Just got back from Japan

Just got back from Japan.

America is literally fucking infested with low IQ brown and black people and it's ruining our country.

My uber driver just now was, I think, LITERALLY retarded. He couldn't form a sentence, drove like a maniac, and was constantly talking shit to people in the traffic jam... how fucking stupid is this? Why do I have to put up with this? Whites built the best fucking country the world has ever known, and yet everyday I'm subjected to being surrounded by monkeys who are always a step away from chimping out over nothing.

In Japan, everyone is fucking respectful and quiet. Even when you go to Mcdonalds the workers are diligent and very polite. When you ride the subways, no one is speaking or listening music so loud you can hear it from THEIR headphones.

I'm so fucking pissed, just went to a restaurant and watched some lazy mexican literally fail at the easiest job in the world. Aka refilling waters and cleaning up dishes and bringing them to a station. After watching him for 2 minutes I could have done is job.

>hurrr durrr but if people like him didn't exists who would do those menial jobs?

WHITE PEOPLE. White people would do those shitty jobs and everything would function a million times better like Japan. You have high IQ japanese doing shitty jobs which is why everything in the country runs so god damn great. We could have had that too, here, but we fucking imported too many nigs and spics and now our society is crumbling. White's generous nature has been exploited by these mud piles and we're being poisoned from the inside out. A month ago I got a burger from wendy's and there was a fucking glove inside the patty. How the fuck does that even happen?? GOD DAMNIT FUCKING NIGGERS AND SPICS YOU TURNED MY GREAT COUNTRY INTO A SHITHOLE. FUCKING CHINKS HAVE IT SO NICE WE COULD HAVE THAT TOO.

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Hey I agree. Find solice in your life when everyone is shitty around you. Maybe consider moving to Japan and raising a family.

yep, this country is fucked

I had a similar experience in a whiter part of Germany. Things just...worked there, in a way I'm not used to in America. And it's clearly a result of demography. The train conductors were eloquent white Germans. The service workers were respectful and polite. There were no random people yelling in the streets, no aggressive homeless people shouting at me as I walked past. There were no glares from mystery meat immigrants arguing on their phones with their relatives in weird foreign languages, no roving groups of "youths" blasting music out of their phones and chimping out in public over trivialities. In stores, everyone waited their turn to pay or order and there were never disruptions. Everyone kept to themselves and were respectful of each other's space in a way that just doesn't happen in America.

And yet, dorks at the Cato Institute and Paul Ryan fanboys will tell me I have to accept infinite immigration from the shittiest parts of the third world because that somehow means I have a few more dollars in my pocket. I don't know if that's true, but even if it is I don't give a shit. All the money in the world isn't worth the loss of solitude, the loss of comfort, the loss of feeling like I belong to a cohesive, friendly, functional society.

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Mutts fuck off, dont ruin Japan



I bet you niggers will ruin another country because you can't fix your own

Ivanka 2024
Prepare your anus libtards for the first female Potus

>there was a fucking glove inside the patty
they did this on purpose

>And yet, dorks at the Cato Institute and Paul Ryan fanboys will tell me I have to accept infinite immigration from the shittiest parts of the third world because that somehow means I have a few more dollars in my pocket. I don't know if that's true, but even if it is I don't give a shit. All the money in the world isn't worth the loss of solitude, the loss of comfort, the loss of feeling like I belong to a cohesive, friendly, functional society.
>Rich people pay extra money to get away from poor people
>We need to bring poor people here to save money on farm labor
The absolute state of people who support open borders.

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Right, open borders is basically redistributive anyway. It takes money from the working class, and moves it toward employers and the upper class.

>there was a fucking glove inside the patty
That was the Michael Jackson contest. Whoever received the glove won the million-dollar prize. That prize had to be redeemed by September 30.


No, they're even WORSE

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You should wait to see my country. Or Africa! Every nation must pay for its sins. Russia did. The kikes did. China and so on. You burgers are next

>I had a similar experience in a whiter part of Germany. Things just...worked there

typical burger, mixing up germany and poland

the only thing that works efficiently in germany is kebab shops.

Agreed OP

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Blacks wouldn't die of malaria.

I wonder if he died or just had a terrible case of whiplash from that.

Just move to Maine.

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I try not to be involved in road rage incidents but 2 weeks ago some out of shape drugged out boomer parked illegally in the road to get across the street instead of finding a spot and I had to wait behind his car because traffic was coming the other way, and as he slowly waddled out I watched him, and he saw me watching him, and yelled at me "What the fuck are you looking at, BITCH!". And I replied with "YOUR FUCKING FAT ASS TO CROSS THE ROAD, FAGGOT!".

Take my white card.



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He just had a slight headache. He went back to work the next day.

I strongly advise moving to the country. Shitskins are having an adverse effect on your health.

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When I was a kid this place was like 95% white with a sprinkle of Puerto Rican and Vietnamese (I dunno why) and even the scruffiest janitor could at least tell you where the restrooms were.
Now it's Le 56% Town.
I bet if anyone did a cost analysis on hiring foreign illiterates, it would soon become apparent that their incompetence costs far more in damages, driving away customers, requiring extra managers to tell them how to do their jobs, and other inefficiencies than their lower salaries save. But even if you could do such a study you couldn't act on it because das raycis and you'd get sued for discrimination.

