Modern love

>fall in love with girls
>love her family, as she does yours
>everyone gets along
>everything is going good
>suddenly it doesn't, break up
>repeat with someone new

how about just not risk the depression & fallout, by never settling down. Fuck it.

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>tfw MGTOW

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You actually gave a fuck. That’s your first mistake.
Feels good man

And not to kick you while you’re down, but she’s fucking someone right now. The sooner you realize that the easier it gets

I banged more chicks than she has guys, I can almost guarantee you

it happened a while ago, but it's not about her - it's about the high rate of failure in modern dating

Because women like the chase.

And it’s not about how many partners. I’ve had my share of snatch, but I was always single just dickin girls down. Icequeens will fuck some Chad the moment she breaks up. And she lined him up while you were in the relationship which is the real black pill. Fuck those hookers.

Find meaning and purpose as an individual who stands on his own two feet.
That is the man women ultimately seek.

Women will only love you for what you can do for them.

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Same. Love with my first gf felt like heroin and nothing has ever come close to that feeling. I feel REALLY bad for people who didn't experience teenage love but at the same time they're lucky to not know how great it was

Women are jews

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1. Repent
2. Believe in the Gospel
3. Get your a$$ to your local Catholic church
4. Enter RCIA or Inquiry
5. Become full-on Christian
6. (This should be ongoing from 1) Master your lust through prayer, belief in Jesus, and, if necessary, cold showers and r/NoFap
7. Meet people in your church
8. Elders first
9. Listen to them
10. Meet people your age
11. Meet qts your age
12. Chastely get to know them
13. Be patient
14. Find a reliably Catholic one you can imagine talking to and living in harmony with for the rest of your life
15. Marry her

That's the cure, lads. This is a dying world. But also a defeated world. Christ is King!

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They'll always be stuck on their """first love""" too The last girl I dated over the summer told me she thought about her ex from 3 years ago.
You can't rely on some cunt to make you happy or whole, you need to accomplish those things on your own so you can share them with other people.
I just drink instead

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>fall in love with girl
>love her family, as she does yours
>everyone gets along
>everything is going good
>suddenly it doesn't, break up
Yeah, gonna need more context here. Something always "goes wrong" but it's your job as a couple to be stronger than it.
Jesus fuck grow a pair
>repeat with someone new
>how about just not risk the depression & fallout, by never settling down. Fuck it.
Such is the foreveralone4channer methodology. You're spineless. Your so afraid of losing that you're not willing to live life to its fullest. Go out there and get your balls sucked. Stop playing videogames and browsing the same depressing anime stormfront echo chamber all day.

The meaning of love has been skewed by the jews. Love to modern women means whoever makes them tingle or excites them in the moment (this is key, as moments are eternally fleeting). That's why as soon as things get rough they call it quits. To generalize the concept of love, both romantic and familial, is to have patience for someone and never give up on them. In the same way you hear about how a person let's their son/daughter/sibling repeatedly steal from them for drug money and you think to yourself "have they not learned their lesson? They'll surely lie and steal from them again.". They know they will hurt them again but they truly do love them, so they'll never give up on them. You love someone when you consider them family and loyalty to family is everything. If they don't consider you family then they do not love you

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women are the niggers of the genders

>but it's your job as a couple to be stronger than it

This isn't a thing, in today's day & age.

That's why modern relationships are such a high risk

>That's why as soon as things get rough they call it quits

even when just dating though, it didn't used to be like this.

I’m 39. This shit happens all the time even as you get older. A woman will confess her love to you one day, and break up with you the next. I stopped caring about women and generally treat them worse than I treat niggers anymore. Mean while all my friends in relationships are constantly dealing with drama and bullshit

Just do you and fuck the attractive sluts, kick them to the curb and save your money and sanity for better things.

>This isn't a thing, in today's day & age.
False. You're just bad at it.
>That's why modern relationships are such a high risk
Fucking lol.

Kek, who knows where my first "love" is now, probably getting railed by a new man every weekend. I feel bad for her, I blame birth control for driving women batshit crazy.

>Not going off the grid completely and shinning humanity as a whole

>suddenly it doesn't, break up
Yeah try not being a cunt bitch next time faggot