>Be American
>Go to Yoga studio
>Get shot
>Be American
>Go to Yoga studio
>Get shot
Other urls found in this thread:
lol who cares
ummm people die all the time so what
whats the big deal? chigaco is way, way worse
Trump: We must place armed guards at yoga studios
exactly. we need guns in yoga, guns in cafes, guns in bistros, guns on elevators, guns in parking lots, we need guns in mental health facilities, we need guns on guns
Oh shit, was this guy a Jow Forumstard too?
oh wait nevermind that means its a false flag
remember, any time there could possibly be any consequence to all this hate, it's never ever EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER ever our fault, or Trumps fault, or anybody fault except definitely the dems, it's always their fault
a shooting that kills less than 5 is not a happening in America it is a regular occurance.
its not happening
>incel kills some women days before the midterms after the synagogue and bomber shit
yo-gonna get shit nigga
I do yoga sometimes and I voted Trump. Dont shoot up yoga studios. Some of us need to supplement our weightlifting with improved flexibility, ligaments need love too. Plus I like to look at girls butts.
>Be American
>Go to Yoga studio
Get a wife and stop being a creep at yoga studios.
Didn't this happen yesterday?
There's probably already a new shooting in burgerland
>ruin europe for 200+ years and for the foreseeable future
>"lmao but americans have shootings guys!"
why do guns piss euroscum off so much
like you could easily do the same amount of damage with a knife
Thot patrol collecting toll
>I do yoga
Stopped reading there. Leave, you don't belong here.
FSUFag here
Apparently the guy was a known pedo and had a campuswide restraining order on him. Also the girl was a tri-delt and from what I've gathered was an average college NPC. I didn't know her personally but I knew friends/sorority sisters and thats what I gathered from it.
This is also DAYS after the university police arrested a jew for throwing coffee on a guy at a College Republicans rally(which I was at).
I'll look for links so I can prove those points so give me a sec on that restraining order
>muh false flags
Based, yoga is degenerate and for thots and fags.
>muh american freedoms
are you even allowed to use the mutt image in your country?
seems offensive.
You can use them in Israel.
Apparently had a campus-wide restraining order for breaking into Suwanee in 2014. So a total incel faggot.
E.W. Jackson was right! (GOP candidate from 2008)
>When one hears the word meditation, it conjures an image of Maharishi Yoga talking about finding a mantra and striving for nirvana. . . . The purpose of such meditation is to empty oneself. . . . [Satan] is happy to invade the empty vacuum of your soul and possess it. That is why people serve Satan without ever knowing it or deciding to, but no one can be a child of God without making a decision to surrender to him. Beware of systems of spirituality which tell you to empty yourself. You will end up filled with something you probably do not want.
Headline should read...
"Down Dog Put Down"
Good for him, 1 for 2 democrat voters. the other 4 might be in the hospital during nov 6th lol
call me a faggot and i'll snap your neck
fucking jews every fucking time. fucking kill them all for fuck sake. end this fucking bullshit. fuck.
>Be German
>Go to street
>Get hit by a truck of peace
Heh, not without a neck snapping licence you won't, faggot.
It was a tabling.
>Be OP
>Be A Faggot
>Be A German Cuck Boi
Shut the fuck up, your nation is being raped by Muslims and Merkel is actively killing your people. Trying to make up for the 1940's SO hard you are genocide your own people. Kind of ironic. Must suck to live in a shithole like Germany. Where are you?, Munich?.
>Shut the fuck up, your nation is being raped by Muslims and Merkel is actively killing your people. Trying to make up for the 1940's SO hard you are genocide your own people. Kind of ironic. Must suck to live in a shithole like Germany. Where are you?, Munich?.
I think it's the kikes who keeps paying people to shoot up places in order to get rid of the second amendment
They really want to take your guns away
same shit mate
Unless you have a body count in the 80s or 90s stop asking me to care
yes , what a strange world we are living in , add kavanaugh rape, every amjor hapening one month before the midterm
We especially need guns in the mouths of every leftist
this pic sums up the future of muttland perfectly, fat white bitch check, dumb Negress check, article written by three Jews check where is the nuke self button
A rally would imply that the FSU College Republicans have any sort of following when they're one of the smallest RSOs on campus.
As a former member: It was a tabling.
Found his soundcloud, is he /ourguy/?