Watch that and tell me it's not equally cringy to some of the more flamboyant identity politics stuff on the Left. Their inability to punch harder than an average cheerleader contrasts with their LARPy notions that they embody male strength and power.
if this group doesnt pay a salary i dont know why you would join it. it ruins your ability to get work in most areas
Andrew Perry
Gayer than cum on mustache.
Joseph Green
Jace Jackson
Join or die
Looks like a bunch of guys who could beat the shit out of you
Sebastian Gutierrez
These guys get their asses kicked by antifa for the most part. They also throw feces and pee at antifa like chimpanzees.
A few Proud Boys can throw down, but most are morbidly obese or scrawny LARPers like Gavin.
Ethan Brown
absolutely the opposite of everything you posted is true
now im thinking youre a salty lefty who got his ass beat at a rally and this thread is your salty johns
Isaac Anderson
>most part nope
Adam Jenkins
Has anyone found the Soros money trail to (((proud boys))) yet?
Grayson Wood
lol nah I'm a black pilled sociopath. Ideologically I think the Right is mostly right, and the Left is entirely wrong. But I'm black pille so I see the ridiculousness of stuff like Proud Boys more clear-eyed than you.
The Right wing media is misreporting what's going on at these events. Even Richard Spencer admits the antifa thugs regularly take out the Right-wing "security."