Why is Christianity so perfect?

why is Christianity so perfect?

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Stop following a bunch of sandniggers and kikes around

Because God is perfect.

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Why isn't Joseph in any of these pictures? Goddess worship is retarded.

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>implying Jesus was a shitskin
Shitskins didnt migrate to todays Israel/Egypt before over 600 years after his death. Before then it was settled by white italic/phoenician people.

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Cuz it's true!
She's not a god and we don't worship her silly. Joseph's not a god either. But there is God somewhere in the picture, try to find him!
Great post, cool pic. I am just starting out and feel a little nervous about hot Marys, but I'll make it. Saved.

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>I am just starting out
Thats great! Good luck user. God bless

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because it culls the weak minded into easily controlled herds of goy fodder

The goal of the Christian is to become as Jew-like as possible. Jews are the Christian's racial role models. Christians go to church in order to pretend to be Jews or learn how to be Jews. The Christian god's favorite people are Jews. The Jew god Yahweh chose a Jewess to breed with to create a Jewish messiah. He was Rabbi Jesus and wore a yamaka made in Jerusalem. Christians refer to Jewishness as the Holy Spirit. Christians believe that hereditary Jewishness is the source of Jesus' magic powers. The church was invented by Jews so that whites and Jews could cross-breed. The Jew-king Jesus is portrayed as white, so as to deceive Europeans into believing that cross-breeding with Jews will yield white children. Christians circumcise their children so they can breed with Jews. Christians name their children with Jewish names. The pope and cardinals wear yamakas. This is all virtue-signaling to get the attention of the magic Asian Jew-god called Yahweh, whom they presume will let them into heaven for being Jew-like. At the entrance to heaven is a Jewish clerk that checks how Jewish you are.

Thanks man. Tryna be humble cuz I'm an arrogant
pseud. But I know a fair bit from here and just reading around, so it's cool. Made two concessions so far. Cut short for time but I tried my best and received absolution. Going to Mass and taking communion almost every day. It's real good, man.
Heretic, repent!

Why do the angels look like CD-i Link?

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>Jews want to cross-breed
Oh my sweet memeflag child...marrying into noble families was always a trade-off, they think their own blood is perfect. That's why rabbis marry nieces where they can get away with it

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mah boi, this is what my son died for

This peace is what all true warriors strive for

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its not

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>founded by God
take a wild guess

he was barely involved

Go easy on him, man, he got no sex and raised his wife's son.

Not even memeing, he was a bro.

>Respecting a woman who cucks her own husband because "muh Messiah"

Another shill thread.

‘Real Christian’ art looks like this when christianity was at its purest and fullest. BEREFT OF ARYAN/HELLenic influences.

Looks like a bunch of degenerate cartoon drawings.

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YESSSS!!!! 10/10 post!

Takes a special retard to believe the word of a Jewish women from the deserts of the Middle East 2000 years ago as literal fact. If you can lie to yourself about this, you can lie to yourself about anything.

Perfectly boring

whats the diff between these? idk what i am

ey, thats pretty good

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All I heard was
>errrr fuck heathen. How dare you not worship my jewish god amd jewish messiah!


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>always the muttkikes or the memeflags

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I was raised evangelical/fundie. Believed the gist of what I was taught down to my core. As an adult, I 'left' Christianity. Felt completely justified in doing so. Felt redpilled. Became a complete agnostic. Fast forward 15 years, and lately have been coming across certain Catholic ideas about the moral law of the universe; and the Catholic conception of 'the church'; and general ideas of tradition and how perhaps the Bible isn't enough (changing how I saw the composition and nature of the Bible is what led to me stop being Christian). Some of these catholic ideas are completely refreshing and has me considering things I thought I never would again - from a perspective that I couldn't envision.

Anyway, I'm thinking of going to a Catholic service sometime. Can I just sit in the back and expect not to be bothered too much? I just want to observe what happens in a typical service (mass?). I've only ever been inside a Catholic church for funerals and weddings. Should I dress up? Will there be participatory things going on that I can just refrain from?

>Norwegian posting insulting his own heritage and spreading misinformation

Why Bjorn why

Literally that image collage you posted.

All that is based on Hellenic attention to detail, which is how artists were judged for their proficiency.

And youre literally cursing and damning them.

Leonardo da Vinci, Micholangelo be rolling their eyes.

You see the Kings n Queens of Germanic Aryan Europe wanted to emulate the greatness of the the Greco-Roman Aryan civilizations.

They ponder why the Romans were so great and held an Empire that Ruled Europe, the known world.
They were Pagans,Heathens, that worshipped Aryan gods, not Kike yiddish corpses on sticks.

The new kings wanted to be like their Hellenic forebearers. But they couldnt openly embrace Heathenism, that would welcome death and excomunication from the Jew Pope, and every neighbor invading and raping your people.
>30 years war.

The picture/statute of Mary holding baby Jesus came from Nimrod being held by his mother in Babylon. Every culture has a similar god or goddess. Catholics are retarded.

Kikeianity steals and takes everything from other religions, cultures, and mutates according to the times to maintain its grasp on its host’s country, n people.

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>I don't have an actual argument, so I'll just post a picture with a fedora in it and hope he goes away

Have you actually read about pre-christian scandinavia?

Christianity was literally formed by ex-pagans, Its obvious it has traces of paganism. how retarded are you mate

dose didjits, dem show you tru self ya
Chill out Håkan, this shit's been going on ever since Sven built his cuck shed close enough to your border to catch your wifi

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Its okay. We understamd Christians hate themselves.

