How do you balance your aversion to modern women with your desire for intimacy and affection...

How do you balance your aversion to modern women with your desire for intimacy and affection? I don't trust these whores but holding them in my arms and cuddling seems positive for general health.

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Pump and dump

go 2 church

I found one suggestible enough to my way of doing things.

She looks like a sporty fuck. Not really the Dinner, then coffee, go home and make love all night breakfast in the morning.

More of drop trow, pump in the shitter pull out with cum dripping from her cooch zip up and buy yourself another drink kinda girl.

why are you in thailand

why would i have an aversion to modern women ?. we live with the best generation of women the world has ever seen

I jack off. Fuck modern women, I can live without sex, I can't live without my happiness, and that's what these cunts steal like vampires.

these hoes aint loyal brah

Find a "nice girl". They do exist they are just really rare and probably somewhere on the autism spectrum. I'd rather stay single than date an NPC roastie and won't settle for anything less than a young virgin qt.

Thanks for the chuckle Mr. Goldstein

Jews put the power of their region in the pussy, would explain why they're all women at heart.

Pne should look up to Trump.
He has good tactics when it comes to women.

Mary good woman to be wife, keep beautiful woman as concubine

I've basically put my blinders on to women like the one in your webm, user. Those women don't exist in my world. They're the ones that have every Chad from 30 miles around blowing up their phones, and they're constantly fielding offers for affection. You don't want to be anywhere near a woman like that. They've never experienced any real hardship or challenge in their life, and they have no idea what the world is really like. Everyone is nice to them.

There are millions of beautiful women who aren't like that. They didn't learn the route to happiness through cock-teasing every man they meet. They're the girls who are focused on their studies, thinking about family, and who still enjoy a quiet night in and reading a book. They're not exceptionally smart, but also not dumb. Still emotionally vulnerable to the world since they're not just guaranteed a free ride until they turn 40.

Imagine everywhere you went, all women were drooling over you. But even more than that, they're offering you free stuff, a place to live, a car, all the clothes you want, etc, etc. That's the world of a 9/10 or 10/10 16-28 year old girl. They're almost completely excluded from being good people. I mean, would you be good if that's what your life was like? Fuck no, you'd be spoiled as shit.

Also, stop watching videos of these chicks. It'll only spoil your image of a woman. And a solid 6/10 or 7/10 woman can be incredibly fucking hot once you've fallen in love with who they are. No sense ruining your fun with the girl you can have by constantly ogling the ones you can't have. You know?

I pay a hooker to fuck one-two times a month woman are bloodsuckers I don’t need them for anything other than a pump and dump

I want to know how she got into those pants


Don't become emotionally invested, or at least always make sure she loves you more than you love her.
Call all her bluffs and shit-tests. Make it clear that you are ready to walk the moment she gets uppity.
Be a leader and guide her, free choice is an illusion and women are shit at making choices in the first place.

If the n count is

guns and bloodthirsty cannibal gang apocalyptic ritual slaughter fantasies, mostly

and some day I might go to Asia to find true love ;)

>i cant compete so i just turn off my brain and hope for a fatty

Don't support whores, attention whores included, and their power will fade.
Man up.
Control your urges.


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Girls learn the "you are free to do what you want" at a younger age and practice it as soon as they get their period

things like in the webm are npcs that are more animal than human
and female humans have more simian dna which means they are barely the same species
that means I have god appointed rights to dominate and feast upon them

That shithole looks very Buenos Aires-ish.
Where is it?

>seems positive for general health
Seems like a good way to contract something.

I pay whores to change my diaper and make me tendies. It's mostly sexual.

Thots wont give you intimacy in the first place. Only work that feels and smells good.

nvm it is Buenos Aires

This is the whore btw:

Her ass is a combination of lordossis and brazilian butt lift.

>I don't trust these whores but holding them in my arms and cuddling seems positive for general health.

Stop looking for those who look like whores, find yourself a normal looking girl who upholds traditional values.

Yea we call those thots here nufag

God. If you know spanish you can hear her rationalize being a whore on the internet:

tldw I'm promoting self-love do not slut shame me everyone should do what I'm doing do not slut shame me I'm helping humanity


Nice id

god-tier advice right here, which I think also applies for women seeking men


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You've got a lot to learn about love, user. There's always a hotter girl. And the woman you love will stop being hot in 10 years. You either pick the right girl, or you wind up chasing tail forever. It sounds like you want to basically live the live of a homosexual except with women instead of men. That's gay af.

Women from Argentina seem like huge sluts.

Based and redpilled

Post pics of your disgusting cum dumpster user. Enlighten us all

Buenos Aires has the highest concentration of jews in the continent outside of New York.
I don't have to explains the effect of that

Also, this whore had a book published by an actual publisher.
JFL at being a woman, living life in tutorial mode.

