You're on Jow Forums on a saturday night. what gives?

You're on Jow Forums on a saturday night. what gives?

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Im an aging gen x-er and I’m already under the covers having sensible chuckles looking at memes.

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I’ve been sick for 5 months.

I'm some sort of awakened telepath, in the process of being forced into my dharma.

I have freedom.

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Nightclub manager. Just got through one of my four yearly hell weeks. Took the weekend off, went to the mountains, sitting on the deck of my cabin puffing a stogie, drinking pic related, listening to the coyotes sing, and shitposting.

i absolutely hate people. misanthropy is what its called. the only way i can tolerate you faggots is through 2 computer screens

drinking too much of pic related, apparently.

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I'm happy for you if you are happy

Jow Forums amuses me.

The purpose of dharma is not only to attain a union of the soul with the supreme reality, it also suggests a code of conduct that is intended to secure both worldly joys and supreme happiness.

Just got home. Its 3:30am so i dont want to text or call anyone at this time but im not ready to sleep yet.

#metoo with some estrogen ale for a chaser

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What's your excuse, OP? Pot calling the kettle black?

Just got in from dinner with my wife. Watching gay Nazi docs while she puts the baby to bed.

sounds /comfy/, have one for me lad

In bed with my wife. Pretty comfy.

Is that what you call her boyfriend? The baby? Disgusting.

Yes, I am on the river.

Pics pls

oh that's very simple, I'm a poorfag

as a result of my poverty I can't get a girlfriend or afford to move up in life because doing anything which could generate revenue requires money. it takes money to make money. thus i am eternally poor.

Watching Gargoyles on Svengoolie.

Today's my free day. Got stuff to do tomorrow and then work on monday. What's your problem?

>doesnt state his own reason
>1 post by this ID

mostly doing homework for computer science classes. Don't have friends but once in a while i just go to concerts and get high and take acid and walk through the city. Gonna probably do that tomorrow when i go hiking.

Leave Jow Forums if you want dharma.

love you too buddy

jews, mostly.

Gen-Xer checking in

Watching Netflix and not in the mood to go out drinking

>he takes cuck science
>he doesn't make 40k a month from various shitty apps he published on google play store for the retarded kids to play

Yea, keep doing you

an anime body pillow doesnt count bud.

and even if it did, humblebragging on pol is pathetic.

The reason is our last thread about drinking got deleted by the nigger mods, and these threads don't

As we are confined to our spiritual work...often one feels the need to say hi to the cashier so to speak.

Or in this case shitpost

Am alcoholic, trying not to go out and drink using the power of being mad on the internet

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procrastinating doing research for a job interview monday

It's Sunday here

post her feet with timestamp

>If you’re not out partying RIGHT NOW you’re a loser

Everyone operates under the assumption people here are virgin basement dwelling neats. If you say you aren’t, people just accuse you of it more. The idea is to piss you off so much that you dox yourself

This website has more ‘normal’ people on it than most people would be comfortable with, so they invent a strawman with cheeto dust covered fingers.

I certainly don’t hold the extreme views most do on this imageboard, but I’m not retarded enough to think these people are all social parasites.

Why are man hole covers round?
I got that question in an interview for a field tech position at a geo-engineering company recently.

So they don't fall down the hole no matter what angle they are at.

>OP asks a question
>I answer
It's really not that hard to get grills to like you, man.

Got back home after a dinner so what

I said "because the holes are round". Still on the job search.

no desire to do much on weekends

extremely blackpilled and depressive. no energy for many things

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literally me but not literally

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My inability to obtain a college degree has thoroughly fucked my life. The worst part is i'm actually pretty smart. I had wanted to obtain my Master's at least, if not my PhD.

It's okay though, you guys have many third world foreigners who can carry the torch since Americans are just lazy.

Best of luck

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What did you answer? I would say...cost to build ratio as there are better engineered entrances.

Because if they were square, vandals could drop them down the hole

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I also might have thought who the fuck cares.

Human bodies are repulsive.

I haven't had an irl frand since 2009, and even then we never hung out.

this is life OP

Honestly, do what I did to no longer be poor. Raid abandoned houses of antiques/ valuables until you have a good amount of cash

Why can't you go back and finish/get a different degree?

Just go get a job work hard and then get a better job if you want too. the college jew shit is getting old.