Expediates their transition to ‘Heaven’

because it wasnt an argument. It was just insults of 0 facts

So? The village idiot converted to the Jews scam. And here you are, a kike shill doing their dirty work.

Do you also share big black cock to your nordic wife?

Lol the eternal christcuck.

That's only Catholics, not Christians.

Yeah there is a reason why the Germanic peoples should never have been forcibly civilized. Nice trips of 6 though kek. My people built pic related 2000 years ago

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complete bs. Literally all of it. Good goy mutt.
Except for the claim that it mightve been inspired by hellenic art, even though this is not a fact either. It still wouldnt make it any less "christian". Everything in this world is inspired by something else.

good god amerikikes are so fucking retarded. How great this board would be without amerikikes and memeflaggers

Yeah, isn't it crazy how everything on the Christianity side flies right in the face of the characteristics and commands of Jesus? It's almost like didn't give a fuck about the humility that Jesus taught and living for the here after and eschewing the world, they wanted to do epic shit and leave behind a legacy for the living because they were European.

In response to losing an arguement, The Christfag will always resort to name-calling. The names are (1) Jew, (2) Satan, (3) Fedora.

holy shit

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>my people

Your fucking country didn't even exist 2000 years ago.

>IM 1/1024TH ITALIAN!!!

Perfect for cowardly cucks.

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because it’s the way to God and salvation

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Weeping martyrdom, turn the other cheek, etc.... sounds gay as fuck.

nah I'm one of the rare 100% Italians in America. Not everyone mixes in America.

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Yes. Would you like to trade sources? What museums can you recommend that prove your points?

>Anyway, I'm thinking of going to a Catholic service sometime. Can I just sit in the back and expect not to be bothered too much? I just want to observe what happens in a typical service (mass?). I've only ever been inside a Catholic church for funerals and weddings. Should I dress up? Will there be participatory things going on that I can just refrain from?
Good choice m8. Don't take communion yet, just hang back and pray for that part. It's called a Mass. Stand when others stand, kneel when they kneel, etc. Try to follow along in the missal. It'll have the readings for that day. You won't get everything. That's fine. No one will bother you. People might introduce themselves and offer help. It's all good brotha.

uh, you said I was spreading misinformation, which I wasnt. Virtually all of the pic-related was true, at least to a great degree. We had enourmous amount of degeneracy, such as animal/human sacrificials, orgies and. We had almost a higher chance of dying in some worthless tribe war than we had of even raising a family. We had raided each other, often in order to survive - or to simply find more riches. We were at virtually any point united or even civilized. We were behind on technology compared to virtually all of the rest of Europe. I could go on and on.
It was your christian ancestors who built this great country, Martin. Dont forget that.

oh, I oversaw this. But yeah, what said. Good luck, leaf. And God bless

yeah that was full of typos but whatever

You're American, not Italian. Do you have an Italian passport? Do you speak Italian?

God I hate you stupid fucking burgers.

I said provide your source. All of this is just your assumptions. Your biggest assumptions is that culture changed after Christianity. Also “tribal”. Nothing about pre-Scandinavian society was tribal.

>we were behind the rest of europe technology

Our ships were the best, we had innovative engineering and warfare. Why don”t you go to the Oslo ship museum or read some Sawyer? Where do you live? If you are in Stavanger we could het a beer and I can teach you about pre-Christian Scandinavia.

Youre a norwegian and you seriously dont know about these things?
We also sold christian, white slaves to muslim shitskins:
we were still using crappy wooden shields when our christian enemies were using plate armor and plate shields. Our buildings were poor. Our weapons were also not the best. Sure our ship technology was good, but thats about it.

I have to go for a couple of hours now. (gotta pick up my GF at her grandma). But keep the thread bumped and I'll get back to you when I come home.
Anyway, I hope you realize our country became 50 times greater as Christianity civilzied/united us. You should thank your christian ancestors who built this nation.

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It's one of the most shit tier religions out there.

phoenician people are semitic
>jesus was italian
mama mia

>christians used plate armor 750-1100 AD and playe shields

Dude you have no idea what you are taking about. These were not invented yet. Go read a book. Maybe Jan Petersen for starters.


What is this, I will stick with actual scholarship thanks

Because it was revealed by God.

ITT: a white man spits on his ancestors and heritage in the name of a jew

Check out this kid that doesn’t even known plate armor did not exist in the Viking age but thinks he knows everything about pre-Christian Scandinavia... and of course he hates his own heritage for it.

Your fake religion certainly isn't any one's heritage.

>let me tell you about your country

Your heritage is B. Hussein Obama. :^]

Come on toothpaste bro, have a heart. Let the guido have his dreams.

Thanks for that. Very helpful. What about attire though? If I wear jeans and a long winter jacket, will I stick out like a sore thumb? And I'm guessing wearing a baseball hat is a no-no? Thanks again. Just don't want to make a bad first impression in the event that I make return visits in the future. Plus, want to be respectful too.

Thanks. Appreciate it.

Nigger you have no heritage other than worshipping jews

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>christianity iz based religion dude xDDDD
Christcucks, not even once.
>a religion who taught you to hate your family and love you enemies (according to the bible)
>promoting cuckold, degeneracy and faggotry
>a semetic religion, not a european at all
What's with these fucking chirstfags on this board, how the fuck is this bullshit politics related?? All christians are race-traitros and brainwashed morons. Jesus was a shitskin and Mary was a shameless whore. Fuck cuckstianity. Go back to your contaiment place and your jewish dumbshit out of our board.

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