You might think that you should vote on the basis of who the least bad candidate is, but this is wrong - the lesser of two evils is still evil and by voting for someone you don't truly even like, you're bolstering their legitimacy by actively consenting to be governed by them. Giving political legitimacy to someone who doesn't deserve it is WRONG. It doesn't make things better, it doesn't prevent things from getting worse, it doesn't stop your frogs being boiled, it gets you NOTHING except more time waiting for people to change things while you get further from your real goals with every passing day.
What do you think gives these slimy traitors the ability to basically open our borders and turn our country from 90% white to about 50% in not even a single lifetime? It's because people fucking VOTED for them, and that's what they did with the legitimacy to rule given to them by participation in the farce of "lesser of two evils". The true goal of elections is not for one side to win or lose, because they're the SAME side who serve the same interests. By playing both sides and railroading your free will into two choices that these interests both control, the real goal of elections is to legitimize their rule over you by making you feel like you actually had a say in the outcome via voting.
Don't give them legitimacy, don't prop up the system, don't let them trick you into thinking you have a real choice in this, don't fucking VOTE, unless it's for someone you REALLY want to rule, not some milquetoast "I'm totally going to end illegal immigration, wink wink" Republican traitor who doesn't give a shit about white people.

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fuck off shill.

>giving legitimacy
By existing as an american in the american nation, you implicitly give legitimacy to all the elected officials whether you vote or not.

End of story. Vote for the least bad of the two options. Do what you can to ensure that the least bad of the two is actually good.

i dont want pritzker to win tho

Someone knows they already lost

Jow Forums doesn't vote. Republicans block minorities from voting and Jow Forums is 85% minority.

Sorry I still don't want a Jew holding on to my taxes.

T. Illinois

yeah no, what do you think happens and the tally comes back with some small percent of the populace actually voting and 100% of the votes vast being for one candidate? they would know that even though they "won" the election, there's a large group of people willing to displace them at any time, making their rule over people precarious at best
what will actually happen when people stop voting for racemixing le based black guy republicans and traitor pro-illegal immigration ones is people will realize that we're actually serious about white nationalism and people we actually like will fill the vacuum once people stop voting based on who they think might win and instead vote on who they actually want to win

Shut up and vote RED. If you still insist on voting BLUE than I absolutely agree and you are a genius person.

No, they don't care about what percent of hte population votes. They only care about getting elected and getting their paycheck and keeping their lifestyle.

You're completely foolish. Everyone knows that everyone hates politicians.

That isn't even true.


It's true

fuck you. i vote for the greater evil. it's time for shit to get really fucked up.

You dems are really scraping the bottom here.

everyone hates them and yet they keep reelecting them because they keep fucking VOTING FOR THEM
and then maybe, just maybe, a good person will get elected


I dont care about the only two partys you guys have, just give me pasta so i can cream al over my bed

No, that's not how it works.

It's universally beneficial for everyone to team up to get a guy who everybody hates, but who is less bad than the other guy.
You have nonsense ideas in your head. We don't have a two party system by chance... it's built into the dynamics of our electoral system.

yeah no m8 it's all a big puppet show, with one guy controlling both the puppets
don't give him your vote

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It's a puppet show, but one puppet is better than the other... and I'm going to win.

4 posts by this id
report and abort

you can't fucking win that's the entire point
"if only they'd turn down the heat a little bit" doesn't stop your frog from boiling you idiot
as long as you vote for one of them you LOSE

OK, you've done your shilling for the day.

> don't vote, please don't vote, for the love of god don't vote, please please please please please

enjoy your racemixing le BASED black guy senator :^) i'm sure he loves the idea of "white ethnic interests", do you think maybe he's a fan of hitler too?

I will, thank you very much
> west point graduate
> combat veteran
> 3 masters degrees

And what have YOU done for America?

Literally a jewish trick.

And I'm not a nazi, I don't give a shit about racial pride, and I have no "white ethic interests"

Your bosses really need to rewrite their playbook.

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FPBP thread should have ended here.

Not voting when you're otherwise eligible to vote is effectively the same thing as cosenting to whoever wins, niggerbrain.

Holy shit leftists are desperate ahahahahha

Do not listen to this shill.
He is going on all the political threads with his kikeness trying to get you not to vote.

i made this thread trying to tell people the truth about voting and how it's all a big sham, which is a lot more beneficial to america than dying in some god forsaken desert for israel
thanks for your service, goy :^)
also you appear to be in the wrong place, please consider going back to t_d and staying there, forever
voting for people you hate is wrong you moron, you're using the system to say "HEY, I HATE YOU, BUT IT'S STILL OKAY FOR YOU TO RULE OVER ME"
this is maybe not a good thing to do????


But it's not a big sham, that's where you're wrong. If people don't vote, someone will still be elected. There will just be more stories about low turnout.

