Why haven't you moved to North Korea, Jow Forums?

They'll give you a shelter, job, education for free

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What type of entertainment is available in North Korea?

no Jersey Shore or X Factor

You actually have to interact with other humans

public stonings


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North Korea is for koreans no other race allowed

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The very best amusements, kind sir

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they have their korean ethnostate, we should respect that
ever wonder that kike media only really hates NK because it's the only other ethnostate?

Best Korea

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Let's remember when North Korea were world cup champions

>for "free"
Shlomo, being robbed at gunpoint (a.k.a. taxation) is not freedom.

Also, this is a slide thread. Do NOT reply.

there are no taxes in north korea, state just runs the businesses and uses surplus (what would be a capitalist's profit) for their funds and programs

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they sieg heil at 15:25

For the record, living as a peasant in north korea is better than living the whole life as a minium wagecuck

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My cock is too big

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You get to shoot people trying to cross the border into South-Korea and I hear teaching english is an actual non-meme career over there as long as you don't smack-talk Kim-Jung-Un's "World of Tanks" skills.

because Democratic People's Republic of Finland already gives me all that and the job option is voluntary. you don't have to work if the government pays all.

>try to move into best korea
>get lobotomized


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North Korea has supermarket as of now

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Yes I wonder why they don't let anyone film what is happening inside the country, or why they kill anyone that tries to cross the border. Good job OP keep the photos, nice bait.

That explains why most of these videos are on jewtube

Jews don't like North Korea because it's defiant of their rule

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Crushing NK pussy

Because I wouldn't be allowed to settle in their homeland maybe?

literally, notice how it's been only our US kike media shitting itself over north korea? npcs on twitter also started shitting themselves over north korea nuking them
kikes are just mad that there's another ethnostate that doesn't tolerate stupidity

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Feminists in North Korea: 0
Jews in North Korea: 0
Niggers in North Korea: 0
Mexicans in North Korea: 0
Muslims in North Korea: 0
Instances of teen pregnancy in North Korea: 0
Number of people with AIDS in North Korea: 0

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i dont want to starve
also theyre the enemy of israel

Reading kims biography till you memorize it

Do they give complementary jailbait gf on arrival?

That baby is fat

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I am positive that whatever it is that's in that pan is fucking delicious

the world is the enemy of israel

They can live on fish alone shlomo

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I'm just waiting for Kim to open the borders so I can move there legally, teach English, and hopefully find a qt Nork girl that I can marry.

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I'm sure they're already doing that though

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holy shit theyre giving norks plastic surgery now?

Imagine having to sieg heil a fat cuck everyday

Yes look at how successful the Norks are. It almost makes me not want to nuke their mongoloid kingdom back to the stone ages from whence it came.

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Good job David Sensei.

having sex with your state approved wife for the glory of the party.

Should I go there and teach Engursihu?

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US Navy confirmed gay

The outside of Pyongyang is hell in North Korea.

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Fire and fury the likes of which the entire world has seen and subsidized for the past 60 years

I like food too much.

>short hair

many of them are cute but need to grow their hair out.

They can only operate simple surgeries like eyelid surgery

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technically a dog house or abandoned bus stop counts as shelter
great i can shovel dirt for half a dollar a day >education for free
truly i look forward to becoming a world class big brained nibba with that education

for real? I thought norks whole thing was pure traditional beauty.

i know this may come as a surprise

but there are ugly and pretty people everywhere

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i wasn't being an epic troll. I know nork faces. those are not nork.

But, for the most part, they are just natural beauties

where does this gif actually originate?

don't know

Cartoons with sexy vixens

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East euro probably.

If an old man did that in the West, the girl would accuse him of mysogny and sue.

How is this picture wrong, mutt?

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>Number of people with AIDS in North Korea: 0

Imagine being American. Imagine being so used to living in a country of mutts that a purebred Korean looks like a plastic surgery patient. Imagine having no exposure to pure races to the point that you’re unsettled by the beauty of racial purity

I rather have aids than live in a nigger infested hellhole like Paris.

I am actually a second gen immigrant from korea :)

My mom has worked for a few years in a plastic surgery clinic :)

I have seen korea go from dirt poor shithole to kpop kingdom :)

I have seen these mutant barbie doll faces pop up so you cannot fool my eyes, memeflag nigger :)

This is the least modest kind of apparel they can get

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>tfw sexually ambiguous rail thin androgynous Asian women turn me on more than the THICCest of females

I’m gay as fuck boys

yeah, but why is someone filming this? was it part of an adult movie or something?

>Kpop kingdom
If Korea is so good, why don’t you go back you filthy faggot. Oh wait, they don’t have gibs like we do! I forgot

Saying rude things about the regime, you get invited to dinner with kim for bravery, trust me my dad works for ningmendo NK division

>trying to appeal to racists wth a country full of Norks

This is just sad. Psyops should have some effort.

Most of the people who criticize north korea are kike owned american media outlets and the puppets who watch it.

No doing it when you live there obviously, doing it when out of the country is pointless

kek now you're mixing up your races you dumb fucking mutt.

>curved earth
telling lies?

Most of the time people who criticize homogenous states are just mouthpieces for jew owned media outlets. Even when they are in the country. Why do you think most defectors end up returning?

>Oh no, there’s no jewish degeneracy in North Korea! This is Hell!

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They have guidelines for haircut

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>no light pollution

pick one

ok, i will give it a pass

Yea. It's a blooper. It's funny in the normie context because they just see an old man kicking a girl, but they don't understand the context behind what the man see's and feels to be compelled into doing this.

She cute.

Honestly, an ethnically nationalistic society is about the only cause worth dying for these days.
It really is the only cause that says, "Hey, our race and species made it this far, let's respect that and group together and thrive."

>starvation meme
I gotten bored of brainless npcs like you idiots.

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north korea only needs one television station because all of their programming is the best (no commercials either)

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how do i join the special hot dog interrogation corps

north koreans can even see all the stars at night still. who's truly wealthy here?

that grandpa would look fuckin stylish in any country

Here are more NoKo pics if anyone is interested

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keep posting