Corey Dale Ehmke, who calls himself Coraline Ada Ehmke and dresses up as a woman, wrote up a document that he calls the Contributor Covenant. What is this, you might ask. First you need to know what open source is (most probably know).

Open source software is software which has its code open to the public, and everyone can take a look at it, fix it, add features, and contribute. However, in the last few years, there has been a large amount (up to 40 THOUSAND) projects which have accepted the Contributor covenant as their official code of conduct. If you don't follow it, you are kicked out.

Who is Corey Dale?
He is an actually mentally ill transsexual jew, and a self-described practicing witch inspired by black magic and kabblah. Very unstable guy all around. Here is his twitter:
Also, pic related is him

Why does this matter to me?
The open source community is growing rapidly and involves some of the most used and most popular software in the world. Software such as Linux (powers most of the world's computers, including servers and a majority of phones), all open source INTEL projects, Ruby on Rails, and thousands more. It has been signed off on by many major liberal tech giants like Google, Mozilla, Microsoft, etc.

Why is it bad?
Read it for yourself:
It allows moderators (often the most liberal) to silence and ban pretty much anyone they dont like, due to the vague nature of the document. Another reason is that Corey, the man who wrote it, wrote another document, "the anti meritocracy manifesto". Yep, you heard that right.

What can I do to help?
I don't know. I made this thread so you guys can help out. We have achieved incredible things so far, but this is one that seems to be the hardest. Post any ideas you have here and take action!


Attached: AommI-3r_400x400.jpg (400x400, 22K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Best way to see how crazy this retard is is to look through his twitter account. Actual mental illness


Fuck off shill

N-n-nazi racist bigots!

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Fuck off shill

If you nerds don't know how to ignore an attention manwhore that's not my problem.

Here's a bump op

It's not about that. It's about people being retarded enough to simply accept these without realizing the consequences.

Whenever it is added to a project, all critics are shut down with "lmao it basically say don't be a dick what r u a nazi???"

>you are kicked out
Of what?

You are unable to work on the project. Basically, you're fired

old news at this point nigger, Jow Forums barely reacted to this when it landed
you can get traction in Jow Forums with this but Jow Forums threads die asap because the population on this board are either shills or retards that only get interested in a topic if you post clickbait headlines and twitter screencap OPs
it's not all bad though, if nothing else the deterioration of Linux (one white finn's hobby OS) will accelerate the destruction of all SJW thought, as 80% of the world's OS usage are on a Linux-based platform. that includes android, not to mention almost every server on the planet is running a distro. we may yet see google die because of this. if you're an accelerationist, nothing could be better news than this bullshit gaining traction, because it's despicable on its face and even normalfags recognize how ass-backwards the tenets are
you'll probably get better traction if you more explicitly point out the post-meritocracy insanity manifesto

Attached: drafter.png (589x624, 608K)

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...fork the shit!

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>if you're an acceleration

Attached: signers.png (639x723, 62K)

So make your own project. Isn't that kinda what open sores is all about? I mean, you take the code, do your own thing with it to improve/change it for whatever, test it, and put it online.

You know what the problem with compscis/coders is? They have no fucking balls.
I'm a chemist, and if some dumb cunt came into MY lab and tried to tell me to use proper pronouns, I'd tell IT to "go drink from the bottles in that white cabinet over there with the blue diamond on it".

You can get blacklisted easily. Pic related is from the CoC adoption thread.

Subtopic: Isn't blacklisting supposed to be illegal?

Attached: blacklist.png (796x285, 44K)

context - criticisms are mostly civil:

> we have the obligation to use our positions of privilege ... to improve the lives of others

Oh cool, this person has successfully philosophically reconciled Hume's is-ought problem! That's pretty amazing! I'm sure the proof is elsewhere in the docu-... oh.

Jow Forums in general doesn't sustain efforts

it's more a dopamine board, looking for outrage


>A core set of values and principles

Attached: jew-gold.jpg (1162x850, 282K)

>So make your own project

Sounds good in theory and it's definitely something you can do, but how am I supposed to install the Red MAGA Hat Linux distribution instead of the normal variety and then explain that to my superiors?

