What is the purpose of this meme

what is the purpose of this meme

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If jews like racemixing so much, then they should be the ones doing it, right?

The idea is that Jews are very ethnocentric but tell everyone not to be, and this exposes the hypocrisy of it

Are you asking because you want to discuss the subject or because you are to stupid to realise the obvious?

As a Jewish I support #openbordersforisrael

So often I come to Jow Forums, see some bullshit, click the thread, and then find that you magnificent bastards have already nailed it. Good job.


Attached: 1 racemix the goyim to low IQ.png (2570x1590, 432K)

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We fellow jews must stop being hypocrites. If you're a jew married to a jew, you're a fucking racist!

Attached: 2.png (774x399, 267K)

Oy gevalt!

Attached: 2ajp.png (1684x1215, 1.77M)

I keep seeing these "Jew says something radical about destroying the white race" image quotes and I can't find sources for them. Does someone have a source for this one? Google doesn't turn up anything.
Genuine question. I want to read more about who these guys are and how they get away with saying this shit.

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Attached: 53245.png (736x871, 552K)

If you weren't a total newfag you might know


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just go on twitter and look yourself

for this reason user.

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((they)) do it to us we do it to ((them))

Jews love niggers.

Attached: AD79B0F8-D039-4AE0-8F27-C77D39A14AF8.jpg (898x899, 96K)

You seem a bit too smart to be on this board. Please leave if you’re going to be using actual thinking.

To teach the JIDF a lesson

Attached: zzzSickIsrael.jpg (480x480, 80K)