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IE 20XX is so fucking bad with .webms jesus christ

Not an artform.

aside from his spine snapping and his legs flying off i'm sure he's fine

>he doesn't enjoy his low iq slave caste labor force

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...And all I got was this lousy shirt.

White women are shit. Breed gooks.

>Ivanka 2024
>Prepare your anus libtards for the first female Potus

If she runs for president it will be as a democrat

No way. Democrats hate her because she's a Trump. Ivanka could only win by going Republican.

stfu shills, stay in your shithole

why are you such a nigger?

do you not see the huge puddle of blood and the legs hanging on by a thread?

My few uber experiences have been similar, except they were mystery meat foreigners. I worked in a restaurant when I was in my early 20s, all the people in the back were foreign and didn't know about standards, they would just do a mediocre job and push out something that looked like it was what you ordered. If a customer made a special request it was a pain, I'd have to go back and try to explain and hope they would make it right. If the food needed to be fixed because they made it wrong or they were taking to long they would act like the customer is a whiny entitled baby. After my experiences there, I can tell when my food has been made by a person that does not give a fuck, I now avoid restaurants as much as possible.

I recently went to Europe and it made me realize how different America could have been

That's what it's like in major citys the US is full of great towns and community's move out of Los Angeles if you dont want to see Mexicans plenty of states that are 80%+ white.

>less niggers and mexicans
>less crime
Well no shit. Who would've thought?

Not all of us want to start a new career from scratch.

Enjoy your laissez faire capitalism

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>how different America could have been
We might as well accept it. Publicly protesting it even slightly will result in a professional blacklist.


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Biggest blackpill was reading this pamphlet from the Nazis:

>Jewry is neither a race nor a mixed race. It is a confusing mixture of races, racial mixtures, and racial fragments, artificially held together by its rabbis. It acts as a kind of counter-race, which can only destroy, never build. Jewry is the product of the inbreeding of asocial, criminal, sick, degenerate, and rejected elements of every possible race in the ancient world. Jewry is neither a race nor a people nor a religion in our sense of those words. It possesses no homeland, but leads a rootless, parasitic life at the expense of the host peoples. Its current homeland is largely the criminal neighborhoods of the great cities of the world, its god is money, its policy is revolution and the destruction of the cultural treasures of mankind.

>We Germans have the old concept of a “cheerful” (hochgemut) person. We envision such a person as having the best strengths of character and will, guided by high ideals, and doing everything that serves the good of the whole. Alfred Rosemberg writes about the Jews in The Myth of the Twentieth Century: “Whenever the strength of the soaring Nordic spirit begins to weaken, the earth-bound Ahasver sucks on the tiring muscles; whever a wound appears in a nation’s body the Jewish demon finds the sick place and as a parasite benefits from the weak moments of the world’s great. He does not wish to achieve domination through the heroism of battle, but rather to make the world “pay” (zinsbar machen) the fantastically strong parasites. Not fight, but inflitrate, not advance values but exploit decay, that is the law that he follows and can never escape — so long as he lives.”


We’re dealing with a real life “Invasion of the Body snatchers” scenario. This isn’t a science fiction novel. This is real life. Our governments are controlled by what might as well be flesh eating parasites.

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They are shipping brown people everywhere. I'm in the PNW they are building apartment buildings and stuffing them full of third worlders. I know an elementary school teacher here and her whole class is black with 1 white student and her school stopped serving pork.

Imagine how big and hard those puffy nipples are to poke thought her thick bra.

>When you ride the subways, no one is speaking or listening music so loud you can hear it from THEIR headphones.

No, the worst thing is fucking people listening to their shit music playing directly from their phone speaker. Holy shit that drives me nuts.

>In Japan, everyone is fucking respectful and quiet.

Oh shutup you faggot. First off, stop cherry picking, and second, Japanese people are conformist and docile, much more-so than here in the states. Would rather be here than in Japan ANY day.

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its time for americans to come home to europe, america is a failed country europe can still be saved. come home white man

I agree user. The solution is simple. If America was all white it would be a better. Guess America isn't actually the greatest nation, slowly turning to shit. America WAS the greatest nation.

Well we have some hope. The past couple years have been bad for jews and the future is looking bad for them too. But what's funny is people say not all Jews are bad, but if Zionists are dealing with trump who has time for stuff like building refugee housing in fucking Minnesota? None can be trusted

Bullshit. Been living in the USA since the early 80's and I don't see much difference compared to Europe. And the only reason the Europeans keep to themselves is because they are next to dead; they don't even talk to their neighbors. You could be bleeding to death in the middle of the road in Europe, and it would take effort for a European to break out of their autism.

>Europoor proxyshill thread.

