One of these statements must be true

1. You're a coward.
2. War is never justified.
3. Abortion is not murder.

I'll take #3. How about you?

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>One of these statements must be true

If abortion is murder, and war is ever justified, and you're not a coward, you must be at war. But you're not.

One of these statements must be true
>OP is a faggot
>OP is a faggot
>OP is a faggot

Trips of truth, but if you're standing around with picket signs and trying to influence votes while babies are being murdered by the millions for 45 years, you're either an extreme pacifist, or a coward, or you don't believe it is happening.

It's not happening.

2 is retarded. If your country is attacked, of course you can defend yourself, so waging war then is obviously justified.

“You’re a coward” part from slured grammar depends on who the “you” is. Pretty sure not every single person on Earth is a coward.

So that means, by mere logic, if one of the statements has to be true, it must be 3, because there are cases of 1. and 2. being false.

“Abortion is not murder” is a legal assessment. It’s incorrect under criminal law because someone shooting a pregnant lady and killing the unborn kid can be tried for murder even if the mother survives.

If abortion is murder, and it has been happening by the millions for 45 years, and war is ever justified, and you're not a coward...why aren't you at war? Supposedly, millions of people believe that millions of babies are being murdered, but they won't fight to stop it. Why is that?

>Margaret Sanger did nothing wrong
#1 you’re a coward, OP.

#3 Abortion is not murder, and no one really believes that it is.


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Protip: it is the premise that is false

What other option is there?

i dont wanna get pwned by kikeslaves

Coward, then.

that's a pretty cool picture. i didn't know babies grew in water filled bubbles. and now i finally understand whats happening when pregnant women say "my water has broken"

Amniotic fluid
The amniotic fluid is the protective liquid contained by the amniotic sac of a gravid Amniote. This fluid serves as a cushion for the growing fetus, but also serves to facilitate the exchange of nutrients, water, and biochemical products between mother and fetus.
More at Wikipedia

>intentionally killing an innocent child isn't murder, that's preposterous

Then you must either be a coward, or an extreme pacifist.

cant help it bro im not a nigger, i refuse to fight outside of a rigid and well structured military discipline.

It is usually how it goes with this type of riddle. They use a frame at the start and distract you with statements or questions afterwards. The mind tends to take the initial frame as true or given and that is how the trap works.
You can see the pattern of the hidden or implied frame in most slide threads.

And millions of people who say they oppose abortion refuse, for 45 years, to put together a well-structured military discipline to stop it.

I'll take double digits and OP is a faggot.

>War is never justified
Peace is desirable but self-defense or stepping in to protect your kin is sometimes justifiable
>Abortion is not murder
You're denying a child (or the progeny of one) its right to life

It is not possible that none of the three statements is true. If war is ever justified, and you're not a coward, and abortion is murder, then you must be at war. But you're not. Therefore, one of the three statements must be true.

#3 is true. Abortion is not murder, and no one really believes that it is.

they didnt refuse, dummy, three-letter-agencies have actively murdered and interred white men for attempting to do so.

NIMBY is cowardice.

Cowardice, then.

The definition of abortion is
>the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another
The only thing (depending on where you live) that does not apply to abortion is "unlawful"

So, #3. Abortion is not murder. Thanks! I agree.

Whats a nimby? In regards to war, I would be the first to sign up in case of a justified war. Fighting for ZOG is not justified.

i subscribe to the just war theory

Depends where you live?

>One of these statements must be true
Only the Sith may or may not deal in absolutes.

I've got balls of steel
Killing brownies is always justified
Abortion is state sanction murder.

If you believed that babies were being murdered, and that war was ever justified, and you were not a coward, you'd go to war to stop babies from being murdered.

Morality is a matter of geography for you?

Why aren't you at war?

abortion mostly kills niggers, and poors - i’m okay with it.

How many non-nigger/non-poor babies are you willing to permit to be murdered?

I can't go to war, I'm an individual and no one is waging a war against abortion

>no one is waging a war against abortion

Exactly. No one really believes that abortion is murder.

Are you currently waging war against every country that has legalized abortion? Would stopping the murder of millions of babies be a just cause for war?

Afghan Pashtuns are isolationist Aryans.

Oh. That makes it ok, then, I guess.

No, it doesn't. It's completely irrelevant.

Its not murder until they can walk and talk. Humans aren’t fully conscious for years after birth. Life is a process.

Or it's because it's just blacks getting then? When it's mostly whites getting abortion then I'll be concerned, as it is the current situation is tolerable.

OP is a faggot , a christcuck and a coward.

war is sometimes justified and not inherently bad. (by that i mean smaller more controlled wars for blowing out steam instead of doing nothing and making things escalate in a world conflict)

abortion is good for avoiding too much population and retard babies.

Attached: Kokoislocoisay.jpg (1280x720, 84K)

2? war is justified if you are a gun seller or something

If only we could test for pro life beliefs before birth. We could just abort them. Problem solved.

Agreed. Abortion is not murder, and no one really believes that it is.

How many white babies are you willing to permit to be murdered in a given year?

Abortion is not murder, then.

An extreme pacifist! Interesting. I hope no one ever invades your home.

Abortion is not murder, then. I agree.

About 30% of abortions are from black mothers, in the US.

Abort sleeping people

Also op take your fucking meds

Are you at war against every country that has legalized abortion? Are you putting together your military made up of all the millions of people who say they believe that abortion is murder?

