If you don’t work in business or IT, are you even white?

If you don’t work in business or IT, are you even white?

Manual labor is for slave races.

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Fuck off, white farmers built this country


hahahahahahah slavie detected

Law. The most white, male, Christian profession today.

Inbred incest “elite” detected.

Law is full of women and shitskin activists. Also it’s for favors that can’t into math.

Good thread.

say hypothetically the internet went down
are you going to pay for food by writing code?

>Not wanting to send niggers to jail for a living

No I’ll pay for it by creating private networks that deliver porn and entertainment to the unwashed masses.

>Living in a place with a sizable bigger population

Why do poor whites think they are any better than the niggers why live with?

>IT work is not manual labor
KYS ya fucking retard

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Because objectively they score higher on SATs and commit less crime?

Not the poor ones. Poor whites are garbage.

fucktard it's potential, it's built into the DNA.

take a kid from each race.
do not give them any western education.
at age 15 give them each a book.
the kid who will learn how to read the fastest and grow inside western cultures will be the white kid. it's built into the DNA.

Do the same experiment when it comes to sports. Which race will take to say the basketball court quickest?

Do the same experiment when it comes to money and lying. Which race will fall into larceny quickest?

I rest my case.

Am I white?

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I'm happiest on the weekends when I do manual labor on my property.

Harvesting the last of my garden this weekend and chopping wood for the winter. At the end of the day I'll have some hot soup, cold scotch and sit out by the fire pit. Finding joy in manual labor is peak whiteness.

I work in IT.

There are no worse beta cuck onions tier jobs than IT and business.

These jobs are literally for faggots.

OP is a fucking retarded who thinks he's important and enjoys his slavery suit and man bun. Have another latte you fucking piece of shit

>Law. The most Semitic, male, Jewish profession today.

Fixed it for you.

Neither of those are white at all, lmao. Business is Jewish and IT is Asian and Indian. If you want a white profession, try engineering or agriculture.

Unless you are from the future, that's not how civilizations get built. People have to use their hands to do work. How do you think Oil, Electricity, Roads, Buildings work? If you don't know the value of hard work, then you don't know life. I see you as a communist and aren't human.

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Completely agree, work in IT as well.

Not at all boi

Do you really want niggers fixing your car?

If you’re not in law or medicine (nurses and paralegals don’t count), you’re not white and probably a cuck. I wish it weren’t this way, but that’s the objective reality in 2018.

This honestly. Only reason I work now is that I can make money to eventually have this lifestyle.

I won't do this forever. This phase of my life now is planning so that I can attain a comfy land owning lifestyle before I'm 40. Ideally before I'm 35 but we will see how things go.

do you really want niggers wiring your house?

While engineering and agriculture are probably the whitest things around, I think IT and certain trades are white as well.

>not driving a cheap used beater that you perform repairs on yourself

do you really want niggers building your home?

No, I want mexicans wiring my house.

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please see Latinos are unironically the best minority. If you learn a little spanish they are extremely easy to get along with and really have the same goals as you but not always the means to achieve it.


These guys sound white af.

>hey man can you press this wheel bearing out for me?
>I dunno the security light keeps flashing
>it keeps dying when I pull up to a stop
>hey bro how much to fix this rust?
>it wont pass emissions I don't get it
>I need an alignment
>my a/c doesn't work

Imagine being so delusional you believe you can repair everything yourself

They built the White House didn’t they?

>be against honest work and post a picture of a welfare queen


>if you aren't a middleman you aren't white

Manual labor is based and redpilled.
Exercise, sun and outdoors. Amerifats wouldn't understand.
Doing something productive with your hands is the second best feeling in the world. First is shitting in the open with a cool breeze on your bottom.
t.Rich Pajeet

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WoRkErS RiSe Up

I’m a line cook and surrounded by based hard-working hispanics

>If you don’t work in business or IT, are you even white?
>Manual labor is for slave races.
t. schlomo shekelstein


stem cucks are talking about """work"""
be a good goy and work for those companies while I have my own shop which my father and grandfather owned being a jack of all trades
all handcrafted and many Asians buy German quality for a lot

working 3/4 of the year, well you can't even call it work because I enjoy crafting things
keep on slaving off

I will see how fast you faggots will cry for us when shit goes down and your shitty computers won't do jackshit

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sounds like kike shit to me

>buy used corolla for $drive for a few years, hell I've known people to drive corollas to 300k miles
>when the repairs get too expensive, sell the corolla for whatever shit you can get it for and then buy another beater

It's not hard.

