assault with a deadly weapon will do that.

The aggression of the ghouls should be avoided

>Unironically believing this.
Neck yourself

No, but it IS inhabited by shit people, mainly clogging up the large city areas, like shit does a drain pipe.

Pakis are up to 50 X more likely than Britons to groom children in gangs in the UK.

>basic math

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This nigger thinks he knows the American pavement ape. A black man can be smart but.black people are stupid. Funny that. It applies to everyone.


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Self defense 101

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Muh 2 party system.
Fuck off Fox News.

Basic survival rule, they're at best tamed wild animals, they come from Africa for Pete's sake.

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It's wise to avoid wildlife

>Walking in a diagonal line is a shorter distance compared with walking in an L
The absolute state of potato head education!

What you are suppose to do

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