Even in the Senate it seems >early vote in NV locks the state for Democrats >ALL AZ polls, even R internals, have them losing the state >TN literally tied >TX within margin of error, massive turnout
The House is definitely gone, the Senate is a tossup
Far more races need to be somehow won by the GOP to keep the House. Only 1 or 2 of the competitive ones for the Senate for Democrats.
Massive difference. Since NV and AZ are already won, that's 51-49 towards Democrats right there already. ND will probably flip for Rs so that's 50-50, but TN is tied as I said. So it all hangs with TN.
Kayden Walker
Blue Wave am I right guys? No, but seriously, what the hell happened to the Democrats?
He is just so massively full of shit. His whole basis for arguing for the blue wave the last two years was depressed R turnout. Now that its obvious that wont happen, he believes that even though Ds are seeing lower turnout, Inds are suddenly going to swing left in a booming economy with the liberals going full fascist retard.
He knows he is full of shit too, and he just does this shit to agitate us. Which is why I'm certain he will never fucking leave.
It is. I wish they'd ask specifics like from Iraq.
I love how he uses Bolton bleed them dry before the bombs.
Charles Williams
Yes, a recent poll has TN tied, and TX within MoE as I said
And massive turnout in both, specifically for young people.... Hmmm..
Seems like 2016 to me, but in reverse
Andrew Peterson
No chance at all that that one poll could be an outlier when all the others save one had her ahead by a comfortable margin. Nope.
Oliver Walker
i have Fins filtered because none of them are interesting
Isaiah Robinson
I was laid off because my former employer was able to replace me and 20 other workers with illegals who were willing to work for half the pay. It wasn't even like he offered us the chance to take a pay cut to keep working. Some of my co-workers who were laid off will die. They were barely sustaining themselves as when it happened.
Voting red better fix this. Also reported this shit to ICE.
Mason Cruz
what are they gonna do with the house? they will just hang themselves with something stupid. at least they can pretend to be the outsiders right now.
And why do you ignore it whenever it's brought up?
Luke Bennett
> 1 vote > losing is almost like winning > being fucked in the ass by Jamal is almost like fucking Melania goddess pussy No, really, do continue. Your tears of frustration lube my raging boner
I will wake up on Wednesday I will smugly chuckle as I think about what has gone down as I slept Filled with glee, yet in a zen-like state I slide on to my chair, and open up my browser I get to Jow Forums and see the reactions "THE SENATE TOO??? JUST!!!" among countless others Assuming the general still exists, I will find /ptg/ I will descend with such supreme levels of smugness, that you could never comprehend I see the fear "THAT DAMN FINN BETTER NOW COME HERE AND GLOAT, IF HE DID I COULD NOT TAKE IT ANY MORE, I MIGHT JUST END IT ALL!!!!" among so many others Yet I mercilessly begin with a simple "Hello everyone" I pull out my JUST folder, over 1000 images strong I pull out my word file filled with pasta and archive links
And then. Then it will begin. And it will only end in two years after that.
>No point in arguing with the nigger. It's a late-night/early-morning tradition due to our boredom. If our shitposter-in-chief would toss us a Tweet or two like he sometimes does this late, we'd have something else to chew on.
>thread literally always revolves around finnkike why the fuck do you losers keep indulging him? so many fucking plebbit fags here who feel the need to respond to shills >inb4 it's just bants m8 calm down its late and im cranky. take it up the ass dickeaters