>what do you mean you don't want to pay social security? don't you know your payments are my deposits?
What do you mean you don't want to pay social security? don't you know your payments are my deposits?
its a good system. without it there would be ten blocks of old people standing outside the soup kitchen.
get a better idea and let me know.
It is a good system, but much like communism the idea is corrupted throughout. Social security is being bled out for things other than retirement.
i am not aware of what the social security administration does with its revenue. cant argue for or against your claim.
You're going to be one of those old people standing outside a soup kitchen too then.
These fucking old sacks of flesh had better career opportunities, lower costs of living and affordable housing and somehow didn't save a cent. Fucking bullshit.
nah. everybody votes for their best interest. my generation (age 38) will vote candidates who somehow manage to screw up the books good enough to keep it afloat.
How about we keep taxes low and people just save their own money for retirement and have children who can also help take care of them when they are old?
Its not a good idea when you and I are going to be that old person in a soup line when the fund runs out.
Before you say"just save for retirement" all it takes is getting unlucky for that to not work. E.g. Ask people who tries to retire in 2008 how that worked for then
We finally have a generation of Americans that live significantly worse than the ones that came before it in objectively important metrics, and people are talking about how some rando women was raped by a judge. What a fucking joke.
keeping taxes low would mean dramatically reducing the federal and state workforce. that would push many people into the already saturated job market.
if it wasnt apparent to you already, many government jobs simply exist to keep people from rioting for food.
>Implying its gonna last that long.
im with you on that man. i know our current economic situation is bad. no question about it.
>get a better idea and let me know.
Raising your children properly so they love you and take care of you.
thats not how things work in usa. you are supposed to divorce, move away from your family, and put your parents into retirement homes.
It is literally 100% the fault of Republicans who raided the fund and continue to do so that SS is running out. Jow Forums has got to cut the bullshit for 10 seconds and realize this because SS running out is 9999x more important than any other issue talked about right now.
the boomers are going to be an electoral force until 2030. social security will be fine because any party running against it will be utterly fucked. after 2030 social security will be fine because gen X is significantly smaller than gen Y and Z.
LBJ started friend. pretty sure he was a democrat. both parties raided it.
hmm. you have my attention user.
>SS running out is 9999x more important than any other issue talked about right now.
t. crippled childless boomer
you will be the old one outside the kitchen
This is entirely false. If people go from losing 50% of their income to taxation to losing only 30% then the increase in wealth amongst the population will create enough jobs for the loss suffered in the public sector. Problem is many public employees are unemployable outside their diversity induced worthless government job. I've been to the USPS and most of those people are so incompetent they would never be hired at any place other than walmart or mcdicks. I know another way to stop people from rioting for food: bullets.
>hey listen guys, I know we started this shit program in the first place and you were completely against it, but it's your fault for its collapse
it was always going to fail, it's an inherently unsustainable system
I hope it dies so hard no amount of bailouts will save it, I look forward to it, and yes I'm fully fucking aware of the severe economic problems that will occur when it does
>Jow Forums is now defending boomer vampirism
It's a good idea when I could turn that 6.5% of my income the government steals for Social Security (13% if you include my employer's share) into a much better return than the government can, plus if I die before I get to withdraw it would go to somebody I want to have it instead of Uncle Sam. If boomers don't like it they should have saved more, had more kids (future taxpayers) and left their kids a better economy instead of outsourcing jobs and importing illegals and H1Bs to drive down American wages so paying for old people gibs wouldn't be such a fucking burden on workers.
Hope you remember this retarded comment when your 401k dies because some untouchable jew banker, who will be totally fine, wanted to make another million.
Do yourself a favor and look at a retirement calculator. Put in your most optimistic estimate about your income and see exactly how hard it is to take care of yourself especially considering the avg lifespan is increasing and considering your investments can be wiped out if you are unlucky.
Capitalism is the best economic system we have, it also completely fails to meet the basic needs of the middle class in a time of crisis. That is just reality. That is why you need social welfare systems to guarantee a base level of living when you can no longer work and support you. Its common sense.
>get a better idea and let me know.
Sell everything they own at auction and give 100% of the money to the their new home....a retirement home that they can afford. IF they need government assistance, they can sit in a government sponsored commie block and think about all the horrible policies they created to make the Social Security system go bankrupt before they could collect.
>Its not a good idea when you and I are going to be that old person in a soup line when the fund runs out.
If you are planning on having social security as part of your "income" you are a fucking retard who deserves to be in a bread line.
I don't even work enough to pay taxes.