U.S. Midterms

How important are the U.S. Midterms?

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Very. One third of the Senate is up for reelection and every member of the House of Representatives. Also many gubernatorial and state legislature races are taking place

Not at all important. America is an irrelevant backwater shithole that nboody should give a fuck about


They will decide whether Trump can get the agenda of fixing our broken immigration system (both illegal and legal) through or not. If not, demographics will crush us (especially Texas which would turn blue), and there is almost no chance we will be able to elect another Republican/Conservative/Nationalist president ever again.

Who’s most likely to win?

HA, ok toothpaste.

usa rekt


Incredibly important

As soon as we take back the house and Senate we can finally take out Trump and his corrupt cronies

the reason they are important is because if the democrats have the house they are going to REEEEEE for the next 2 years and continuously bring up impeachments against trump
none of course will stick, but what it will do is waste time so it gunks up the governments ability to actually do work

the flip side of that it would probably all but guarantee his reelection

Seriously, why only one third? Educate me.

Senators serve six-year terms and national elections are held every two years. While the House has the potential to be completely replaced every election cycle the Senate's staggered elections means only a minority of them can potentially be replaced. As to why we don't vote for all of them every six years I'm not sure, but I think it has to do with how they use to be elected by state legislatures rather than direct popular vote.

The other two thirds will be up for reelection in 2020.

pathetic boomer propaganda. your time on this board is over faggot. go shoot up a synagogue or something

>American Education

Amerimutts just having a popularity contest over who is allowed to lick Israels balls and execute their orders.

It doesnt really make much of a difference except what you see and hear in the media, but the outcome is the same.

Am American. Can confirm

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Vote BLUE if you want to save america

Vote red if you want america to be a third world shithole pilfered by the rich where you and your family die in a puddle of filth and rage and despair.

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It has to do with apprenticeship

Remind me again when the Dutch were relevant to anything but looking like fucking Colgate on their flag?


Trump wants to lose the House. He'll order the Army Corps of Engineers to build the Wall using his power as Commander-in-Chief.

Dems will REEEEEEEE and refuse to fund it.

They'll look like obstructionists. The Wall is wildly popular.

Trump landslide 2020.

Rape holocaust.

It's a Swiss watch.

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I can't wait until your "nation" is underwater again.

>How important are the U.S. Midterms?
Determines if Trump is impeached or not.

This has always baffles me. Limited terms should mean ALL seats should be under vote. Does anyone have any info why this does not apply to senate, if it applies to house?

there are sure to be lots of lulz no matter what happens.

Any exact info, I mean


Article I of the Constitution

>3 SCOTUS justices in danger of dying or retireng
It's pretty inportnat to have a majority right now.

Cheers. I'm a total faggot when it comes to us politics, could you explain or give links how exactly the house and the senate differ, and what difference this election would make?

Do you mean like what they do?

>Hurr durr how important is it to let your country get taken over by Antifa and migrant caravans.

It'll be fun guys. Just let it happen.

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The dems love mexiturds, shitskins and ladyboys. They definitely will keep us strong

You don't get it, america is stronger without you.

Founders did not want 1 single election to be able to kick EVERYONE in goverment out. You need some old guard there to protect minoriteis

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435 members divided into districts. States have varying numbers depending on population. 2 year terms.
100 members, 2 per state. Population irrelevant. 6 year terms.

House could impeach, i.e., bring bogus charges against Trump. All this would do is be a hassle, since it would take a 2/3 vote of the senate (67 senators) to remove Trump from office, which ain't gonna happen. I don't even know if they'd vote on it with a Republican majority. It's that way with bills but I dunno if impeachment is a different process. Seems like it would be.

Either way, he ain't getting removed.

Um, what else. Senate confirms court and cabinet appointments and ratifies treaties. All spending bills must originate in the House. House is boring, just party-line stuff. Only the leadership really matters. Senate is more interesting, has more personalities, real statesmen. Every senator looks in the mirror in the morning and sees a future president. There's good and bad to that, I think mostly good, which is why, in the good old days, Supreme Court picks could get like 98 votes. That's not gonna happen for a long time. If ever. I expect this country to break up before then or one side to be beaten into a like 40% minority (the Dems, awooooo). Anyway longer terms are part of that. A senator elected with a new president will still be there for half of the next term, new president or no. If reelected a Senator definitely sees two presidents, three presidential terms. It's okay, the difference in term lengths, I think. Prevents a mob from wrecking everything on a whim.

What is that little fag circle? Is that you hiding your fag country?

Fucking KEK

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sounds about right

>two countries
>nearly identical flags
why does countries do this

so important that any Trump supporter who does not vote will hang first on the DOTR

Generally every midterm is against the incumbent President, so it's usually important for the other party. Change vs. status quo.

Not very

They can’t all be gay leafs

Cheers all you mutts who saw it fit to help me and good luck... Tomorrow? The day after?

no u

November 6

Rake yourself, just a useless syrup nog

Shut up toothpaste!

Frig off. The Canadian flag is at least unique. Those toothpaste flags are gay.