Insider here. Kasich and Hickenlooper are going to run on an independent ticket in the 2020 presidential election...

Insider here. Kasich and Hickenlooper are going to run on an independent ticket in the 2020 presidential election. They're ironing out some details right now and eyeing to announce in the next few months.

With one Dem governor and one Rep governor, they're going to campaign on the message of unity and moderate politics.

It's a good idea to get your counterpoints ready before the announcement because (((they))) will shill them hard to try and attract the moderate wing of the Republican party.

Screenshot this post.

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They won't win without Jow Forums approval.

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Of course they won't win. They'll be used in an attempt to split the Republican party. (((Neocons))) will push them, and Dems will love that.

They won't even register on the polls lmao. Kasich polled at under 1% last time. Total clown.

Kasich has been courting the elite/donor class by writing op-eds in some of the top-tier outlets (I am subscribed to some of them like Foreign Affairs). I wouldn't be surprised if this was real. It's a very smart move by the deep state to unseat Trump without having to impeach/jfk him. Just making him lose a few million votes here or there (Kasich is from Ohio).

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>A pair of pearl clutching RINOs
Yeah they’re gonna fare real well.

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Exactly. Kasich is term-limited and leaving the governor's mansion after next week. This is his next move and he's been busy setting the groundwork to show he's serious.

He's my governor and was worthless. He also comes across as angry.

I hope this is true. That ticket will pull far more of last election's Clinton voters than it will Trump's base. Hickenlooper has been pretty blatant in his presidential aspirations.
-t Mountain California

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Ohio here. Voting Trump again.

Hickenloopers done nothing to stop the flood turning Colorado blue

Fuck that fag

Most Republicans hate Kasich he appeals to more Democrats then Republicans.

Chickenpooper is known as a gun grabber, electoral poison. How will this work?

There's only one faction strong enough to mount an independent primary challenge and they've made their commitment towards 2024.

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why would he? hes democrat you total idiot

Democrats will pose as Republicans online supporting this ticket. RINO boomers will support this ticket. I wouldn't be surprised if Media Matters did some astroturfing campaign to pretend the ticket has support.

Of course they'll be shills pretending to be "real" Republicans. But its not going to work any better then "real" Republicans for Hillary.

Do they have anything special planned for this ticket we are not expecting besides the usual shill tactics?

No one will vote for a man as ugly as Kasich to be President in 2020.

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this is a great idea. these guys are total cucks and won't touch any of the platforms that trump ran on. all the moderate democrats will vote for kasich and it'll destroy any chance the dems have at beating trump.

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Not that I'm aware of. I'd guess it's gonna be a pretty vanilla #nevertrump campaign.

I have some inside information, but not a lot. It'll happen and I just want my Jow Forums frens to know.

I can honestly see it happening.

I think OP is in this case not a fag but it just shows thats the Democrats and the deep state are desperate and stupid.

Kasich appeals to moderate Democrats more then he does Republicans.

Calm down (assuming you don't glow in the dark) he'll draw more Democrats then Republicans.


Yeah basically... but his insignificant % of appeal to Democrats is higher then his insignificant % of appeal to Republicans.

That's the thing, they don't have to do exceptionally well. They just have to take a small percentage of the moderate GOP votes that would've gone to Trump.

Won’t this just take more democratic votes? Why would Republicans want to vote out a Republican president?

it is how Clinton was elected in 92

If this didn't work in 2016 when the GOP was way more divided than it is now it's going to utterly wreck them in 2020.

This is true. Only boomer democrats are attracted to kaisch. I commonly heard during 2015 primary, from democrats, that Kasich was the only republican they liked.

Every "Republican" that supported Kasich was a rino and never trumper. I dont think this will work in their favor. They will actually lose democratic votes , and not pick up anyone that was going to actually vote for trump.

Not one but TWO white males. Very problematic

The biggest threat to trump is Bloomberg running the Ross Perot role and Michelle as the Dem.


Here's there slogan
>Why have one corrupt political party when you can have two instead

They did this in 2016 with that bald glow nigger in Utah. Really worked out well for them didn't it?

>MFW Kasich is put out of commission by strategically arranged breakfast buffets

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Kasich is godsquad. The worst faction of the repubs. He is also a complete clown that chimps out of the slightest issues. I don’t know the Colorado guy but he basically gave his state to mexican gangs. I think there should be a third party that takes the best of the repubs. The ones that don’t like open borders, that don’t want to be ripped off by China and other countries that hide under the umbrella of free trade. That care about the economy and the US as a nation. Then grab the based independents and dems that care about the rule of law. These two are not the ones to do that

Don't do it.

t. Colorado

And now it looks like we’ll get a degenerate gay Jew as governor.

They will draw more from the dems because they wont get their asses on Fox then they will drop out.

You mean they're DNC shills running on civic nationalism in a bid to steal retarded boomer votes from Trump.

sad, pathetic attempt
easy pickings

Hmmm two of the most despised [by conservatives] Republicans... This will hurt the dems more than Trump.. but let me take this opportunity to again say how utterly I despise these scumbags.

Kasich is going to have to come to terms with being a faggot. They have no chance.

If this actually happens, your best bet is to use this to our advantage. Shill them to any moderate democrat with SJW-insanity compilations.

Don’t underestimate our enemies user. A few years before trump if you would have asked a right leaning buisness exec or a corporate lawyer he would have said Kasich was next up.

People in the corporate world talk about Kasich a lot. He comes from Wall Street and made many friends there

Paleoconservatives like Pat Buchanon have existed for decades but get shut out by the (((media))).

it depends on how much attention the (((media))) gives them. They don't need a ton to torpedo drumpfhfhass

Predicting a huge hilarious fail if splitting the republican vote is really what those clowns are trying to do.

Trump should have been this. It is who he is. I don’t think dems will go for anyone unless they hug faggots, give their homes to illegals and admit that being white is a sin

Kasich is a disgusting animal.

I have no proof, but this is what I heard about fifteen years ago from a now exfamily member that I haven't talked to in over a decade now. Clear as mud I know. Kasich slept with this person when she was seventeen and sent her letters. He slept with some of her friends. I saw what she said was the letters, but never read them. She absolutely hated him back then. I'm not sure if she hates Trump more at this point or if that would even matter. Kasich was getting Bill Clinton amount of ass in his day.

I have met him. One of the most arrogant people I have ever talked to

This rat is going to ruin everything. That’s all he’s ever done

I can't wait for the eating memes

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