Checked & kek'd.
Remainder that is also full of spics because they were already there since it was part of Nueva Espana

Go home, Kevin. Your fatherland needs you more than the eikaiwa

>its time for americans to come home to europe, america is a failed country europe can still be saved. come home white man

how can I even into citizenship there?

t.skilled tradie

Buddy, and first let me say that I’m mexican American with light skin at least, go find a white city like Denver. It was goddamn lovely. 80% white population. Everyone was too nice
Anyways move there

What country are you from

blame the jews and their leftist golems.

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Ivanka isnt a trump. She took a kikes last name.

Japan already has slimes and niggers, fuck off cunt.

tits are too small

Born in Romania, but I've visited Hungaria and Germany. The people are actually more polite in the USA. In Europe, they just put on a face. Nobody gives a shit about you there.

Anti-USA fags are so full of confirmation bias that I can't believe they don't see how they cherry pick everything bad about the USA, then multiply it x10, and then ignore anything good. So sick of this bullshit. This is the best place to live, period.

Fuck this slide thread. S.

>mfw I pretend to be low IQ to trigger dumbshits like OP
IQ is a fucking meme bro.

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no kidding. and it's not just nigs and spics either. chinks and poos are just as much to blame.

Welcome back to the west. I'm sure Trump will fix everything, absolutely for sure after the mid-terms. Go out and vote republican!

Trump is literally a Zionist

>Japanese people are conformist and docile
you mean exactly like the americans

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>it's a "redpill-lite reddit cuck first coming to the realization that the West and the White race has been irreparably destroyed" episode
No fucking shit retard. The only races that are actually human are Whites and Japanese. Every other race needs to be genocided for any substantial positive change to ever occur


>puerto rico
I bet you were

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Well in Japan the working hours of the people are quite horrendous, people regularly off themselves AT WORK and that in a first world country. And their are other problems in society like depression, sexual repression, aging population and suicide. Japan is far from perfect.

You must be new here. I'm not even going to begin if you think Americans are conformist.

prepare for the bbc, khazar cutie

>IQ is a fucking meme bro.
I think we know whos sub 100

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>American education
Nips aren't respectful because they got a high IQ, you dumb fucking retard, they do it because it's part of their cucked mob mentality culture, it's been the same all their history. Or are you seriously telling me that nips had an average high IQ at the end of the XIX century when they were fighting with fucking swords and "muh seppuku". They are cucks and if anyone acts in anyway to try to look different, they completely chimp out (in their own cucked way). Blue-collar workers are (usually) equally retarded in most countries, now stop fucking whining, and just admit you hate niggers and spics because they're disgusting.

Preaching to the choir. Niggers, spics, muzzies, and other low IQ groups really fuck this world up

Less than 1% of americans owned slaves. They were mostly rich jews.

>don’t realize social movements against the recognition of mental illness have caused this problem
>complain about NUUUUGGGHGGEEEEEEEEERRRRFRSSSSDDS while speaking about something unrelated
Get over yourself and go to bed dammit. One shitty Uber driver in the most shitstained country on the face of the earth isn’t something to post on Jow Forums about.
Come back when there’s a happening.

>Nip women
user pls

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>some arbitrary number is supposed to be a measurement of intelligence
>a concept so intricate and nuanced we have but the basest understanding of it, much less the ability to replicate it in any real capacity
It is 100% a meme.

Japan is overpopulated, so who gives a fuck if their birthrates are falling? Literally no one can afford a house where they can get a good job because of their extremely high population density.

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Is - is he okay?

>Japan is far from perfect
At least they don’t have kikes or niggers

You are almost there, most slave owners were jewish. The ship captains were also jews. Do some research there are even niggers that are figuring this out now. That means niggers out there are actually smarter than you that is sad.

>"Was gonna move there but then I heard about the general lack of aspiring rap artists.."

smartass. yes, i'm sure all these POCs will be just great for us in the long run, because it's already working out so well. thanks, boomer.

I've been to Japan and most japs are miserable and cold. While they may seem friendly to foreigners in reality it's all an act and most are rather xenophobic and actually find interacting with foreigners extremely awkward.

Japan has the highest suicide rate in the world and people there are extremely overworked. In fact, all white-collar workers in Japan are formally referred to as wageslaves, or "salarymen" (サラリーマン) in Japanese.

Also the girls are extreme prudes and the men gave up trying to fuck them for a reason. This is why Japan's birth rates are declining.

If most people really understood Japan, they probably wouldn't want to live there or live in a society similar to it.

You sound extremely naive, frustrated and unhappy. This country would also be better if we got rid of people like you bitching about 1st world problems.

>satire this poor
tsk tsk user

People do this??

Yes don’t come

>Japan is overpopulated
>who gives a fuck if their birthrates are falling?
Everyone who cares about the actual wapanese? Also, Are you a chink or a jew?

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Don't pretend to be a Jap, Mr. English teacher.


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I’m not Japanese

Don’t come here


I'm a Scandinavian. Japan's landmass is the size of the American west coast, yet it has 120 million people all concentrated into a few areas. The USA has more than 7 times the landmass of Japan.

You want the population in Japan to rise? Then you must be one of the globalists encouraging them to take in more 3rd world immigrants so that they can replace their aging population with "young educated minorities" in the millions