Why did you enroll in the military?

is this cartoon accurate?
do people really enroll in the the military to fight overseas instead of defend their own borders at home against invasion?

which do you think is a better use for the military? the middle east or border enforcement?


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the morons that enroll in the military mostly do it for the bennies

I joined because I love my country and wanted to help members of the armed services as a medic. Border enforcement is a much better use of ground forces than anything else I can think of. That cartoon is bullshit, but you already knew that.

I signed up to die for Israel, just like the cartoon says.

Because I love Israel.

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I think serving Israel should be any officers main concern and have drafted several papers on the Iranian problem and how we need to invade ASAP.
but Im an officer and if you want to get promoted you gotta tell (((them))) what they wanna hear.

a nation state enforcing borders? using its military to do its one job of preserving its border integrity?
what is this 1939? disgusting desu.

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>sending your army to fuck up random countries in the middle east resulting in millions of people dying for the benefit of a foreign power is fine
>sending your army to defend the southern border against an invasion isn't

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He's sending the NG isn't he? They signed up to fuck around on a base in Kansas for college money.

the function of the US military is to die for Israel to spare the precious blood of the chosen people
unless you wanna be stuck filling out paperwork and picking up the slack for 5 pregnant black chicks in maternity uniforms who need to stay off dey feets.
tough choice.

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Protecting the border is one of the very few legitimate responsibilities of the government.