Care to answer, Jow Forums?

Attached: image.jpg (1080x836, 172K)

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because usa has no middle class economy, is filled with shitskins, and involved in globalist wars


what a retarded question

Why hasn't this piece of shit been buried under his bullshit by now, Jow Forums? You're slacking.

Attached: IMG_2365.jpg (395x600, 48K)

Likely the social subversion. Could be wrong.

for me it's because the democrats refuse to accept the legitimacy of the election to the point that they're calling to abolish the electoral college and impeach the president along with his supreme court nominees. Democrats are more dangerous to the future prosperity of america than isis or russia ever were.

The left has resorted to "you mad brah" even though they control nothing. Brilliant Lmao

Because the platform they voted for gets blocked all the time, by democrats and republicans likewise.

But thethe democrats didn't win