British food is terrib-... whoa

Tell me, Jow Forums, why do you look down on British cuisine?

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my grandma used to eat something like that but she would dunk the middle bread in hot chicken grease

I don't like Halal food.

>why do you look down on British cuisine?
It's hard to say Spotted Dick with a straight face.

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>not to be confused with Toasted sandwich
Is that a thin slice of bread between two slices of heavily buttered toast?

they actually have the best breakfast.

wtf they cum in their food
no wonder why they got kicked out of eu and mass killed by based pakis

>blocks your path


I only know one girl from your commie shithole and she's the worst coalburner to ever live

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Does anyone actually eat all that?

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Id fucking kill for one right now

brits are fatasses they could probably eat two full plates

You are supposed to split this with your titcow wife.

brits are fatasses coming from a American yikes

Haven't seen too many brits devour this, but "munchie" boxes from the kebab stores are always ravaged by them.

I regularly did when i lived with mum

Yeah lad no trouble, but it's not an everyday thing at all.

Get the pan on and make one

And who likes pic related? Give us a 'Heil Mosley' if you do.

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fok me i havent had a stew in a long time, thats what im cooking on Tuesday

I love these threads on /ck/. Without flags people really unwind, but it's mostly not banter though but incredible butthurt that anyone should be embarrassed to express

That is a right and proper breakfast

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Your country can be count as a standard for coalbuning metric system :^)

German breakfast...proceesed meats?

Oh yuck!

I have never heard of this in my entire life. Fake and gay.

Ive never heard of this in my 4 years ive lived in the uk

Cornish pasties are pretty good.

That's a butty

I wish someone could give the recipe for a sandwich to my local Subway. They liyerally don't understand how to make a sandwich.

Damn that looks good
Also brits have some of the best sweets

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People shit on our cuisine, but usually know nothing about it beyond memes. You're a good example.

Not really. Hotels usually offer them.

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Pork pies are great and a good fry-up is proof of a loving God.

A third of that is disgusting

English Breakfast is basically an assault of quantity over quality, even at its best you're just talking about eating too much food.

It also assumes that they're all cooked competently, when half the reason British cooking is mocked is because the average British chef is dogshit.

Why the hockey pucks though?

Did he even lift?

it's looks like a bit more than it actually is, spread like that. that said, you're underestimating the caloric throughput the human body can achieve. Some actual pre-industrial manual laborer human-engine, would absolutely eat that much and probably more.

thats black pudding lad
fucking yummy

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Thats not pudding consistency at all

You are retarded mate.
Black pudding is incredible and pudding =/= dessert in this context.

Not sure if Internet Telepathy but I was taking a leak and thinking about toast sandwiches right before seeing this thread.
Spotted Dick is freakin' delicious. Get the little can, pop the Dick out, microwave it. Glaze with sugar or creamy sauce and enjoy.
>can't believe I'm defending THEIR swill

It looks like a summer sausage or salami. Its not a fucking pudding.

black pudding is what we call blood sausage you fucking american

Hmmm i love spotted dick with creamy sauce thats not fucking gay at all

Why the fuck do you call a sausage pudding? Furthermore why do you made sausage out of fucking blood?

That's their name for blood sausage, and yes it is very yummy.

There's good food everywhere in the UK if you know where to look, just as there's bad food everywhere in America. There's also more and more startups doing artisanal food and drink. Silent Pool gin is one example from near where I grew up. British baking and cheese are two real strengths, and we have world class and unique beers and ciders, and fantastic beef and seasonal vegetables, along with for example some of the finest asparagus, rhubarb and seafood in the world including mussels and scallops. But please, continue in ignorance if it gratifies you to do so.

British cuisine is poorfag cuisine.

There's a reason why they put vegetables and meat in their pies.

Does calling a sausage pudding come from some absurdist Monty Python sketch?

>wake up
>eat massive breakfast
>go back to sleep

I have a pretty good British cookbook, actually, and a Welsh one. I haven't cooked everything in the Welsh book because I don't have easy access to seaweed, but I have nothing negative to say about British cuisine.

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>why do you made sausage out of fucking blood
Because it's fucking delicious

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It's blood pudding in a tube.

Why do you put salad in jello?

Pudding doesn't necessarily have to be a sweet dish, or at least in britain they don't.

Yorkshire pudding and suet pudding are two similar examples, you fucking americans.

So its just blood clots in intestine lining?

>Taking a criticism of the specific dish of English Breakfast as a criticism of all British cooking

The Lady doth protest too much, methinks.

But really, while any major city will have its spots of good cooking, the average UK quality is pretty low. That's where the contempt comes from.

Never heard of that

>I don't know where the word pudding comes from.
Am I being rused? I hope I am.

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There are some truly awful versions of this (peas in lime for example), but mandarin jello with mandarins is just perfect.

it's good

Based and redpilled. Especially the black pudding

Why do you put squid ink on pizza?

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The contempt comes from jews laying assault against white culture.

Who says we hate British food? I love it, curry is the fucking bomb.

>too much

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can you niggers post these garbage threads on Jow Forums instead of here

It's bascially an attack on the idea of cooking a good food rather than cooking a heavy amount of it. An enormous plateful of toast and black pudding and beans to flood the belly shouldn't be taken all that seriously.

Thanks fatty.

food is the basis of all political philosophy

We mix blood, groats, meat, offal, broth, garlic, onions and some spices, but recipes may differ

I like British food. Meat pies, sausage rolls, eel, fried fish, Scotch eggs, blood pudding, Marmite, dandelion burdock, oatmeal stout... I put HP on my steak.

As you know, us here on Jow Forums hate to generalize based on flags, but I'd bet my left cheek the 2/3 you like are the sausages and bacon

The English breakfast built this world you ingrate

I eat a 70% protein, 20% fat breakfast and I am not fat.

> using one instance as representantive of the whole

I ate here recently:

I had some kind of pig's head terrine starter, followed by swordfish main, and the panna cotta sweet from that dinner menu, all washed down with English sparkling wine, and very nice it was too. Some of us do all right over here food wise.

...what are groats and offal

And the eggs and toast and what I assume are hash browns in the middle, come on now you confirmation bias seeking intellectually dishonest bigot

>Argument ad verecundiam

Yes, the British Empire was influential. Doesn't mean the food was good.

>A single nice restaurant is a validation of British cuisine

I'm sure there are nice restaurants in Britain, not the point. The point was that if a given "staple" was so shit that it was indicative of the quality on the whole.

>Offal, the entrails and internal organs of an animal used as food.
>Groats (or in some cases, "berries") are the hulled kernels of various cereal grains such as oat, wheat, rye, and barley.
Jewgle is your friend some times.

>vegetables and meat
because those things are food???

You could say the same about the US though.

Oh well at least its not german food. German bread and sausages are god-tier and weiner schnitzel is nice but thats fucking it.

Groats are shelled whole grains, Offal are intestines.

I am weening myself off the digital jew

>OP has only posted once.
this is a slide thread, like half of the threads on this board today
saging btw

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you are weening off google?

And yet you're posting here.

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we are being subverted!!

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Eating a full English regularly is the preserve of only the truly committed porker, ironic student, or recidivist taxi/bus/lorry driver these days though. There just aren't enough hard manual jobs to justify that many calories, even if we are getting fatter.

>Because it's fucking delicious

This. I've only had Argentinian version of blood sausage though, I think the only difference is they use rice instead of potatoes as a filler.