>heh shooting at invaders who are trying to kill you is the same as shooting at citizens You fucking shills have been peddling this same exact line for days now. It's painfully obvious when you're following the same script.
Grayson Parker
Fuck off back to your grooming gang/
Isaiah Wright
good, the only retards who throw rocks are antifa, commies and dirty spics if only we could get rid of them faster
Cameron Hill
they should just rubber bullet their asses and pepper gas beaners love spicy stuff anyway
Grayson Cooper
Border Patrol in my area have killed rock throwers in Mexico before, and we will again. You don't just get to assault an figure of authority with no repercussions. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Jace Green
Right wing america will be a police state and make no mistake, whites will be eradicated anyway. Vote BLUE to prolong your happiness.
Wtf based commie. I salute you bro, the survival of our people is more important than petty disagreements over economics. 14
Parker Foster
this is shitposting faggot.
Jaxon Taylor
>You just know how the next civil protest is gonna look like :) They can buy guns at the local supermarket moron. Can you?
Ryan Martinez
Any actual communist should be anti-immigration. Infinitely increasing the size of the work force is not actually a pro-working class stance. Trust fund college commies have just never thought their positions through.
Jack Sanders
You can, you just have to be white and drunk, usually. Lots of folks I know have rocked cops, got locked up, then tossed onto some cushy probation. It's what rednecks do for fun in some places.
Hunter Murphy
Based maple cartel
Jackson Roberts
>You should be allowed to throw rocks at people without repercussions
Go to bed Ahmed.
Caleb Butler
You post this in every thread. You're not even trying to hide the fact that you're a paid thread derailing shill.
Ryan Gutierrez
Why shouldn't I? Aren't you concerned? You think those crazy fuckers are gonna stop with the US? You really think when the most wealthy country has finally crushed the last resistance, they will be happy? They are gonna expand! We should all be fearful. American soldiers are emotionless robots.
Ryan Nguyen
fpbp. I hope everyone who throws a rock gets a bullet
Zachary Martin
It is. It's one policy for everybody. You just can't see the big picture. You don't have large unions or good workers protection. Heck, you don't have much food regulations!! If rock throwers are free to kill, the bar for resistance is as low as it gets. You gotta shut your mouth for the rest of your life, user..
Ethan Taylor
>Huurrrr I wanna have a fucking useless country huuuuurrr
My country is a potsmoking shithole. I want to be shot by a soldier with purpose rather than die old in this clown world
Jason Harris
Trump said treat their rifles like rifles. He didn't say shoot rock throwers. However if they start throwing rocks and trying to tear down barricades they are hardly a peaceful caravan in search of amnesty. We saw what they did in Mexico. We aren't tolerating that shit on our border. Best believe they will be met with force. Perhaps non-lethal, but force.
Ryan Fisher
>potsmoking shithole Come to europe, weed is illegal in most places :( Or to the phillipines. Can't recommend.
Carter Scott
They say rocks, what they mean are large stones. The kind that break your skull open. There is a reason border patrol have hand welded window guards.
sigh... look at that shill. Do you know how many people come to the US on an annual basis? -.- moron
Gavin Howard
> rock > nothing maybe you should try one to your head at decent speed
Austin Gomez
People throwing rocks at our military deserve a bullet.
Christian Richardson
I don't know... some times, at heated protests, I see things flying around. Our police just splits and disassembles the crowd, if it gets too rough. And they don't have half the gear american police are wearing. Nobody is even flinching. What a bunch of pussies you truly are. Can't even defend your freedom because of fear. Libtards at their peak... -.-
Jacob Clark
>nonAmericans assaulting our border and military should be treated as raucous citizens throwing shit around. Kys