Meanwhile, you have no voice in your community because you haven't bothered to exercise your most important duty as a citizen.

So if your candidate wins, great, if they don't still great because your voice will be used to adjust the message and perhaps build a new stronger party somewhere else.

So go ahead and not vote if you want. I haven't missed an election in 20 years.

Dude where were you when identical cousins Bush and kerry ran or Obama's elections?

fuck you kike OP. voted straight red ticket. oregon is going red motherfucker. eat shit and die shills.


you don't seem to have understood my point
my point was not "don't vote"
it was "don't vote for evil people, no matter what the alternative is"
i would gladly vote for e.g. natsocs, but there are none on the ballot. so nobody deserves my vote - they are all evil, and voting for them is morally wrong
saying you have a duty as a citizen to vote for evil people is fucking STUPID, voting for evil people is WRONG no matter what

Agreed. We should stay home or vote Democrat.

I would never vote for a nazi. But to your point... big changes almost never happen. So you vote for the people who will move things in the right direction, even a little.

And maybe the problem isn't with them but with you

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fpbp, op is gay and a faggot

Whether you vote for one of them or not, one of them will be elected.

It's not an argument to say that you lose either way. One is better than the other.

>lacking a rudimentary understanding of strategy
>still thinking your opinion is valid in any way whatsoever

yeah forgive me for thinking le racemixing BASED black guy or treasonous republican amnesty kikes is kinda the same thing
maybe the problem is you're a fucking idiot who doesn't realize that being railroaded into two options both of whom are evil is a great way to legitimize evil and make you think it's what you wanted in the first place?
see above

Shant be taking advice on life from an animefag

the only "strategy" here is the one hand-rubbing kikes use to get people like you to vote for evil people and make them think it was their own decision the whole time, thus fabricating political legitimacy where none should actually exist

Like I said, 2 party system is in the structure of our government. Nobody ever said it was a perfect system.

Not voting for one of the 2 parties in a 2 party system does NOT stop one of those two parties from being elected and controlling the full power of the office.
You're just hurting yourself by allowing the worse option to win. I.e. you're stupid.

The fuck is pic related

You are taking the the meaning of the word evil to literally in this saying.

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You have no way of knowing which, if either of them are evil. And I reject your attempt to turn this midterm into a question of race.

I get that the democrats would prefer that as few republicans possible would vote; but the attempt to use the same worn out racial arguments isn't going to stop anyone from voting for their favorite candidate.

"nobody ever said it was a perfect system" t. frogs being boiled
it's a graphical representation of the american two party system
yeah dude i really don't think black people are all that keen on white ethnic interests which is what i am interested in as a white person
>I reject your attempt to turn this midterm into a question of race.
see picture related, it's already about race you moron, everything is about race (or, ethnicity really)

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>t. frogs being boiled
It doesn't matter if you are a frog being boiled... it's still better to vote than not.

Yeah, which means you should probably vote with your race, mongoloid. There's a reason whites overwhelmingly vote republican. Unless you plan on actually starting a revolution, not voting does nothing but damage to your own cause.

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>don't vote user, the lesser evil is lesser

It's like you don't even understand the whole point of the lesser evil phrase.

It's bad, but choosing it avoids worse.

Refusing to choose isn't choosing neutral.

By not voting AGAINST the Demoncraps you're helping ANTIFA. End of story.

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this is my entire fucking point - the republican party does NOTHING for white interests! so voting for them is wrong! republicans are the biggest traitors on the planet, as the party of rich people they love illegal immigration more than even liberals do
please read the second part of

The solution is to infiltrate the republican party with people who actually support our interests.

ding ding ding ding

Democrat shill shit

Yes they do. Trump cut refugee acceptances massively, he pulled us out of the UN compact for migration, he passed tax reform and he got rid of the individual mandate. Everything the republicans do benefits whites more than anything democrats do, even if they don't explicitly say it in those terms because it is still political suicide in the US to do so.

This will happen naturally over time. Since the 60s the share of the white population that votes republican has increased dramatically. As the US becomes more multinational, whites will become more political unified. That's just par for the course in multinational societies. It also helps that extreme conservatives have more children on average than liberals, and are above replacement fertility levels. Meaning that over the long term, whites will become much more conservative on average.

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And the results of the "fertility gap"

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t. Shareblue

>just give up white man
>there's no lesser of two evils
>accept your fate under our boot
>give us victory and room to gloat
none of this is acceptable to me

This user speaks the truth.

Dropped right there.

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>Lol hur dur muh accelerationism.

Fuck off faggot.

>this is my entire fucking point - the republican party does NOTHING for white interests! so voting for them is wrong! republicans are the biggest traitors on the planet, as the party of rich people they love illegal immigration more than even liberals do

Before Trump that might be true. Now most leftist GOP traitors have resigned and are not running anymore (Flake, Ryan), are dead (McCain) or changed their tune (Graham).