No, because none of them really believe that abortion is murder, and therefore won't join your military to go to war to stop babies from being murdered, because babies are not being murdered.

do you want it spelt in more simpler term ?

1 : OP is a faggot and a coward
2: war is sometimes justified
3: abortion is not murder
4: this thread is a bad thread , you're just pushing people to discuss option 3.

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I agree. Abortion is not murder, and no one really believes that it is. People say that, but if they believed it was true, they wouldn't stand around with picket signs and try to influence votes for 45 years while it continued. It's time to put an end to that ridiculous rhetoric. Abortion is not murder, and no one really believes that it is.


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1. I'm a coward
2. War can be justified, although it's a totally immoral action.
3. Abortion is murder.

I respect your honesty, but not your cowardice.

How nice of you not to post the gif version that proves you wrong OP

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christcucks believe that it is though , what are you going to do about them ? kill them ?

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I wouldn't say that some moral crusade is war.

yes, white men are cowards for being murdered by the state. you've figure it out, retard, youre smarter than everyone. now go be a genius by yourself.

Anyone who says they're not a coward is a bold-faced liar. Everyone is afraid of something, everyone is SOMEBODIES bitch.

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What if you're just okay with murder?

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I rather be a coward with principles than a brave man with none.

I'm sure my cowardice is part of the survival mechanism, brave people tend to die young throwing themselves into the fire.

4. OP is a faggot

Bravery isn't the absence of fear.

*You’re a coward.
Got it, didn’t I?

Its the opposite, the lack of fear is an indication of stupidity and inability to be brave, you can not be courageous and face a fear that doesnt exist, that makes no sense

Ill take number 1 OP

So if you think it's murder do you expect people to murder the mother? that shit isn't logical. You can punish the mothers, I suppose that's fine. Education and laws are better as it protects mother and child.

Even I would allow very early abortion, but I would still consider it extinguishing life.

The leaf said it.

How does that prove me wrong? If abortion is murder, and you're not a coward, and war can possibly be justified, and you're not at war...What then? How can you explain that?

They say that they believe abortion is murder, but they don't really believe that. If they did, they'd be waging war against every country in which it is legal. Either that, or they're all cowards or extreme pacifists.

Neither would I. Who would just stand by for 45 years while babies were being murdered? No one really believes that babies are being murdered, even though they like to say that they do. It's really weird. They're admitting to cowardice, or they're extreme pacifists. Really, though, it's just that they don't believe that abortion is murder. They're lying.

If all the millions of people who say that they believe abortion is murder really believed it, they'd win their war easily. But they don't try because they don't really believe it.

I respect your honesty, but not your cowardice.

Then you're a coward.

You don't believe that it is, either. Actions speak louder than words, and inaction is approval.

What good are principles if you won't defend them?

Brave people sometimes stop bad things from happening, but nothing bad is happening so you don't have to worry.

Why would you allow extinguishing life? Why wouldn't you fight to stop a system that permits babies to be murdered, if you really believed that was happening?

this must be one of the most poorly thought logical deductions i've ever seen in my life. this is why i am predicting a woman wrote this.

What's another option then?

I'd say #1. Everybody is just but a shadow of what humans once were.

Jen is flexing her quads here, hawt

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>I’m okay with murdering when it’s other people
Libturds are callous and thick.
>ohh! Won’t somebody think of the negroes! (When they have an audience)
>kill my baby doc. It’s inconvencing me.

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>Why would you allow extinguishing life? Why wouldn't you fight to stop a system that permits babies to be murdered, if you really believed that was happening?

I suppose the cells are so close to sperm and egg to be justifiably removed. It's still murder because it's the beginning of life, but that weight is on the decision maker and technically that's the parents.

What a fucking waste of quads

I am at war to kill every last jew down to the child.

I see examples of bravery every day. People go to war for resources, even when they, personally, won't benefit from the capture of those resources. They go to war over ethnic strife and political geography and almost any sort of disagreement you can imagine, somewhere in the world. But not over abortion, because no one believes that abortion is murder.

So, you're at war, then? If so, you're not winning.

You won't fight to stop a baby from being murdered? Are you an extreme pacifist, or a coward?

You're not winning.


Says you. I've killed hundreds of jews and unlike the synagogue shooter I e never been caught

A false trichotomy.
Fuck you
Fuck you
Fuck you

What's another option I didn't think of?

That it's ok to kill Jewish and israeli children

>roastie logic
Sick axioms, sis.

abortion is fine as long as it is done early enough - as in pic related

Attached: pro_abortion.jpg (800x506, 87K)

did someone mentioned war?

Attached: war.jpg (711x735, 135K)

>In US
>Killed Hundreds of jews

Yeah, no you haven't. If you had there would be a massive search for all these missing people you allegedly " killed ". Nobody believes you. Fake nazi' faggot.

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Then stab a comatose person and see if you can get away with your NPC comments in real life.

And what about all the other babies that are supposedly murdered every day?

Abortion is not murder, and no one really believes that it is.

I'm ISTP I give the same difference that I expect for myself. I would like to make my own decisions if it came to that. I also said I'm a coward, but that again is related to my personal decisions.

Extreme pacifist, no. You can't make an omelette without cracking eggs.

I like #2 tho

Naw I'm just really good at pinning my crimes on others.
Also Alaska rocks for getting away with crimes

lead and i will follow friend

I do.
Retard btfo.


Jews are not people and it's ok to do whatever to them

Maybe he murdered their assholes while he fucked them.