What is going on with Tinder?

A few years ago when I used Tinder, it used to be Farley functional for me. I used to have about a match a day. I’m not super attractive or ugly and would probably place myself at a reasonable 7.5/10 in looks. That said, I’m Italian and have an Italian look (dark hair and dark eyes with white facial features and darker med skin). I was always a nice “in between” that could get black girls and white girls just as easily.

But lately, Tinder is absolutely dead for me, even though it looks like the number of profiles has increased exponentially. I literally have not gotten a single match in months. And this sort of trend has been happening for a year and a half or so. It’s like all girls are swiping left on me now or I’m just practically invisible to them.

And then I hear articles about how Tinder is showing black and Arab profiles first before anything else and I read other stuff about gang stalking and gang flagging...it makes me wonder if Tinder is now being used as a social engineering tool. Are they purposefully shadowbanning profiles they deem “white nationalist” or “alt right” in an attempt to get us to normalize and correct our behaviours?

It just seems so weird that women have absolutely 0 interest in me now on Tinder when before it was pretty active for me.

Anyone else have similar feelings?

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do you have to ask?

It’s actually because Tinder is trying to cash grab. Now that they have the paid subscription, they want people to be incentivized to buy it so they now purposefully withhold your matches from you unless you buy a subscription.

I’m not sure about the race agenda stuff but there’s definitely a pay-to-play thing they are trying to set up.


have you ever considered you are ugly? I get 5+ matches a day bro people tend to get uglier as they get older you probably just aren't attractive

Fuck it is over. Have you tried Grindr?

I have considered this but I actually still have great luck finding girls when I go out with friends. And girls are always staring at me in real life too. It’s iust tinder that has this no response thing. I’ve even gotten strangers following and dm’ing me more on Instagram and I only have like three pics on that account.

post face

Who cares stop contributing too the degenerate dating market of "apps". These give away all our power in the dating market, you have more luck in-person because you haven't been stripped of your value in that situation, unlike online where the average too attractive male holds very little value, and only the top 10% of men are regarded as highly valued.

This guy got it. I noticed the same thing. Tinder is trying to get you to pay $10/month for their product, simple as that.

Women are never going to pay for it, and Gigachads will still get matches, so really their entire business model seems to be squeezing average to decent looking guys to pay $10/month. Bumble is a little better than Tinder for not totally screwing you with their free product, but userbase varies by city a lot.