RAGE thread

RAGE thread


blackpill warning

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theres literally nothing wrong with NPC's aborting their NPC children sorry, especially when nogs do it

Those are dead "pinkies" or rat offspring. They are blast frozen or gassed then sealed. This is pet food.

>I have four niggers
get out subhuman

you're quite the retard faggot aren't you

56%er OUT

They were never burned ,fags. The fetus is incredibly rich in stem cells and other things that can help old joos to prolongue their stay on earth and away from the cauldrons of Hell.

This. Plus those are mice.

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Shhh bro, keep your facts out of Jow Forums

Those are mice, I buy em all the time.

>drug and rape countless white preteens
>sentenced to 5 years
>out in 2

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Obviously fake

Those are baby mice that the petstores sell to feed small snakes
You're welcome


>I Love my babies
Not enough to raise them.

Lol most of the absurd bullshit posted here can easily be debunked by doing a simple google search. Jow Forumsacks are retarded as fuck

this is the kind of person they're looking for when they make these threads. People who see, assume wrong, then walk away thinking it was truth. You are the victims of the next psyop.

Threads like this exist solely for identifying you.

These overreactions are newfags. It's fine to shame them but be glad people are getting tired of the general bullshit so much that they're coming here to get redpilled

Define "general bullshit"? I think my logic applies to most of what is posted on Jow Forums.

"general bullshit" as in everything going on in the western world right now huenon, that's also why Bolsonaro just won, congratulations on nova era