She done goofed.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Damn she cute

The tolerant left

In a boyish kind of way.

Your brain is broken

Poor gal, all she needed was a good commune to call home.

About as cute as a stomach pump.

nose ring says it all. trash belongs in the trash.

>We did it!
Jow Forums is not republican, Jow Forums is opposed to kikes.

>Jurors in Jury room
"Did you see those fucking eyebrows??"

>police arresting people for spilling chocolate milk

Attached: 1.png (500x380, 232K)

That's not how you spell camp.

Attached: fsjew_camp.jpg (852x960, 175K)

Those brows are terrible

we did it, and you were part of it! congrats!

Jew mutt that same Jew haircut. why do (((they))) all have that haircut.

>Arrested for throwing milk
>No punishment whatsoever in court
>Makes $100k on GoFundMe
Bike lock 2 retarded jigaboo

>Jow Forums is not republican, Jow Forums is opposed to kikes.
this is 100% incorrect as Jow Forums is in favor of finishing the ride.

>throw chocolate milk
>get arrested

Absolute state of 'Murica. The precedence this sets is actually scary.

Attached: murica.png (500x371, 248K)

Every fucking time.
You deserve what you get.

Attached: 1525193031834.gif (640x480, 3.37M)

She is fucking disgusting
Like a chunk of shit kinda way

>faggots can't into assault

What? You'd be o.k. with people going around throwing drinks on each other with no recourse?

Pickle puffer detected

Attached: 1538329182473.gif (170x180, 1.07M)

I say drop all charges if she lets the guy bone her while wearing an SS uniform.

oh no she spilled milk all over me. real good win reddit

I would get NTR by a jap


Attached: 1470352686489.png (291x344, 85K)

what kind of police state gets you arrested for throwing milk?

In all seriousness, her behavior was inappropriate. If you watch the original video, she is completely deranged. She needs to go to a hospital and get help.

why is she at an angle like that? did they tilt the photo or is that how she stands?

>throwing milk is assault

(((Her))) lawyer and judge uncles and cousins will take care of her legal annoyances and then help her sue the school based on some obscure feels argument and they will win.

>Jow Forums is

Jow Forums is whatever the fuck Jow Forums wants to be.

Categorizing Jow Forums only gives the nut jobs a label. Keep em guessing by not describing who we are or what we stand for

I spilled my man milk all over your mom’s face, faggot.

>buttblasted jews
How dare battery be a crime?

Attached: 1507481197440.jpg (183x232, 42K)

you pleb her brows are the best thing about her

No, throwing milk is battery. Assault would be threatening to throw the milk. Remove your meme flag and show us what ignorant country you're from.

for real tho, can you get arrested for throwing chocolate milk? lmao what is the charge?

>Snowflake white supremacists mad at leftist for violating their safe space.

So you would like to be randomly thrown chocolate milk on you, ruining your day and your clothes and having to go back home to change your outfit, right? You would call that a day.

pic is very fake...nose ring. can't take a jail pic wearing jewelry

Jesus Christ user. How hard up are you.

Sorry only skilled BLUE WAVE RIDERS are allowed in those slots.

Attached: 25afae642f6b2e4b6fcb53883a7b8a066a9cfef4049ad57deec00125c6b96a5d.jpg (700x536, 123K)

she lactose intolerant

Delirious liberal with seriously SJW eyebrows will never be allowed to vote now never allowed to own a gun and basically her life is over unless she lives with somebody else since level don’t have jobs usually she’ll have to live with the conservative this will cause her to kill her self and we will be done with her once and for all

Yes. It's battery. This includes not only harmful but also offensive contacts. So you can't throw drinks or spit on someone and get away with the "hurr, they weren't hurt" defense.

If you can't see the slipper slope here, then you're a bigger retard than your flag indicates.

I'm not going to explain it to you, because I realize the big words will just fly right over your pointy head.

> Shoup
> nose (pic related)
Quite possibly a Jew

It's like Eric Striker said about the guy who kicked 'the phone' out of that girl's hand - they're children who can't distinguish social media from reality.

