Election NIght

WIll the dems taket he house?

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Economy is good, and nogs are too lazy to vote, especially in midterm elections

if they don't, the liberal breakdown will be glorious.

More youth are getting red-pilled
More nignogs are getting red-pilled
Red-pilled people vote
The apathetics stay home
Demonrats are losing numbers
Fraud is the only Demonrats hope, and they are working hard on that

>pornhub, tinder, amazon etc. all pushing "remember to vote"
it's a sign.

calling for rain in my area, so no blue wave here

how much losing do you think they can take before we start seeing public protest suicides on Capitol Hill?

They'll fail to win the house or the senate and their tears will be ever so tasty.

sign of what?not much more

Not soon enough. They've been crying for 2 years straight.
This one would be fucking demoralizing for them.

Avalon had the chance to leap over the counter and behead Hillary....she didn't do it.
FAIL! Blue pilled FAIL!

Without a doubt atleast 30-40 seats will go to the democrats.

Dems are too fired up about trump and his policies to NOT vote. They’ll be flocking to the polls like crazy.

Not to mention there’s tens of millions more dems than repubs and there’s no EC to save Republicans this time around.

NO. Cruz will win

>magic glowing box told me bad orange man firing me up

sorry, user...but the 2 year long fucktard fest from the left has gotten normal people fired up too. IOW any surge you're expecting will be met with a counter surge...and sorry to tell you this, but despite the impression the magic glowing box tries to make ...there are significantly more red voters out there than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

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What is the election for?


President of Texas

Cruz is in the senate you fucking mong

MANY right leaning types are completely energized by the current schizophrenia exhibited by the rabid left ! The Kavanaugh Circus and the lefts total disregard for the truth pretty much point to a major BLUE IMPLOSION come Tuesday! BE SURE YOU VOTE REPUB !

checked and wrecked myself :(

This is simple for me and I will explain why. In 2008 I voted for Ralph Nader and the Green Party, I was just voting third party because the whole system sucked McCain and Obama? No fucking way, I will throw my vote away first and I did (at least Nader made my car safe, it was more than the major party candidates have done for me, I reasoned...). Then the democrats became such retarded fucks that I started swinging right...Libertarian in 2012, and after the bullshit the "Dreamers" pulled in San Jose I knew I had no choice, I had to vote for the only person who saw they were as much of an issue as I did. Trump. Oh shit, I thought, I am not voting fucking republican, but as the campaign progressed I was able to see the left had become unhinged, mad, nay, drunk with power...I had to vote Republican, something I swore I would never do. Now, with every passing day I hate the left more.

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