I am gay and I am proud of it

I am gay and I am proud of it
All natiion should acknowledge gay rights.
We are nothing special. We are just a normal citizen who love same sex person.

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Other urls found in this thread:


homosexuality is a disease and should be treated like alcohlism

10/10 thread.

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>can own property
>can adjudicate damages in court.
>can vote
you have always had all the rights you need.
everything else is just privileges that are only given on the basis of social value.

>First tolerance
>Then trans rights
>Then trans tolerance and LGBBBQ(The extra B stands for B.Y.O.B.B)
Then before you know it you've got Fag cops driving around in rainbow cars paid for by the taxpayer arresting dissenters as the school teaches your kids to be trannies

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You said it yourself, you are nothing special...so why is it some of you want more rights than others

>attention seeking
neck yourself faggot

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You’re one step away from that being a reality in your country, my colonial cousin.

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Who cares fag