> Why are you using an evil racist program on our servers? You're fired.

Stop buying crap from companies that employ these degenerates. Stop contributing to open source projects that are run by them. They only have power because betas are giving it to them.

Tell em, EXACTLY, to go get fucked. Be as uncivilized and niggardly as possible.

Not even kidding. If HR has issue, tell her dumb ass to get fucked too.
Better yet, work in an industry that doesn't tolerate morons, like chemistry. You know what happens to morons in chemistry? They die.

sadly correct
these days it's more an aggregate of anger-inducing headlines than a place for discussion
can blame moot and Jow Forums harbor imo, culture of the board was permanently shifted further towards shitposting, and trump's rise has really seen a detrimental population move in as well
>Isn't blacklisting supposed to be illegal?
depends on the state, good luck proving it though
they aren't exactly maintained in the open

colour me surprised

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fucking serbs. everytime. going apeshit about stuff that is irrelevant already. no one gives a fucking shit about linus, since the big man left, and no one gives a fuck about this faggot. im laughing in Mladic at you

So glad I ditched the tech industry. I'm not dealing with this bullshit, fuck that noise.

Gonna go get rich on Wall Street and get me all sorts of cash money, doing hookers and blow every night.

Attached: top-100-billionaires-390x285.jpg (390x285, 25K)

>post-meritocracy insanity manifesto
Yes, start a thread.

Good. I remember when I told you fags about this way back when they started pushing for more women and niggers. What was the words you used? Oh right, "just ignore them, live and let live, you should go back to Jow Forums".

I think I'll sit here with popcorn and watch with glee as they take away everything you've worked so hard for in the past 30 years. You were spineless back then, you're spineless now, why even bother trying to oppose it, if you already know you're too weak to do so? Just bend over and do their bidding as they spit on you until they don't need you anymore and have you fired and blacklisted from every tech job.

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Also, here's a tip for you fellers. You want a career free of SJWs? Choose a carreer that is dangerous. Lethally dangerous. Chemistry for example. The kinda person dumb enough to believe gender and race are social constructs doesn't live long in professions that require caution, forethought, and taking risks.

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You know the topic is important when shills like this fucker come out in full force

you know you highlighted 2 separate people, yet referred to them as singular? someone disagreeing with you, doesnt make them a shill, brainlet. you need a better level of intelligence to create a better defence mechanism from criticism. not everyone who disagrees with you is a shill,

We need Terry.

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Everyone sane needs to self-blacklist and work on building ICBMs

The coders who followed any of your suggestions end up blacklisted and out of work. Managers buy into the whole equality/diversity shit, hire people within the company to enforce them, and if anyone speaks up, they're fired and replaced by an Indian on an H1B visa. Many people go start their own projects, and some are successful, but the integral problem persists, and it stems from people hiring these retards like the one OP mentioned. We need to spread the word to managers/ceos and get them to do something about it.

Civilization could thrive thanks to the strong men making a pact with the smart men so the first protects the second while this one is spending his time creating things to make everybody's life easier.
But they made a mistake and was thinking that, since they had everything they need, "why not lift up the meek as well?"
And this is what you get for letting mentally ill and weak people have a voice and be a part of society at the same level as the rest.


>open sores

Tell them pussyhat Linux is no longer under the control of sane, competent programmers, and therefore is probably full of security holes. Said holes could be found, or could be bought by bad actors, because the project will be full of crackheads, narcissists, transfurry niggers etc. The first person who was squeezed out of Linux was the guy who tried to stop the Intel backdoor (forget his name). In fact this whole thing might be just the latest Jewish attempt to use Social Justice to destroy everything good.

>no one gives a fucking shit about linus, since the big man left
he's already back from self-imposed vacation and doling out softball rejections of code
many people still give a shit, as comments on that article show. it's very relevant, but you aren't going to see multiple fast-moving, reply-capped threads in Jow Forums about it because of the userbase here unless you bait professionally in the OP
I like meta-comedy, thanks sweden
I already posted screencaps in this thread, no reason to start another