If your eyes don't look like pic related, then you aren't white. It's still all about the melanin.
Neck yourself nazi subhuman
poos get surgery to un-poo their eyes now
well what about Green? my brother and sister got my fathers blue but i got my mothers green. Am i less white then them?
Get in the oven
True. I have green eyes and I recently discovered that I'm at least 1/400th African, and who knows what else in my ancestry.
>gatekeeping whiteness
>tfw brown eyes
Ok then. Fuck wh*tey.
i guess i'm on the jews side now guys
sorry it had to be this way
Green eyes are more common in Indian populations than white ones.
>A study of Icelandic and Dutch adults found green eyes to be much more prevalent in women than in men. Among European Americans, green eyes are most common among those of recent Celtic and Germanic ancestry, about 16%. 37.2% of Italians from Verona and 56% of Slovenes have blue/green eyes.
literally first search on google
kike D&C slide thread woooooooooooo
I have green eyes fuck you op.
Interesting. I'm a Jewish female with naturally blonde hair & blue eyes. I'm GOP & I hate nazis. I have blue eyes on both sides of my 100% Jewish family, same for blonde hair.
Why does it look like shes chuggin down cockmeat
If you don't have green eyes, red hair, and freckles like pic related, then you aren't white.
jews have a history of interbreeding with europeans to pass
my childhood friend was jewish and had the same combination
sorry pajeet
i'd rather an hero than embrace kikery, don't do it user
green eyes > blue eyes
Well fuck I better go vote straight democrat.
open khazar milkers send lasagna
i'm not a pajeet, i'm a white anglo saxon with brown eyes and brown hair
OP is retarded
Don't think so. My great great grandparents lived in Poland & Russia in JEWISH ghettoes. So that doesn't hold up. And my family only lived pretty much with other Jews, yk, for safety.
There's plenty of us blonde/blue Jews out there.
>i'm a white
>brown eyes
sure thing Sanchez
Khazar theory is 100% fake & has been found to be 100% #FakeNews
I had brown eyes as a kid, they changed to green in my 20’s on their own.
>he thinks i'm Hispanic
lmao retard
>mfw i'm WHITE with English, Scottish, German, Irish, heritage.
You need to get a job or start a useful business.
Technically GREEN EYES are related to BROWN EYES, so technically, Blue eyes mean less brown haplotypes possibly in your genetics but not always.
Actually, it's about blood. Rh negative blood is the only trait that is uniquely White. Even Africans and Asians get blue eyes.
> brown eyes
> brown hair
You aren't 100% white user. Sorry to break it to you. You have some percentage of mud in your blood otherwise you would have blue eyes and blonde hair. Maybe its a small percent like 2% or something I don't know but you aren't full white.
why indeed
Yay I'm white now
t.shlomo shekelsteinberg
Rh negative women have an increased chance of miscarriage when impregnated by an Rh positive man. More reason not to race mix.
Her PS controller is white.
Brown haired, brown eyed anglos invented everything of worth though.
No one with blue eyes ever accomplished anything i'm afraid.
My parents are Rh positive but I'm Rh negative. What do
Don't reply to white division threads
99.9 percent of people have some sort of mud in their blood, user.
gooks invented guns, guns are of worth.
Why do so many anglos have brown eyes?
I understand why meds have brown eyes because of the warmer climate, but anglos are basically nordic and yet a lot of them have brown eyes
Fuck you blue eye niggers, coming in and invading the green eye homeland of Europe, polluting our gene pool
Smurf Niggers
Game theory says limiting your options for team selection is loss
Mine is A+ and I have blue eyes.
Mediterranean > Nordic
She looks like she has downs syndrome
Sorry user, you aren't White.
She’s being bred by big black cock
You're a racist piece of shit
Well I'm of Danish and German orgin and A+ is the most common in Denmark and Germany.
Blocks your path.
Green eyes accepted?
>Ukranian & Russian
Either you were adopted/kidnapped by your Tatar parents, or your parents are Tatar rapebabies who are heterozygous for the Rh trait, and you just got lucky and inherited the recessive Rh negative gene from both of them.
My son has blue eyes and he's only 1/4 white.
>German heritage
Turkish then
Even Abbos have blue eyes. Rh negative blood is the only uniquely White trait.
He's basically straight from the steppe
I have a friend that is quarter saudi. Blonde hair blue eyes
The greatest knight who ever lived.
I got good blue eyes, but I’m a black Swede... am I safe?
>Brown haired, brown eyed anglos invented everything of worth though.
>No one with blue eyes ever accomplished anything i'm afraid.
Werner von Braun took us to the moon.
>quarter saudi
Probably quarter Iranian m8
Whats the differece?
Both middle eastern shitskins and are indistinguishable
...Well, meybe Saudi Arabians look more negro
Iranians are traditionally Persian, who are actually as white as you can get without being white.
Most decorated Nazi soldier.
>as white as you can get without being white
Don't lie.
The French & Anglos are as white as you can get without being white.
Iranians are not even European, let alone white
These types are our freakshow, they're your core population.
I mean... if they were browner.
white people rule
She looks great now but I bet that skin will age terribly.
So am I white or what
i'm not a t*rk
anglos and french are white
What if my gf has blue eyes and I have a 50% chance of making blue eyed babies?
Teбe тaк вaжнo быть бeлым?
Hy дaвaй oбмaзaйcя кpacкoй бyдeшь здecь caмым бeлым
It's about bed time for you zoomer, consider dropping the meme flag starting tomorrow.
>Anglos and french are white
They aren't.
Exceptions are made. /Nasim hasn’t got blue eyes, until I fight my way into the underworld and bring her back, then she can have one of mine.
What about green eyes?
Oh fuck off kike
What's Rh negative blood? I'm doubtful there are any uniquely white traits. Its just a social construct.
Ayyy =")
Angry anglo
Not white
Your eyes are fine, but your forehead is fucked.
Means there is non white admixture. You wouldn't be allowed in the ethno state
I'm just shitposting, fren
D&C slide thread.
Me too
I'd still help to create an ethnostate as much as I possibly could.
>2/3rds of anglos have brown eyes
>Therefore most brits aren't white
green is the superior color. we are the true ubermensch. you filthy blue eyed nigger.
>Even Abbos have blue eyes
yeah exactly. if you dont look like pic related, you're not white
A blue eyes originated from a single tribe that existed around the black sea several thousand years ago. That were driven north, because the brown eyed people thought they were demons.
hey you've got blue eyes right goyim?
only white people have blue eyes