>driving 7th hand clapped out cuckmobiles even a handful of spics wouldn't collectively touch

Thats great if you want literally everyone to think you're worth less than the dirt on their shoe

Stop owning cats.

If you don’t have a garden you are a degenerate.

Buy my wife’s books.

Stop bathing your children.

the only truly redpilled jobs are blue collar jobs

enjoy working for (((IT))) and (((business))) goyim

>Manual labor is for slave races.
This is exactly why our country is infested with niggers

faggots like you

If shit ever went down like varg thinks you’ll need actual skills to survive.

>people like OP are the reason America is fucked
I agree, jews played a MAJOR role in that.

The IT industry is pretty kiked up and shit, I wouldn't want to bother with it. The good thing is that the less Whites that are involved in these industries, the less competent the surveillance state is. The problem is the solution.

>work with jews
Nah, filthy wagie
>t. Sells classic cars

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Best mechanic I know is a sudanese guy he has a masters in electrical engineering but he's never even gotten a job interview which is most likely cause his name is Osama Hussein

I didnt know it was possible to be this wrong.

> tfw every new ADA is a fucking retarded chick right out of law school who doesnt know shit and gets pushed around by even the shitty attorneys and public defenders

Your heritage may range from 12% frying fats to 14% transformator boiler oil used by african snack-places - I know you're a faggot for sure, though.

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W-was machste denn, Kamerad?

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I live in a society that unfortunately doesn't value soldiers.
I didn't finish high school, because fuck that shit, its designed around manufacturing people that regurgitate correct responses not educating them on how to think or how to conduct their learning.
That is why the NPC's can so often be academically successful. They are drones.
Maybe you're thinking the army rewards those kinds of people and to a certain degree it does. Discipline, following orders. However its important to understand that motivations to volunteer for such an occupation vary to large degrees by individuals. And the kinds of individuals that can survive in the Army, are not the same kind you find in those IT offices. They would never finish basic training, because they would be too weak.
For me personally, it was a motivation to learn the skills required to be formidable and capable of defending the people I care about. The people I considered to be my people, at the time it was nationalistic sense but has since morphed into one more ethnically based, transcending nationality.
Regardless however, I found in a civilian job market. Where earning an honest income. Killing is not a factor that really plays a significant role..
I could become a cop, then I think about, the time I was forced to use self defence on civilians. My actions earned the praise from the police because I was able to do in self defence what they legally could not, which was destroy the aggressors.
I can't go to university not without doing some courses that demonstrate my competence to that of a high school graduate. That would be time I really could not be fucked investing in.
Fuck it maybe I could be security, get a shitty job during the day as a renta-cop at some department store. and on the weekends work as a bouncer at some shitty night club just to afford rent in my shitty apartment. So boring I might blow my brains out, at the thought of it.

'transformer', there, bro.

Varg splitting wood in videos. 100% Confirmed for Snow Nigger but he is our Snow Nigger!


>could not be fucked investing in.
There's your problem - you lose your right to whine to anyone about your life.

Kek, yeah, I have been shitposting too long faking a German accent.
Simultaneously having threads opened is a bad idea.
I think I'll get into the habit of only having one open if not explicitly required otherwise.
Speaking of efficiency is laughable when one is here on Jow Forums, but it'd probably make for a better cognitive response too.

Basically wood trade craft family owned business
don't want to tell too much because you can easily find it
let's just say some shit we craft in a month goes for 5-11k
and Asia especially Chinese are the buyers

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I graduate with a bachelor's degree in accounting next fall. How fucked am I?

>Manual labor is for slave races.
Just ask Varg - he lives off the government tit as a welfare queen.

Kek. My supervisor is Ethiopian. Doesn't sleep, just works. Says Ethiopian cities are somewhat similar to American cities, but all that 'charity' people in the West give doesn't help a fucking soul when it gets to Africa.