I am gay and I am proud of it

I am gay and I am proud of it
All natiion should acknowledge gay rights.
We are nothing special. We are just a normal citizen who love same sex person.

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homosexuality is a disease and should be treated like alcohlism

10/10 thread.

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>can own property
>can adjudicate damages in court.
>can vote
you have always had all the rights you need.
everything else is just privileges that are only given on the basis of social value.

>First tolerance
>Then trans rights
>Then trans tolerance and LGBBBQ(The extra B stands for B.Y.O.B.B)
Then before you know it you've got Fag cops driving around in rainbow cars paid for by the taxpayer arresting dissenters as the school teaches your kids to be trannies

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You said it yourself, you are nothing special...so why is it some of you want more rights than others

>attention seeking
neck yourself faggot

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You’re one step away from that being a reality in your country, my colonial cousin.

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Who cares fag

If it'nothing special why be proud of it? Being proud of your sexuality seems like fucking weird thing to do, faggot or not.

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ok cool

Whatever kikebot

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Gays aren't good. I don't care if you keep it in your bedroom. If your the type of gay who doesn't go to parades, doesn't like the LGBTQ, you should still go somewhere else. You all ruin society.

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I am a PROUD dick-nipple fetishist and you DICKNIPOPHOBES need to DEAL WITH IT. We need our schools to educate our kids and bring awareness to our plight. There are literally dozens of us worldwide and we're growing stronger by the day

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Proud of a genetical defect.

what exactly is there to be proud of? I never understood this

>should be treated like alcoholism
Encouraged? And with a staggering amount of licensed establishments that cater specifically to it?
We have drive through liquor shops here. Should we have drive through aids injections as well?

is a disease. Not alcohol.

I think he meant that we should treat it like a disease...

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Yeah, I remember you fags saying that here and as soon as people were like "alright, have it your way" you immediately moved to start chopping off everyone's genitals. Just fuck on the down low and be happy you're not in a Muslim country

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who cares?
fuck off

If you derive pride out of where you put you dick, you’re mentally ill. Now go be a faggot somewhere else, quietly.

Alcoholism is not treated like a disease, it's glorified. Don't pretend for a second that all those "responsible" establishments aren't trying to get you addicted.

You need to be told the truth about masturbation/porno addiction. There are NO LGBTP people who aren't very deeply addicted to jacking off. It's also why you feel so sad all the time like something isn't right in you life. We all see through the fake smug gays emit to hide the fact that they are unhappy with life.


Not surprising when your women only wants to fuck foreign cock.

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Gay rights - 10% off vaseline, now get back the fucking closet.

Faggots are a disease, you are mentaly ill

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If you are nothing special why do you demand to have parades to celebrate yourselves every fucking month.

You aren't born gay, you are a freak of nature

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Your family is ashamed of you.

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It's pretty gay man. No thanks.

I would like to try gay stuff but only if I can dress up like a girl and pretend I'm a girl, is this okay and gay OP?

Look the majority of us would NOT CARE about your sexuality if you weren't as bad as vegans broadcasting it.
I'm sure you look and act normal but the rest of your group prance around with dildos on thier heads walking down the street just makes you all look bad.

its okay to be gay, just like it's okay to drink some alcohol. but if you think that you're allowed to be as gay as you want in public, you should be thrown in jail like all people who get drunk in public

So then AIDS is alcohol poisoning? And rectal prolapse is liver failure?

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I'm okay with it. But gay kissing in public is gross, straight too mostly.
Why did Hitler hate homosexuals?

homosexuality is a deviation and a crime against humanity, period

Nuh u

Why are you proud of it? Is it a choice or something?

There is literally nothing wrong with being gay. I have had gay friends since I was in high school and have a gay cousin. Who gives a shit what someone else does with their own privacy? You fucks are just taking your own sexual frustration out on people who actually get laid, straight or gay. Also, gay people have the best psychedelics.

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im a vegan

being attracted to certain characteristics isn't a choice, but making your whole identity revolve around your sexuality is

go be cucked somewhere else

>not a choice
but proud?

>Who gives a shit what someone else does with their own privacy?
if they would keep it private, there would be no problem, but here we are


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they are proud of making their sexual preferences the most important feature of their identity

Gay deserve the death penalty

I'm gay, but I'm not proud of it, or ashamed of it, and I know it's not normal, nor is it an ideal way to go through life.

