Are Italians the most based people right now?

And most importantly are we white?

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No e no

Disgusting fat bitch who never disagreed with her equally stupid father and will wonder the earth a golem.

Subhuman to wear something in such poor taste.

dam i am proud to be italian right now


No and yes.

literal subhuman dont (you) me you mutt trash

I'm so glad to see that my Italian brethren are realizing that Israel is our greatest ally and that nationalism is the way forward.

Haven't been white for a while. So we're safe for now.

We are based but not whtie

>t. Billy Bob Bellini, 1/64 Italian

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those fat tiddies

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Ugly gypsy cow

man italians really dont give a shit

>right now

We always were.

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This is Mussolini's granddaughter.

Say something nice about her.

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Italians are good people they aren't really white and a lot of them are literal nigger tier but mmost of them are good I think maybe I am wrong I can't say because I haven't met all the Italians I am just going by anecdotal observations.

Damn she's like an Italian Ivanka.

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When brown people do the nazi salute i cringe so hard

that's fascist


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>have a rich fascist history
>have an even richer national history outside of fascism

>indulges in neo-Nazism


sono italiano

you are wannabe fennoswede

More like most retarded. Congratulations, you win going from bunga bunga to even worse in a short time.

>Not a Jewish race traitor
>no plastic surgery

would titfuck

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