Okay, I won't vote Tuesday.

(I already voted, so I can't go again anyhow.)

this. my vote is already in straight red ticket. red tsunami. pepper your anguses traitor shill fucks.

Fuck off. Liberals are reaching peak levels of insanity and degeneracy.
Vote Republican.

>lesser of two evils
Don't know about your ballot but mine is clear good vs evil.

This is the attitude we all need.
Thank you, user

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Texas showed us that voting full red creates "errors" and bullshit with voting machines. Pick each person one at a time and don't only use the single "all republican" button.

And why would an American care about a Brit's opinion when it's
>herp derp don't vote lol

Why are you still here? Fuck off loser lmao

they severely underestimate our resolve they think by astroturfing our fucking boards they will accomplish something. (((their))) only hope is literally hacking all the voting machines and skewing the polls and ballots - which as we've seen they've already been doing.

they're scared fucking shitless right now

>both sides fuck me over with zionism but i'll vote anyways cuz ???

>this thread

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Britain solves all our problems! Why didn't I think about this before? The only way to change anything is to not change anything!


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By this logic, it shouldn't matter if I do vote, yes?

> Comes on Jow Forums/pol/ to sell the idea that you should not vote so that the leftards votes / voices count more.
Go fuck yourself Soros paid shill.

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>mfw they're this desperate
kys faggot
>in all fields

Britain's just angry because his country is irredeemable and he's impotent to do anything about it.

This is a Shareblue thread.

Me as well

True, it's basically voting for a douche or a turd sandwich.

Fuck me, these past 2 years truly made America great man! 4 million non-whites and migration up by 20%. Oh and don't forget putting Israel first. How fucking changing! Enjoy based black men and getting your heads banged off the side of the roads by 2030.

I'll take nothing happening over guaranteed disaster, decay, and decline, thank you very much.

trump is only nominally a republican, he's his own faction inside the party and all the republicans who don't like him (like mccain before he died lol) hate him
but trump isn't running for congress
also the republican party used to be the party of white interests and then stopped once white people stopped being the supermajority, the idea that they'll somehow come around to being the party of white interests again is ridiculous, at best a party for white interests will splinter off from it but the party as a whole is never going to give a shit about white people again
wow that's cool but what about the fact that whites are literally almost a minority in this country? where's the candidate that's going to do something about that? i'm sick of getting my frog boiled here, this vague "just keep playing the game, maybe you'll even win eventually!" shit like suggests will get us nothing
i'm not saying give up i'm saying that voting for people you hate is not a legitimate form of political expression
you realize you're playing a really shitty slot machine, right? you put your votes in every time and occasionally something "good" or at least "not bad" happens while you run out of time and your ethnic group is further pushed into the minority in your own country
i'll say it again: voting for people who aren't going to fix things does NOTHING, it is not a legitimate form of political expression
not zionism, leftism and international capitalism, they are different
i explained this, voting for bad people gives them more legitimacy, don't give them this
when you only get to choose between pro-illegal immigration (but nominally anti-immigration) cryptokikes and regular kikes, there is only the choice of the singular voice being heard or no voice at all
evil is evil, even when it's on both parties on the ballot

Go back whatever faggot website you came from.

Nah I'm gonna vote.

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Hey america you should adopt blank "protest" votes like us.






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>wow that's cool but what about the fact that whites are literally almost a minority in this country?
At that point the average white person will be a lot more likely to pick up a gun and start shooting people. We're not at a place politically where you're going to get what you want, not enough people are awake. So your job is to do damage control until we get to that point. Not to sit and pout about how unfair everything is. Republicans are already the party of white interests if only for the fact that they're against the expansion of implicitly anti-white policies like welfare. They're not perfect, but they're better than the alternative. That's all that matters right now.

Go away Jewish Shill :D

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>wall of fucking text
>think i'm actually gonna read your verbal diarrhea

Fuck off.

>voting for people who aren't going to fix things does NOTHING, it is not a legitimate form of political expression
allowing the democrats to win house or senate is accelerating our own destruction you fucking idiot. shut the fuck up you little shill faggot and go suck rabbis cock bitch

based and magapilled

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>Fuck me, these past 2 years truly made America great man!
Now you're getting it.
Obamacare gutted.
TPP blocked.
Economy booming.
Wall prototypes built, wall itself being built, partly funded by Obama budget.
2 SCOTUS picks.
Common Core abolished federally.
Trade deals renegotiated.

As far as your "4 million non-whites," you don't even specify what you're talking about.
As for "immigration up 20%," you haven't got a fucking clue what you're talking about.

Seriously, I feel bad for your country, man, but don't take your frustration out on us being better. You should have got over this by now. It's been centuries, faggot.

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Kill yourself.