Are Aryans the ultimate aesthetic?

Are Aryans the ultimate aesthetic?

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Aryans might be more racially pure than Castizos but at least the castizos have eyebrows and souls

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They also often have golden-beige skin. I like many Latinas and Asians, for that reason.

Germanics are not Aryan. The closest living relatives to Aryans (Andronovo Culture) are Poles and Russians in that order.

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unfortunately no, it's the meds

Source on this?

>have that as ideal
>kill millions of people in Europe because they look like that
>subsequently demonise anyone left who looks like that


half Asian half white chicks makes me want to call up my senator and see which one will important at least 10 million Chinese women.

because otherwise i'm not voting.

All of the videos I'd post have been purged out of youtube.

Have this instead:

I like Chinese women, but we have got to have reasonable immigration quotas.

Castizos > Hapas


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it is reasonable. they have higher iq's and it's women not immigrating 10 million dicks.

the next generation has a higher iq, and we have more puss-tang this generation.

>chick looks like a dude

No, this is. An I mean to keep it that way. In print, television, music and the silver screen. This is the male beauty standard.

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Aryans dont exist you are middle eastern mutts nothing more

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How many times. Aryans are Iranians and people who look semitic and Mediterranean

Stupid zit faced mom basement beta nazi fanatics

" " < " "


Aryans never existed. Sorry to burst the bubble


Yes, especially when they make pretty patterns in the snow.

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I think so I have never seen a crypto-Jew with aesthetics that come close to the Nazis you posted. Crypto-jews are identified easily because they are all mean. I have se en many crypto-jews who are extremely ugly to the point of almost looking disfigured.

You fucking retatd in the pictute you have post norgewians are more than half aryand

And what ? You are fucking mongrels middle eastern aryans mutts

Like the perfect mixture between piss and shit.

I dont care about race retard i was only pointing the obvious

Those albino blondes you call ''Aryans'' are mutts. Germans have long bred with everybody like slavs,varingians

This , and all europeans are basically mongrels

They are middle easteners in denial

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Not sure for who has the most attractive men but, typically Slavs with a hint Bavarian in their admixture tend to be the most beautiful women in the world

Better than the Arab shitskin hordes

Hitler really has some complex. He is very Jewish looking. Hell I am from MENA and even I look more Aryan than him


You may not like it but this pic is what actual Aryan Aesthetic looks like.

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I guess pure ones do have the best ''aesthetic''

cia niggers begone

The ANGLO is the ultimate aesthetic.

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CIA ? me ? . I'm just some dude . Trust me . Now how about you give me some intel ?

>New Caledonia
nice proxy schlomo

Why lift when its all about the face?

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Yes. And it enrages the Jew.

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Lmao. Spic mutts think this looks good. Go back to your shithole Paco. I’m sick of seeing you sub-humans waddling around.

They wish to destory what they can never achieve.

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