Shelby Shoup
desu Shelby is really good looking. I'm tempted to drive to Florida and ask her out on a date.
you can tell she is lonely by how angry and frustrated she is. She needs love, you can tell by how she still presents herself as a feminine woman despite the radicalization. It isn't really her, the poor thing has just been brainwashed. I feel sad for women like this.

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Other urls found in this thread: Bracelet

isn't she a dyke or something?

>women like this

shes a jew, avoid at all costs

>muh pronouns
Shelby is very white looking. I'd totally convert.

Get tinder premium, move the location to where ever she is & keeps schooling until you find her!
Did this once & it worked.

Dont drive there & try & find her because you'll look like a psycho.

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Don’t waste your time you beta pussy white boi. She’s saving dat pussy for her big Black Bull to rip to shreds.

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lol ebin

Have you seen her wort hog Jew mother?

She seems a little unstable.
Honestly, the vid felt like she was being bullied.

no, you got the sauce?
yeah, she's naive, but that makes her cute.

Oy fucking vey, my gorillion

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Gillum intern arrested in Florida for throwing chocolate milk at College Republicans

pretty bad optics I must say

She's pretty mediocre looking to be honest. She uses makeup to accentuate certain features, and she's fairly young - giving her a slight advantage over most women. Plus she's thin and has decent legs. But that personality, whhhooooo boy. It drops her from a solid 6 down to a 4. From 'fuckable while drunk' to 'unfuckable even when desperate'

How the fuck are you faggots attracted to jewesses?

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my white dick wants to bleach everything

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Digits confirm shelby is a boy tranny jew.

ah, fuck.
I fucking hate this goddamn faggot culture we live in, I suspect half of the people "coming out" are just brainwashed by the propaganda.

Shes just a spoiled dumb commie

He's wearing all those faggot rainbow beads Bracelet

you know she has a huge bush

FrankenGirl bottom left looks like she is going to eat her


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Seventeen year-old Shelby Shoup can multi-task.
As a senior with a 6.43 weighted GPA in Hillsborough High School’s International Baccalaureate Program, Shelby has kept busy with her studies, co-founding the Relay for Life Club at the school and working as an award-winning page editor for her school newspaper. This is all on top of her commitments to the Jewish community.
On Feb. 14, Shelby, a member of Tampa’s Congregation Schaarai Zedek, was elected to serve as the North American Federation Temple Youth (NFTY) Social Action Vice President for the 2016-2017 term, which begins in June.
Shelby, daughter of Beth Eriksen-Shoup and Scott Shoup, will serve as the national youth voice and advocate on the Union of Reform Judaism (URJ) Commission on Social Action and as a liaison to the Religious Action Center in Washington, D.C., for their teen programs and projects. The newly elected vice president will be working with five other teens from across the country to plan and run the NFTY Convention 2017 held in Chicago.
Although the appointment is a new position for Shelby, she is no stranger to leadership within the Jewish youth organization. She has been an active member of Schzfty, Schaarai Zedek’s youth group, and is currently the Social Action Vice President on the Regional Board for NFTY-STR (Southern Tropical Region) for the 2015-2016 school year.
She also serves as co-director for Camp Jenny, an annual Memorial Day getaway for underprivileged children that may not have the opportunity to attend a camp otherwise.
When Shelby isn’t busy running for office and directing social change, she is bingewatching Parks and Recreation, a sitcom that surrounds a city parks director Leslie Knope played by Amy Poehler.
Knope is bent on moving up the bureaucratic ladder while improving her small town she loves. Beth Eriksen-Shoup describes her daughter as a “real-life Leslie Knope,” given her penchant for activism and politics.

Is this the Shoup family?

yeah, those swarthy brunette types are bushy.
but she's politicized into faggotry, ugh, depressing, and disgusting.

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you obviously have never been around privileged, good looking Jewish women. avoid at all costs. she would absolutely destroy your life.

She's cute, so if anything you're the faggot, faggot. Now gas yourself

She looks like she sounds like droopy.

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Jews have to control it all.

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when did the groucho marx eyebrows become fashionable on women?

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she went to the yevette vel. school of commie... avoid at all costs

she only likes bbc

They haven't. Women are lying to eachother in an attempt to make their competition look foolish. If I managed to convince everyone here that sandals and socks are a cool look, I would show up the the party in a nice pair of leather boots and have a better shot at picking up the ladies. Except men don't sabotage, so you won't see me doing that. Women impulsively sabotage one another. And that includes convincing eachother to look like fugly clowns. It's a female specific mind virus. That's why so many are sporting half shaved heads, dark lipstick, shitty eyeliner, etc.

Heres a bunch crap she wrote for HHS today

Shelby Shoup, right, of Hillsborough High School was honored as one of the Dr. Sylvia Richardson Young Women of Promise by the Athena Society at a luncheon April 2. She is shown with her college and career counselor Vivian Fiallo at the event.

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she's cute in a couple of pics but in the video she looks like a tranny chink

A Cute

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Top Global Tweets

Venmo: shelby-shoup
@ReemOlive | 269 followers
Activity Map Analyse Visualise Alert
My dear friend & comrade Shelby Shoup is currently on the receiving end of a nazi headed doxxing campaign after being identified by large news outlets like Fox News & breitbart. Legal fees & court fees are expensive, plz help shelby out if you have the means.
Venmo: shelby-shoup

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sexy kikes are devils in sheeps clothing

she needs to just chill a little bit on the eye brows

Otherwise she has
- high cheekbones
- great jawline
- narrow pretty nose
- pretty lips
- proportional chin
- emotive eyes
- clear skin

yeah, apparently she went to a full-on Jewish reform high school and the brainwashing warped her mind.
Jews getting their young women to go full dyke with goyim is remarkably stupid. Was Jewing themselves part of their plan?

you have pics of feminine benis to back up those digits?

Jews are one of the most matriarchal cultures in the world

those eyebrows prove OP right. its a known thing they do to increase interest from men.


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what a cute little boy

She's an actor

Cant imagine all the screaming from this one when Trump won the election.

Poor girl. Brain washed.

Who the fuck walks around with chocolate milk in a travel thermos anyway? That's a little immature don't you think. No wonder she's overweight.

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that video was from 3 years ago, leftists have become a lot more unhinged since the trump win

I bet she doubled up on Antipsychotics.

Thank you Mr. President Trump.
The worms are being exposed.

t. Irish
It's a pathetic attempt at imitating the Central/Southern European phenotype. People from those regions tend to have thick, defined eyebrows and long, thick eyelashes, which make you look prettier and more emotive. Basically like a cartoon character.
As you can see here , the shape of here eyebrows is fine, they're just too thin. Notice how much older she looks in this, despite being in high school.

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Why do these people always have a megaphone?

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what a waste

I would have crammed it in her cram hole of you know what I mean.

Shoup da woop?

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Commie cringe:

Jews have always behaved as minders for blacks, for political advantage. Spike Lee called this out in "mo better blues," to name just one example, and his career was nearly destroyed. He had to publicly apologize for years.

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Shes not had a very good year.