Yous been feedin our children to alligators for generations because your animals who get off on abusing innocent black people because were different and more successful in sports and entertainment!
I look forward to the day another one of us is in power over you so we can show you whats what
>if white people didn’t use my grampa as alligator bait I wouldn’t have had to break into this house or sell that crack!
funny I was just doing this in rdr2
we could have trained gators to pick cotton and been much better off.
>headline ends with a question mark
probably not
>all of my grandparents were eaten by alligators
Fuck yous faggots ass crackas
We are the REAL American people, our asses build this dam country, and for it we got throw to some dam Gator
that never happened. it's pseudo-history based on post cards they used to sell. there is no evidence this shit actually happened
L.B.J. was a-flyin' one morn'
Over south Louisiana...feeling forlorn
When he looks down below, and what does he see?
Two cajuns pullin' a nigger on ski's!
So he lands, and says, "Thanks for helping your black brother!"
And them two cajuns just looked at each other
And said, "He might be smart, but I'll tell you something..."
"He don't know a thing about alligator huntin'!
you niggers started slavery.