
and the incident:


Attached: its anudda shoah.png (918x907, 517K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1541233007551.jpg (600x655, 38K)

I'm not going to lie, from what i see, i'm diggin' it.
Other than the fact that her jaw is too robust for my liking she's a solid 7.8

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They throw milk at you
Throw xyklon b at them

I agree with fonzi
I’d toss my milk on her.

Proof that communists will always be silenced and arrested while fascists get to do what ever they want. The Proud Boys physically assault people all the time and never get arrested.

This is why we need an American Shining Path.

Attached: kim jong un bot.jpg (629x793, 111K)

It's now totally out of the news here.

Some fat fuck killed a tri delt at a yoga studio and now nobody gives a shit.


>t. goes to fsu

Attached: 245.jpg (1080x1080, 129K)

you silly little limp wristed blue haired skinny jean wearing commies provoke and provoke and provoke. Then you cry foul when people finally defend themselves.

Attached: 21.jpg (720x540, 37K)

What and kill the bugs on their clothes? Xyklon B can’t kill you

So probably a trust fund baby. Peak champagne socialist.