If white people are genetically superior to Africans then why is whiteness so easy to breed out?

If white people are genetically superior to Africans then why is whiteness so easy to breed out?

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its like how even a small drop of sewage will turn a glass of water into a glass of sewage

Bercause white people are spliced DNA. The ancient gods took nigger life forms and made a lifeorm in their image. White people are an ancient technology while black people were the ingredient.

Do you like eating hot dogs raw or do you like a 5 course meal?

so whites are inferior to sewage?

it's just appearance, 50 % black are superiors to 100 % black.

Report all trolls like OP

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Shut up nigger lover.

no shitskins are the sewage and whites the water. How pathetic is your intellect that you can't grasp a simple example?

Depends on what you want.

It's easy to make something impure.

If ice cream is superior to feces then why it's so easy to spoil it by mixing with shit?

>If water is so good for you, why does it turn brown when I shit in it?
Kys faggot

When you try and reach "purity" of something. Like in this case race, it becomes easy to "cover" when you have 100% pure white wall paint. It's very noticeable to see dirt. Same thing with 100% dark paint.

Have you every seen a real African?
THEY LOOK NOTHING LIKE AFRICAN AMERICANS, African Americans are legit already mixed, They don't follow the skull shape, they do not have long legs etc. It's just the stranded on what Jews consider "white" and "poc" is literally nothing with genetics and pure looks. Hispanics are legit 80% white, YET since they don't have white skin they are "poc" YET with albino niggers they are still considered "poc".
This game is a game that cannot be won. In reality any mutt is not one raced or another. They are fucking mutts. Just jews want to make sure no one likes whitey, so they make mutts believe they are black.

SO in short, whiteness is not easy to breed out. Take any Hispanic and a white man/women, and the kid is 90% white. Neither is blackness easy to breed out. Take a mutt and a REAL blackman/women and you get kid who is 90% black.
For any enthostate it would go by gentics AND looks (going just off looks lets jews in.) but right now almost ((every body)) goes with just looks

Whites have been funding the breeding of niggers for about 100 years now, retard. Through charity and government force, we helped mass produce the biological weapons (niggers) of our enemies. The population of Africa was relatively tiny before stupid ass whites decided to help them

He's a nigger. They can't grasp basic concepts.

Recessive genes can be better genes.

>"Water plus sewage is sewage"
>"so you wuz sayin we wuz kangz and you waz worse than sewage?"
Spotted the nog

It's like saying shit is superior to mayonnaise because when you put shit in mayonnaise it becomes shit


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Just think of non-whiteness as destruction, and then things will make sense. A beautiful flower can be destroyed in a countless number of ways.

Blackness is a taint. Once you're a "little bit black", society will treat you as a black person. It's like getting just a little tiny piece of poop in your glass of milk. It's now a glass of poop milk.

You know socialism turns people into niggers ?

If a car is better than a hammer how come I can smash up a car with a hammer but I can't smash up a hammer with a car?
Riddle me that clever bollocks

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It's a matter of perception. Why do we consider Obama black even though he's half white? Why are spics and Injuns non-white despite (sometimes) being majority European? If something is not inherently desirable in the first place, it can't become tainted.

It's superior and dominant the same way as dumping a bucket of mud into a big swimming pool of sparkling clean transparent water. Now the whole pool becomes a muddy grey brown cesspool

Look at the mulatto. He probably looks as much like the real black guy as he does his white parent.

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the same reason its easier to destroy than to create my friend, its easy to get fat but hard to get fit, its easy to lose but hard to win, entropy is a bitch

How does it make you feel that blacks in the USA are dying out faster than any other races?


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well that depends you if you think orbital telescopes, immunofluorescent spectroscopy and 3d imaging sonar are inferior. since you are just a stupid nigger, I am guessing you do

sorry a first world society can keep control over its savage aborigines
> perhaps society should go back to around the 1940's - like when Germany had control over their undesirables

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>jaz coleman best poo

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One molecule of shit in clean water makes it shitty water

Black/asian features are dominant. Blonde hair is recessive. Blue eyes is recessive.

Redpilled as fuck

Good one based Tyrone.

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Cleanliness is superior to filth.

It's easier to make something dirty than to make it clean.

Whiteness is purity. That's why it's so easily ruined by "other" races.

how about that american melting pot. that's pretty soiled with filthy shit. whiteness is purity and is refusing to swim in that cesspool,


depends on how much you racemix with them, enough generations and they become like elizabeth warren

Because the kikes control language
The recessive traits are the strong ones hard to acquire and maintain


Someone didn't pass elementary school biology.

that's a good question, and I don't have a ready answer.

Because cultivating anything of value requires refinement and selection. If clean water is so good, then why is it easy to make it undrinkable with piss, shit and heavy metals?

There's cleaning to do.