Why was she so sad & angry?
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>Posts vid in Finish with no English subs
Explain what's going on and what's she is saying.
Are Finns based or are they cucked like Swedes?
Not a Finn living in Finland although I am part Finnish.
From what I see the Finnish are more serious about their identity since both wars they had to create their country. More so with the continuation war from the 40's. Nat Soc Germany helped them and a little unknown fact is their AirForce still has the swastika on their plans for their emblems.
>a little unknown fact is their AirForce still has the swastika on their plans for their emblems
That's pretty cool.
The woman is sad that she is finnish I think, although I'm not finnish so I dont fully understand.
I wanted a Finnish user to translate
She wants my black dick to cheer her up. I’d fuck her if you pay me right in front of the entire pathetic white race.
Just mongol things
Based Finns don't give a fuck. They have to know how the rest of the world views the swastika?
She's surprised that she's 100% Finnish? I could have told her that.
Settle down Tyrone. Nobody wants your hiv ridden dong.
100% Suomi, great DNA journey there.Women want to feel unique and exotic, this bitch is a plain as snow and her only history is reindeer herding through the northern tundra.
Not surprised about that.
She's on instagram and while she has some good adventure photography she is an absolute leftist.
Sad to see she hates herself.
Did she say what she wanted to be? I mean she lives in Finland and to be surprised she is Finn is plain stupid.
This is just a memorial parade. They don't use the swastika anymore.
Hello POME
>A pathetic white male tries to talk to me in 2018
daily reminder not to mix. Love and support your race. They want to break us apart. There is no upgrade from being white
>They don't use the swastika anymore
>Uses one in a parade
But we do
t. served in the airforces, II/15
Do you know what a memorial parade is?
No we let the stats do the talking for us. It must be really sad worshiping the white mans daughter day in and day out. Have some self respect.
On your uniforms? on the airplanes?
Why are you getting so specific on where they use it. WHO CARES? The point is that they still use it.
Thank you for confirming Finn user
God I hate these retards.
On our flags. It's the symbol for our airforces. Planes have different insignia
Can you die?
Can you pls address this question?
Theres so many tiny channels where the only vid on their channel with significant views (or the only one alltogether) is their dna test..
Doesn't seem organic at all. It's even more suspicious when the majority of the white female youtubers falling into this category have a negative reaction to their 100% white results.
It's already known that the DNA companies pay youtubers (or just give them kits for free) in exchange for them featuring the results on their channel as advertisement.
Wouldn't be too surprised if (((certain))) DNA companies even made sure that the women have a negative response to their fully white results.
She's upset that she's 100% Finnish. She wishes on the video that she would be at least 1% Mongolian or something. Also, mentions on the video that her husband is foreign.
She wrote it herself
Although her husband is European himself so its he prolly around 100% white himself.
People like her make me want to dump her in Africa and see how she likes non whites.
What is implied by foreign? Russian or something?
Or is it Sub Saharan African kind of foreign?
Your Answer Not sure which Euro country he is from though.
Is it true that people go crazy after staring at snow for a long time? Because that could explain it.
>She's upset that she's 100% Finnish
Why? Does she explain her reasoning?
Diversity is our strength
I thought Finns were not white and therefore very diverse?
Is that what she says or are you just guessing?
There's no reasoning. From the way she speaks, I infer that she just likes things she considers exotic, and thinks that it would be cool if she was sort of exotic herself.
...which is true for so many of these people that push multiculturalism. So much so that I have a hard time not seeing most of them as vapid and uneducated hillbillies.