Why are liberals so crusty?

Alec Baldwin is a millionaire. Why is he wearing grungy socks and worn out shoes? Most liberals dress like this in the Houston Heights where I live.

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Dressing dirty is an urban strategy to fend off the would-be beggars.

It's because he is a millionaire so he doesn't feel obligated to wear a suit. Also after playing the role of a lifetime he might not like wearing suits anymore.

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Trump is driving them to insanity

Boomer liberals are the worst-they are the ones who won't retire so that they can maintain two homes while you can't afford one. Just remember that if they could live forever, they would and they'd expect us to serve them as gods. Just like now.

There is no upside to wearing a suit in modern America. Suits:

>attract unwanted attention
>cost a lot
>are easily ruined
>time consuming to tailor
>are only respected by evil godless assholes
>greasy phoney church leaders too


Vegas traitors w anti depressants.

Why do you live in the heights?

>Baldwin complained that it's become "a sport" to tag people with as many "negative charges and defaming allegations as possible for the purposes of clickbait entertainment."

Baldwin talking about fake news. He should know, he does it for a living.

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