I'm so introverted that I prefer the company of an anonymous Mongolian basketweaving forum. I'm lying on my bed with my doggo.

Because I have acquired autism

It's Sunday. I'm posting from Church.

>sounds /comfy/, have one for me lad
kek. I'm gonna sip the whole bottle.

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Well, at least you know the answer now.

I wouldn't trade watching LIVEPD with my faggot rabbit chat for any club/normie degeneracy

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I work hard enough on sales to make 30 bicks an hour, and now I'm bored.

>so they invent a strawman with cheeto dust covered fingers.
The Finn?

I have experience user. Still get looked over because of the no-degree.

I'm almost 30

Not a bad idea but I haven't seen much abandoned buildings here

Fucking Marty McFly over here

>what gives?
Existential crisis about the future of the white race and some white's seemingly endless desire to end it.

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>as a result of my poverty I can't get a girlfriend
protip: anyone can get a girlfriend.
You just have to be willing to fug someone uglier than you are.

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sunday is the pagan day of worship
the solemnity of the Sabbath wasn't changed upon the resurrection of Christ
10 commandments are eternal
Catholic spooks removed the 2nd commandment, changed the 4th, then split the 10th into two separate commandments to preserve the number

alcoholism due to no happenings

I moved in with my father 4 years ago to save up for a house. I can't date while living with my old man because he is lame and his house is a shitbox. I have saved enough money and started shopping for a house and got pre approved Oct 1st but havent found a house I like yet. I have put in 2 offers so far but the seller didn't come down enough for me so the search continues. As such I am alone and shitposting on Jow Forums while drunk hoping a good house comes on the market here soon. Pray to Kek for me that I find a good house soon, user. If you would be so kind.

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get a load of this virgin

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I'm a graveyard super, this is just a regular day at noon in my world.

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I'm just trying to survive day by day.

the hard part is getting yourself to like you

I knew the reason before, but the question was about the covers, and I thought I was being witty. They weren't looking for witty, I guess.

>be me
>drive Uber and Lyft at airport on Saturday night
>make money
>also keep my online dating apps up while waiting for rides
>hook up with bored girls stuck in lay overs at nearby hotels
I’m literally getting paid to hook up with hot girls from around the country

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This is actually true but bad advice. Punch above your weight class, women are just as insecure as you are & will often overlook a lot to feel loved. Just talk to as many women as you can.

Cause jews.

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Saturday night is a calm down and recover night for me, and that means a night of Jow Forums...
Last night I had my practice with my band...I don't normally work Fridays, although I have the last 6 weeks except this Friday, so I recovered, did some running around for some shit, and spent the rest of the time learning 2 new tunes-Ratt's Round and Round and Pat Beniars Hit Me With Your Best Shot...
I went out earlier this evening(7:30) to pick up some PA gear that was getting sold cheap...
Been a great day desu...

No I'm literally staying with family right now, I can't get a girlfriend, I'm a bum at the moment


>casually dumps a 20 hour playlist

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work around 60hrs a week so I mostly sleep on weekends and browse pol. dont have energy to party till 5am and blackout from drugs/alcohol.

I know "fake it till you make it" is a meme at this point, but it's the only way.

post when you catch ebola so the rest of us can brace ourselves

>The truth is bad advice
This is how I know you're fucking sober.

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a lot of people have all the time in the world, dontcha know

I'm not in the mood for a 2h+ back & forth debate where I drop essays worth of text so I just leave a playlist


Spent all day out with my family. Now they are sleeping and I am relaxing. Are you suggesting my life is not adequate because I'm not "out" at midnight on a Saturday? What could I possibly be doing instead, getting drunk at the bar talking to roasties? Get YOUR life together.

I'm at a dance club full of Boomers with my boomer dad to celebrate his birthday

i tried that once, did some unlicensed unbonded plumbing work and got my ass handed to me in court when i ruined someone's bathroom

What city?

>No I'm literally staying with family right now, I can't get a girlfriend, I'm a bum at the moment

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Your dad celebrates his birthday at a club? Is that based or sad?


Celebrating early his 60th

Doesn't matter

Hoping you'll livestream your suicide.


I also am an alcoholic and I am also doing the same thing. The amount of political chaos + drinking = recipe for complete insanity. I totally lost my mind 2 days ago and went on a day drinking binge yelling at myself.

Was not good. Do not wish to repeat.

Lmao the woman looks like a smug pepe

Im a loser.