He was wrong about everything and then he killed himself

Don't be like Mike.

Attached: about_mike_new.jpg (1204x1923, 477K)

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who is this faggot

Gary Webb 2.0 and if you have to ask who Gary Webb is, lurk five more years before posting again.

Mike Rupert. Here's his famous re-entry to the public eye talking about CIA drug running. Good stuff.

Sadly, he got into psychedelics and seemed to have gone through some really weird head spaces and wound up shooting himself (or at least that's what we're told). To me, it seemed as though maybe he started to lose it a bit over his fixation on the infinite growth paradigm and fukushima.

Mike was (((suicided))).

He was getting pushed around living on some guy's property and growing vegetables with his shit and piss.
He lost his job proving the CIA moved money with drugs.

>wound up shooting himself
With fifteen shots to the back of the head I assume?

>Don't be like Mike.
>t. CIA
Thanks for the tip, glowfriend.

no this one seems legit

It seemed to me like he went all in to his new native american type lifestyle and maybe didn't give it enough time to sit back and sort out. As somebody who went really hard into psychedelics once, I have some sense of how it tends to send people into really distorted thinking before they have a chance to ease off and re-integrate back into reality. That first year or so can really send you into doing things that made total sense at the time, and maybe not until you have time to look back on it does it occur to you just how far out you really were.