The absolute state of white nationalism
The absolute state of white nationalism
Poland wants to restore territory to Germany!
According to the Final Settlement on the Status of Germany, Germany doesn't have to pay additional reparations and, in turn, surrenders als claims to its Eastern Territories.
Poland has announced that this part of international law is suddenly null and void - great news for the EU, UN and Soros!
Finally, the poor refugees can be dumped on "Polish" soil. I sugegst to allow, Italy and France to also dump their illegals on Silesia, Pomerania and East Prussia.
I ask the government of Poland to negotiate the status of Danzig with Berlin. The other areas are a done deal, Poland has waived its claims.
Germany is a cuck nation now. Let's just face the reality of things. Yes it's sad...very sad. They are just a defeated, cuck, negro nation now.
Dry your tears and set your mind on the fight!
Poland...a based, redpilled nation, like Hungary...I am all for them using every tool at their disposal.
Suing for reprations? It worked for the Jews didn't it?
With these monies....massive armaments can be purchased.
LOL this is the exact shit that led to WWII. These subhuman Poles keep asking for it again and again.
Have you not read my post, you shitstain on the ass of America? When will you pay reparations to African Americans?
It is especially stupid because, as I explained, it gives the EU - in theory - a right to claim Polish territory via Berlin.
But Poles are low-IQ and inbred.
Poland won't get it, and will just look like whiners.
It's a distraction for the domestic electorate, nothing more.
Sounds interesting.
Since my family comes from Prussia and had a large real estate property, among other things in Zoppot, which is the Polish Hamptons, a reparation would surely come out for me.
>the Final Settlement on the Status of Germany
That is a deal created by the Soviet Union who manipulated 2 of their puppet states, Poland and East-Germany. It was about keeping peace in the eastern bloc and securing the territories they had annexed from Poland thanks to a deal made with Germany 1939. Poland had no real say in this and it should be considered invalid.