So bros, who here gonna eat?

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Killing animals for sport is sad. I'd rather hunt humans that believe in communism. Faggot. Killing animals and using all of the animal is acceptable. Even cuck burg gained respect when he killed what he ate.

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Venison is good as fuck you retarded soïboï

fuck off red neck

ITT: rural and suburban retards

Based and redpilled.
>Killing a dear with $5 of ammo, giving you a supply of meat for up to 2 months
>Buying a single pound of meat from the store for $10.
I wish that I lived in the country

>crying over deer

They're basically giant rats, you pathetic fuck.

Grilling a tenderloin for dinner tonight.

I like hunting and all but venison is fucking gross. It taste like rotten chicken that's been marinated in mud.

Bear is fucking delicious though.

ITT: Betas that eat animals kept in 4 sq ft cages their entire lives that are too cucked to kill an animal by themselves.

Good work, stack them in the freezer well and enjoy the many meals.

>I wish that I lived in the country

Why? I live in a city of millions and I still go hunting for my own meat.

>I'm Murican yeeeeehaaawwwww
>ignores grocery stores full of food
>git er done
>going climb a tree and shoot a deer from 100 meters away and call it a sport
>me Jethro and Cletus gone do it right

Lol @ hillbillies.

basically this, theres no need to kill these creatures except for sport

Hunting has become a rich man's sport with private land and fucking faggots hiring "outfitters" to escort them to a feeder to shoot a deer from 80 feet away.

Why must you be so proud of your complete dependency of modern comforts?

deer are a pest

That's the problem it's not a "sport." You can call it a hobby, but to call it a "sport" is reaching.

Sitting in a deer stand, 15 feet off the ground, completely camouflaged with sent doe sent, staring through your binos and the corn bait you left in the clearing... yeah not a "sport."

I live in Canada and every deer my wife and I bag is worth thousands and thousands of our cuck dollars in protein. We also hunt water fowl. We still buy some meat like ground pork, regular ground beef and bacon but in small amounts to add flavoring to game based recipes. I am very proud of this. its made a big difference in our lives and you can tell the game meat gives you a lot healthier a body the grocery store meat. soon we will have chickens and a hydroponic veggie garden.

Yes goi, eat our new and apporved shit food products and processed garbage, become dependent, in pain and isolated, listen to what to eat and think from us goi. that swelling and bone pain is not because of your dangerously high blood sugars or your statin, its because you're not following OUR guidelines good ENOUGH!

Yes there is you dumbfuck. Many formerly rural areas are experiencing over population of deer because the shits from urban areas keep sprawling out with their subdivisions and McMansions. Where I live, we even have special population control areas in towns where deer can be taken year round with a special permit and we're importing fucking mountain lions to kill some of these things.

>shooting a 4-pointer

I don't kill qt deer because I am not a nigger.

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I really want to get good enough to kill deer with my ruger 10/22 but so far I have only even tried to down them with our sks.

dunno if im gonna bother this year.

bow hunting?

has NO ONE else noticed this?

>Killing animals for sport is sad. I'd rather hunt humans
Yeah, that's a completely sane thing to say right?

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Looks legitimately delicious and ready for harvest.

based.. i want to find someone to teach me the art of hunting and preserving meat, is it something you can learn by yourself through the web or is it difficult?

I would consider bow hunting to be more of an actual sport, since it actually requires more skill and the prey has more an even chance to escape.

you cant make palestinian kids into jerky, come on Abraham.

watch me 56%

Lot of good videos on youtube. Search for "hunting deer" "gutting deer" "skinning deer" "boning deer" "butchering deer" in that order.

Never lived around deer have you? Your only basis for this opinion is watching bambi as a kid.

they are processing the deer for meet dumbass. Also deer are like rats they kill more humans than vice versa

Tastes nothing like chicken, closer to goat.

>"boning deer"

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gawd your a low iq fuckwad who thinks they are sooo smart. Liberal cuck

Jesus christ this boy has probably never left suburbia lol

It's legal to hunt camels?

grug like kill animal it make grug feel good

I used youtube and a government campaign aimed at getting Albertan to hunt snow geese called "harvest your own" to get started. What the fuck do you hunt in Israel? Palestinian's house pets? Do you guys actually have hunting grounds out there?

I know I know.

lol these heebs got bantz, what game can you hunt in Israel anyway?

Deer are only out of control because dumbfuck humans wiped out their main predators: wolves and big cats (mountain lions, etc).

>muh children
>big wolf scary

Humans are a fucking virus that destroy everything they touch. 7 billion is way too many... we seriously need a major, major or pandemic to wipe out about 3 or 4 billion.

.22lr is too small for hunting deer humanely.

If you ever see a bow hunter take down a deer you'll realize how retarded you are being. The only thing the deer has more of a chance to do is suffer not escape and the skill to use a rifle vs a bow doesn't really variate in-terms of time it takes to learn. Its like being good at baseball vs golf.

bear is nasty and crawling with parasites.

you must have lived your whole life in a concrete jungle. Chiraq maybe?

>Humans are a fucking virus that destroy everything they touch. 7 billion is way too many... we seriously need a major, major or pandemic to wipe out about 3 or 4 billion.
Start with yourself

Notice this is Missouri, out of state hunters lease huge acres of land with food plots just so they can pretend to be a big shot on tv and video tape their kill. Conservation agency is trying to re-establish the elk population in southern Missouri just for that exact reason you stated.

Thats what I keep saying but people i hang out with brag about being able to do it. I like the idea of spending less on ammo.

Yeah using a rifle requires more skill than a bow. You live in downtown Montreal don't you?