Gays should have the same rights as everyone else, and they do in every western nation I'm aware of. Keep in mind that same sex marriage is not and never was an equal rights issue. A gay man has just as much right to marry a woman as a straight man does in every country they inhabit.

Nice meme flag, Jim Bob. Why dont you go fuck your sister?
They would have kept it private if you uneducated religious zealots would have left them the fuck alone. You created this oversaturation of liberal values by trying to pry into it when it wasn't an issue.

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Faggots are maggots and should be exterminated accordingly.

Literally this. Today the vast majority of people don't give a fuck, just don't act like complete degenerates and you'd be fine - barring the occasional maniac, but that literally happens to us all.

>You created this oversaturation of liberal values by trying to pry into it when it wasn't an issue.
don't ask don't tell? that wasn't enough for them, retard

Bobby Fischer said 90% of Japanese males are gay and your country is a sick twisted place, you should feel right at home

gays should die, end of message

>gay rights
Nope, you faggots deserve death after infringing on a religious couple’s rights of not baking you faggots a cake. I love seeing trannies and fags being slaughtered because of that.

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>I am proud of it
pride, n: an unreasonable conceit of one's own superiority, which manifests itself in lofty airs, distance, reserve, and often contempt of others.
-- Webster's Complete Dictionary..., 1880.

There is a reason pride is considered a deadly sin you know?

We all fie in the end.

your not a jap. your just some fag with a VPN . japs use a ghey pride flag that has a star of david on it because indonesia was making them and they are muslims and thats where japan buys them from

then when israel bitched they started making sure they only order the indonesian ones and having their elected officials say things like "hitler had good ideas"

What was his source?

ive lived 50 plus years and i have never once seen heard or know of a gay faggot.. its all in your programming now. its NOT a natural state

Yeah, they need hobbies other than sucking cock. I'm proud of my accomplishments, but being proud of sexuality, or basing identity on sexuality, is pure lunacy to me.

The bigger question is: why does it fucking matter so much to you what someone does with their sexuality in private or even public? Don't even use the bullshit kids excuse. There is not a reason to give a shit, honestly. Move past the middle school level animosity towards anybody who is different.

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As a homo myself, kys faggot.
I’d reckon around 97% of all gays are flaming leftie pedarests. If it werent for the fact I’m gay i’d welcome islam with open arms to cull the leftists, feminists, and other filth that plagues the world.


How your yaoi collection is going?


He starts talking about faggot prison guards at about 2:15

>The bigger question is: why does it fucking matter so much to you what someone does with their sexuality in private or even public?
the only straight people who make sexuality their main identity are sluts, whores, creeps, and molesters. it's not just homosexuality. sexuality is not something moral people allow in public. anyone who is unable to keep private things private are moral degenerates who don't deserve respect.

>I am gay and I am proud of it
You're a shill.


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>gays anonymous
>gay therapy
>recovering gays
My sides are in orbit

It's not a disease so much as a condition. We still don't know what exactly causes homosexuality. At this point, the best science suggests that there are three types of homosexuality:

* Psychological only: A traumatic event occurred in the person's life, likely sexually violent in nature (but not always), causing them to become homosexual.

* Psychological/physical: The classic "homosexual"; Typified from wire-to-wire belief that they are homosexual/different. There are several physical traits that homosexuals possess that require further research before knowing if there is a definitive physiological link.

* Physical only: Typified by "late-stage" homosexuality. It is suggested that these people have abnormally low / high estrogen or testosterone for their gender and that once what they have diminishes with natural aging, may gravitate towards bisexuality / homosexuality for a variety of social / strategic reasons.

In summary, there has yet to be a definitive physiological homosexual link although it can't be dismissed. Some percentage of homosexuality IS based upon violent / social events and this phenomenon needs to be acknowledged.

There is emerging evidence that some homosexuality / transgender issues overlap (ex. In some Asian countries, it's more socially acceptable to be trans than gay).

According to YOUR values, user. You can't see the forest for the trees.

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top kek

You are letting yourself get used to fuck up society for everyone. Reporting 'hate' to the authorities just as people used to report homosexuals in toilets, and you don't see the irony.

go on, explain how encouraging sexuality as an identity is good for society, especially for young impressionable people. what are homosexual's values and how are they not degenerate. but remember it has to be values that define homosexuality, not some personal values you hold

Aha, I see.