Attached: shelby-shoup.png (596x425, 363K)

i wanna put my penis in her

She's female Kenshiro.

Attached: kenshiruto.jpg (640x432, 80K)

I'd let that Khazar temptress give me her milk any day of the week.

>eye brows
>hair cut
>nose ring
she's literally disgusting

Imagine being such a pussy that you run to the cops cause a girl threw chocolate milk at you

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she looks like a trans elon musk

Don't listen to these fags. She a cute.

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'unwelcome body contact'

oh no they were using their first amendment rights. real good win liberal jew
a civilized one you zipper head

those fucking eyebrows

Attached: howard[1].jpg (704x396, 37K)


based. that'll teach that roastie for not having sex with those redpilled chads. chocolate moomoo is for tendies, not spilling on b&r chads.

shes a jew not a khazar

Imagine being such a jew that you use a memeflag to try to justify why a kike shouldn't be charged for what's clearly a crime.

Oh look a little antifa just showed up, all the poor little communist got put in jail boo we’re coming for all of you little fuckers

Attached: Motivationconsequences.jpg (750x600, 45K)

What the hell did you expect you dumb nigger, did you expect to be able to throw random liquids on other people and get away scott free? Lmao, you could get lawfully killed in retaliation for this just 100 years ago in the West by the same person you threw your shitty choco milk on.

Attached: mcafee-DUELING.jpg (650x340, 251K)


Is there a video of this milk throwing?

Her cunt houses many nubile rats.

Attached: bestialcunt.jpg (634x633, 44K)

antifa kike


Attached: choco milk.jpg (183x275, 3K)

im neither a jew or a republican fuckhead look reddit take your faggot shit there

Are you?

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Jow Forums is a pathetic alt-right echochamber. Any decent person can't stand this place for more than a little while at a time.

People shoot up Pittsburg including cops....2A! Don't touch MUH G UNS!

Little girl throws milk: Lock her up, snitch her out.

This is why Liberal Chad cucks you faggots bitches.

Attached: IMG_20180616_111012.jpg (400x436, 51K)

No that’s not the point I’m sure we could beat the shit out of her but you know that’s not really the right thing to do but are letting them get away with that shit just isn’t going to happen anymore

More pics from her site. Full disclosure: these people typically annoy the fuck out of me but I actually like this broad. Her art is cool and she's very beautiful. It's that simple. Also it's adorable that she drinks chocolate milk.

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Philadelphia shoot up not a Republican

Anyways, who the fuck calls the police because *chocolate milk* was splattered on them? Conservatives really are as self-victimizing as the libs. You can really tell by the way the faggot lisped 'what is WRONG with you' throughout the entire video.

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She’s a fucking communist she’s wearing a goddamn call me a pin on her jacket she’s not here she is the enemy

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I want her milk

>People shoot up Pittsburg including cops....2A! Don't touch MUH G UNS!
>Little girl throws milk: Lock her up, snitch her out.
Not understanding the difference between disarming law abiding citizens in response to one criminal's acts and enforcing the law against one specific criminal is why you are a subhuman brainlet.

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What the fuck is even going on with her eye brows??

The point is to make them get rekt by their own rules. Just like how lefties call the police on you for harmless shit that still counts as assault you should do the same.

Like you're not lactose intolerant, kike.

She's doing it for the performance aspect. She probably has public speaking issues and trying to argue for something like communism in the US would be a good mental exercise.


she just needs to redraw her eyebrows and all will be well

Attached: ayyyyy.jpg (3440x1936, 437K)

Would die for Israel just to motorboat those suckers.

How about correcting the fag I quoted?

Why was she dolled up like some prostitute?

>ur nazis ur nazis!!!!
>no we're not but why are you wearing commie stuff

>naziism pulled genocide exactly once
>but they call for communism which has killed at least 10 times more than naziism ever did, and still happens to this day in multiple different countries that people have to flee from

Attached: adurr.jpg (280x359, 25K)

Oh ffs shut up

>11 of my people killed
So she's a jew? No suprise there

Imagine that face with a bowl cut and you have a typical Asian male

If this was in Portugal, she'd be knocked out right there.