User, do you play fantasy football?

Please go ahead and KYS if you do.

Muh nigger points.

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I will not be corrected by a goddamn retarded lead.

Every year for the last 5 years I've won 1000 dollars from my company's fantasy football team. Who's the dumbass now?

How much time have you spent? If you applied yourself in other ares would you have made more or made your life more fulfilling?

Sports are meant to be played not watched. Only a fag would watch men in tights pass a ball around.


How many hours do you put into your team? Divide the 1000 by that to see how big of a faggot you are.

Don't care I already make 130k a year.


So 70-80 hours. lol. My god youre a fucking loser. All the money in the world won’t erase the fact that you watch niggers in tights get you imaginary points where you can make $5/hour.

I don't watch them either LOL. And the number is probably more like

Fly Eagles Fly

It’s a good way to keep up with the sport and I enjoy talking shit to my friends

If you don’t like sports, you’re either a female or you can’t appreciate the hard work and talent that goes into atheltics and you’re a bitch

You know everything you typed here is a lie. You’ll say it’s not but deep down you know it is.

You watch and get emotionally invested in niggers wearing tights and getting sweaty and spend your whole day watching it to make $5|hr.

Lmao. aye girl I got these imaginary nigger points here wanna go out?

Absolute state of your closeted homosexual ass.

Nope. I listen to my NPC coworkers talk about their fantasy points and teams all the time though.

I have more athletic ability in my left than than you have in your whole body. I have the rings to prove it to.

I played. I don’t watch niggers run around like you. Big difference.

You sound butthurt. Do the other guys at your job play and you feel left out and ignored? It’s probably because you’re an awkward annoying prick, not because you’re better than them

I don’t really converse with MY employees and the guys I meet with have bigger things to talk about than niggers running around getting sweaty.

Any particular nigger you’re really pumped up to see get sweaty tomorrow?

That’s an obvious strawman. It’s not dudes getting sweaty. It’s physical strength and agility to win victory over all inferior cities. Peaceful conquest. And you’re probably a typical bitch racist here, remember Hitler trying to make whites superior in the olympics? There’s still whites in football for you ugly bitch ass to watch

So no particular nigger you just to like to watch the collective sweat off the whole horde of low IQ niggers making more than you’re whole family will make in 3 lifetimes. That’s cool I guess.

My team doesn’t play tomorrow. Its bye week for the Eagles. The quarterback is a white christian who leads the team spiritually and in game. The coach, quarterback, and tight end all gave glory to God after the superbowl win. They also do substantial work in the community.

You pick your fantasy team by their religion and community involvement. Not only are you a closeted homosexual, lover of negros getting sweaty and disrespecting the US, you’re a fucking idiot.

Also I hate to break it to you but your hometown team could give two shits about you. You’re nothing more than some faggot who buys jerseys. Please tell me you do t wear another mans name on your back.

That’s not my fantasy team, its my actual team I root for. “Disrespecting the US” Are you Trump? No one on the Eagles did the kneeling bullshit. The only kneeling the Eagles did was to pray. Also, my fantasy quarterback is Aaron Rodgers. Since you are the closeted faggot, Aaron Rodgers is regarded as one of the best of all time and tomorrow after he plays Tom Brady for the first time who is actually regareded as the greatest of all time. That’s the player to watch tomorrow.

Oh the ironing

Absolutely plebeian-tier activity you've got there, user. Sort yourself out.

I could not agree more OP. I just cant be around people who do it.... or even those who watch the game. It's so homoerotic (every play starts with the dramatization of a butt sex reach around) it makes me want to vomit. I spend my free time with amateur radio, sailing, welding, fly fishing, rebuilding a small block Chevy, etc.... real things that real men used to do...


Watching nigger ball is for cuckold faggots.

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This and sports betting are like owning actual slaves and having them make money for you as you sit there.

>feels good

>Lmao. aye girl I got these imaginary nigger points here wanna go out?
lmao, you're the biggest faggot I've come across on here. You sound like you need a diaper change.

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Fantasy football is the gayest thing next to watching Football and having another mans name on your back. Whenever I hear about retards talk about this stuff I can’t help but hear them sound like Pokémon trading nerds. Horseshoe theory needs a corollary that encompasses the athlete-nerd divide.

This is truer than many would like to admit. It's really hard to say there's a difference between somebody knowing every pokemon and someone knowing every tight end.