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I see hookers a few times a year.
It means I can put up that hard wall in my mind as to who they are so my brain doesn't start seeping in expectations, but I can enjoy myself too.

They're real people like the rest of us provided you're relatable enough to eachother. I'm nearly 30 so I go for ones around my own age, you cannot relate to somebody that's 18, 21 maybe a bit but eh.
I've had pretty good conversations with some, actually. One I hung out with after my time had expired and then she ended up giving me a lift back home.

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Buy a dakki

the right escort can actually be a practice date for inexperience incels who just want to learn how to interact with beautiful woman

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the popular youth culture is hip- hop celebrity based culture
it's been like that for quite a long time
to long a time if you compare it to previous popular cultures
i don't understand why we allow it
mock it to death tbqh
that's how you kill it, with laughter and ridicule

You just let yourself feel the rage, the loathing, the full spectrum of emotions. I see a pretty girl, what do you want, to have sex with her? Holding, cuddling, bullshit. Take that girl that you want, don't reason with her, grab her in a hug down down down to the ground, really press my right forearm under her chin and lean down hard, full weight until it's over and she's mine, mine, all mine and only mine.

I want to wash her hair and brush her teeth. Take her clothes off, inspect her body. I want to paint her nails the cutest, pastel pink, and dress her in a powder blue dress. Put makeup on her, nothing trashy. Dress her in tights, with cute little sneakers, lie down next to her, roll over and rest my cheek on her cool, cool chest. Mine and mine forever, all mine. My possession, I know her better than anyone ever could know anyone, like I inhaled her soul and absorbed it. She'll always be with me in spirit, part of me, even if I only have a fingernail in my pocket or a tooth, inside, where it matters, I'm like a god to her and she's the biggest secret and rush feeling in my life.

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Brap and snif

Talk about a walking social disease.

Church is where my girlfriend and I found a 3some partner

Which is why you’re only truly Jew by their standards if your MOTHER is jew

You can't post a thot that hott and not offer a name or sauce

really bad advice. If you're an atheist, don't seek for life partner in churches. That's retarded. I've seen this fail multiple times. Also, this is discouraged in the Bible, so if the woman is serious about religion she won't do it anyway and if she's not serious about it, it defeats the purpose anyway.

>desire for intimacy and affection?
Sounds like you've opted to learn the hard way. Have fun with that. You think you're driving on a two way street, right? Guess again. You'll learn the proper "balance" one way or the other. Not sure which is less painful in the long run.

Correct, also that article explicitly encourages race mixing in the last paragraph.

Also, absolutely this. But it's important to get a good one and sometimes that's only trial and error.
I was lucky here, where first one I saw was really personable with a girlfriend experience and we absolutely fucked eachothers brains out for two hours, my balls were sore for a week after.

Conversely I had one that was absolutely shit and despite giving her over 300 pounds I kicked her out after 10 minutes because she was so rubbish. Wasn't into it, basically started speaking about "well it's this for this position and this for that", if they've taken the money and their page has said what they do, her mentioning that makes her the sperg.

Lesson learned, if you're booking for two hours you pay at the end of the first hour so if it goes differently you're only out an hour.
Also, dress your best when you go to meet them, they'll always be a lot nicer. I used to wear my best suit even though I was taking it off pretty quickly, you feel better in your good clothes making you more confident and even though it's paid, girls like it anyway. Plus it's oddly relaxing to have a girl you've just been screwing for a while help you put your cufflinks in.

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t. degenerate hypocrite

Well done. These longings for intimacy are innate. Your instincts and hormonal drive are not capable of factoring in the societal context in which they are to be applied. You have to do that yourself. The cost of failing is astronomical.

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i abstain from thots and content myself with shemale porn and dragon dildos.

wew that was close, no nut november still going

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This is kind of insulting but it's also very true. Read and learn anons.

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This is pretty good, but it got too long. I didn't need all those examples and reiterations. I stopped reading at some point. Then again, I'm 40 and have been married for 10 years, so I know most of this.

Got lucky. Married a woman I met in church and we have a family farm. Kind of a hobby/subsistence farm, she works it during the day while I'm at work.

everyone in reality treats another like they have a price tag and value that people dont want to admit because theyre too prideful and dont want to admit they reduce humanity and society to this. You as a man have to realize this and make do with the reality of it, in the best way possible

I don't understand the way women communicate to other women and their basedboy counterparts. I'm disgusted by their syntax, their memes, and their vocabularies. They suck each other's dicks more than a room full of faggots.

Obviously she is a whore-minded individual
You will get what you ask for here... an untrustworthy THOT. Don't be surprised if she's STD ridden and a cheater.
>Get control of yourself and stop looking at THOTs with lust in your heart and eyes
>They lose this power over you
>You find a better more wholesome woman and be a strong man, guide her to be a good woman in your life.
Stop thinking with your dick

are you seriously taking dating advice from someone who uses anime avatars? lmfao

You dont balance, you either hang out with women or not