The president can't change the Constitution by executive order

WTF is Trump doing? It'll cause a civil war

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And that's a good thing

He's doing exactly what he bitched at Obama for doing. Hypocrisy all around. Too bad his cult won't call him out for it though.

Boys, it's time to start mustering the troops! NC reporting!

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Yes he can!

Bullshit, obama blatantly disregarded the constitution, Trump's stating that the constitution not being enforced properly in the past does not equal accurate interpretation. Catch up.

>being this retarded

he broke constitutional law so many times and none of his "supporters" cared. One of those times was sitting as UN security council chair to hand over ICANN to a NGO which follows the UN charter that just recently got updated with EU hate-speech laws that came into effect Dec 2017.

>EU hate-speech laws
Dropped. Got anything convincing?

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>executive order
>signing statement
>Congress shirking its duty
...and that is all it takes.

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Great thread OP, really got that 'no content spam' feel down.

Fuck you, report, do not reply.

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1. He can change it
2. the constitution already prohibits foreigners from birthright citizenship.
3. civil war is good.

what you you image the president is going to change in the constitution by executive order?
explain yourself faggot.

The GEOTUS can do whatever he wants. God Emperor to Mattis: send our enemies to death camps. Mattis: Yes Mr. President

Who the fuck is going to stop this? (You)? How many soldiers does the Supreme Court have? If Trump wanted to he could. Maybe the Dems taking the house will lead our Emperor to more extreme moves.

Please don't make false promises, I can only get so erect.

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found the newfag

This is not totally wrong. The genie of Governing By Executive Fiat, once out of the bottle, is not going to go back inside the bottle easily. And, of course, it did not start under Obama, he merely accelerated it.

None of this would be an issue if congress hadn't gradually seeded their authority to the executive over the history of the nation because of their laziness and inability to compromise. They've basically turned of the Office of the President into a pseudo-imperial position that can continue the nation's business when congress is impotent.

I like Trump, and although I liked his first executive order/action on his first day, it did deeply disturb me to see the President of the United States essentially ruling by royal decree. It's all gotten worse since it was decided that executive agencies can write their own rules, which means they can essentially write their own laws...

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Dumbass NPCs think that returning an amendment to original interpretation is "changing the constitution."

He just trying to fix what leftists fucked up.

the NPC retard force is just trying to shill and like all things in their pathetic lives they failed

He's not trying to change the Constitution you fucking moron he's handing a case to his newly elected Justices on a silver platter.

/Thread has been threaded

How did you get this picture?

FPBP as usual

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NC here as well! I'm weak and a coward but I'll die before I let this country rot!

first and bestpilled

It's not a civil war if all the generals are on one side.
And it's about time Congress got kicked out of the country. They're an untrustworthy den of vipers that hates the country's founding stock and has an approval rating of 15% for god's sake. They are no doubt worse then the senate when Caesar crossed the rubicon.

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VA here. Already got the notice on the courthouse door.

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OH here.
I'd much sooner declare congress derelict than follow any order by them to go to war with you guys.

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NC here....i'm drunk.

truth and checked

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Sure he can. That cocksucker Lincoln did it. Now kindly mind your own business.

The tree of liberty needs some fertilizer.

The real question is that there are more glaring issues that can be easily fixed with an executive order, but instead nothing. and this. this and nothing.

Trump will not be impeached. Trump is one of them.

Don't forget Bush also called the Constitution "that damned piece of paper".
But Obama really showed disdain.

Civil War II is inevitable. Better to start it ASAP then put it off and make our kids fight it.

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Even if they impeach him, they'll still be the ones who will be made to fall on their swords like the treasonous bastards they are.

Op is a shill or moron. Executive can clarify how laws will be executed as long as it follows the law. Anchor babies are not in the 14th.

Some of you people are too dense. Trump is going to do this via EO (he is within his rights to do this) deliberately to cause a shit storm which will inevitably end up going to the courts. It'll likely be passed up to SCOTUS, who would then rule in his favor and end the anchor baby question permanently.

Show me the section he's re-writing in the Constitution.

Or find me where "birthright citizenship" based solely on geographic location of birth.

Then find me a single American who would kill other Citizens on behalf of non-citizens.

I actually read that book and for a non-specialist that guy had a pretty good understanding of how civil conflict unfolds and perpetuates itself.

As an aside, he predicted it would begin in L.A. County, sometime in early 2020. Considering that would be about the time of Trump's second inauguration, it's remarkably prescient.

He's not changing the constitution, he's enforcing it. The 14th clearly states that the children of foreign citizens aren't covered.

He is not changing anything.
The "birth right" was for freed slaves.
Not so the rest of the world could come here and drop babies and bring the whole family with them.

true but we still need one.
scary thought.

Trump won't be able to do that alone. Supreme court will do that. They have always done that which is how you were forced to buy something from the gov't before Trump killed the mandate. The left has lost for 30 years and it doesn't matter if they get the house, senate, and presidency again. They rarely pass law, they used to have (((their))) court do it. That is being erased.