"blueberry" bear is fucking awesome.

White tails have always been parasitic. But I agree with you in principal. Read teddy Roosevelt's book on hunting and we used to have fucking antelope in this country and an impressive array of other animals, but the push for ranch land and dumb ass sport hunters managed to kill them all off.

palestinians, lols. maybe pandas, i have no clue really.

Deer hunting with a rifle is illegal in a lot of places anyway. Should be using shotgun w/ slugs.

it's out of control in a lot of places

Fuck on soiboy

I only ever hunted geese but my wife wanted to hunt deer so I followed her into it. I want to hunt pigs but they are to tricky for me. Next step we are going to train a hunting dog. I want a german shepard but she wants a basset.

and illegal in most states. rifled shotgun or bow is pretty much it, you cant even hunt in Illinois with a hunting rifle. fuck this state.

Wild pigs can have pretty nasty meat depending on if they've been eating carcasses or not.

Depends on the pig, you get the wrong breed that pigs will obliterate your dog.

Why no doggo? My Golden can smell dear poop from a mile away. I just go where he wants, fight him not to actually eat the shit and hang out. A deer always shows up where there is fresh deer poop.

it's because rich retards living in their mansions near state land or private hunting land occasionally hear a gunshot

this. took me a while as a kid to get good w/ a rifle, especially long shots, but a bow was so much easier, i picked it up in just a few arrows, was hitting 50 meter targets after 10 shots. they just kinda float to your target, nice and quiet

Calgary Alberta and id say its like golf vs baseball in terms of difference. Bows have a way more tricky learning curb and require more technique but its not the big deal you imagine certainly not in terms of improving the deers odds in some kind of effort for social justice for game animals kek

clarify: meaning they think long travel rounds shouldnt be allowed, only rifled shotguns

"white tails have always been parasitic"

yea, they absolutely WRECK orchards and other farming especially in states like Illinois because there's no natural predators left other than vehicles.

It's how it should be, and will be once the cities die off.

rifled shotty w/ slugs.

I just became a furry

I'd be very happy to take a deer at feed plot from 80ft away. I just want to fill my freezer. Unfortunately where I am in Canada it's a little more difficult to do so. I am going hunting all next week though. Hopefully get some deer and moose but avoid the grizzlies.

It doesn't kill them quickly enough, and that is bad. A deer is too beautiful an animal to die slowly.

only time we ever took my black lab out when i was young was if we were bird or rabbit hunting. a dog isnt really needed in deer hunting, no point really. you just sit there on the ridge of a valley they traverse and wait.

>Depends on the pig, you get the wrong breed that pigs will obliterate your dog.

Lot of people who hunt hogs use pitbulls, pitbulls lock their jaws into the hog and you'll need a pry bar to remove them.

You are larping. Bear is gross and everyone knows it.


crawling with parasites.

you still have antelope people hunt them to this day all over north america.

gov pays big bounty for pig ears and the meat is great.

dog is for tracking them not fighting them.

Not just that, hogs are dangerous. Those tusk and hooves are no fucking joke and they're aggressive as hell.

>avoid the grizzlies.

am I a ded man if I were to encounter a grizzly? :p

Goodluck to you, I hope to fill the freezer as well.

You're right, what you describe is not sport, it's harvest. City slickers don't understand.

Sport hunting does exist though, and the distinction is clearly technique.

and what do you think is going to happen to that dog once it corners an aggressive hog while you're running trying to catch up?

yea, they shut down Site M over a decade ago. there is no state hunting land in central Illinois anymore as far as i know.

Wild pigs in Alberta are all descended from escaped farm pigs. No tusks and super soft hooves but they still fuck dogs up easily.

Used up all my tags already.

>Not just that, hogs are dangerous. Those tusk and hooves are no fucking joke and they're aggressive as hell.

I want to even into hunting but don't feel like sitting in a tree stand for 6 hours only to accidentally shoot and kill a doe and get assraped in fines by the game warden. Could I even into hog hunting by setting up traps?

You never met my doggo. Any hunter would feed that boy steak for breakfast.

yup. people think hunters dont have compassion, but compassion is the first part of conservation.

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oh yea, we gave our lab some venison scraps, but i dont care how big your dog is, he cant retrieve a 600 pound deer, plus if he wanders around the area, the deer can smell him, just like the dog can smell them and they will change their route because of this.

i know you gotta good boy :D

Agreed. If we had half the population things would be better. Christcucks will have a problem with this though.

Rather them be shot by a hunter than run out in front of my car

There two types of hunters, those who respect nature and enjoy it (a lot of hunting isn't just getting your KD up, it's also enjoying the outdoors)… many of those hunters are actually pretty environmentally conscious. Then you have the other type, who's in it just to kill something, the type of people who kill pets and purposely try to hit small animals near the road.

The first type are respectable, the other usually lives in a trailer.

laugh at you for your plethora of assumptions.

I like sitting on oil wells. The deer are so used to them they ignore any movement or sound around them. Must mask your Oder as well its so effective.


I'm not sure what the laws in your state are for trapping. You'd have to go to your state's DNR site and do a little digging.

>I'm not sure what the laws in your state are for trapping. You'd have to go to your state's DNR site and do a little digging.

thanks for the pro tip!

I don’t know anybody who hunts deer and doesn’t eat them. Unless there is obviously something wrong with it like it’s diseased or it smells different than it should when you go to clean it

yea, im not one of the later, i absolutely despise the idea of killing an animal just to kill it. that's just selfish and evil. and yea, they do fucking live in trailers and sometimes mansions.